
Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 77 Going to Town

A person walking towards Wuyou City with a monster on his back?

All the masters of the city without worries who saw this scene on the city wall went crazy.How can this be?

A powerful monster disguised as a human?However, none of the masters could feel any powerful aura from that person.

Isn't it pretending to be a person?That's even more impossible!Such a weak guy came out of Qian Jedi?Who is dreaming?Guard or yourself?

"Who discovered it? What's going on?" Soon more and more masters gathered, and more and more people didn't know the situation, and some people began to ask for details.

How can Xiao Yang and Lao Liu explain the details clearly?Old Liu Gang mentioned that some powerful monsters can pretend to be human, and a figure appeared in the jungle of thousands of Jedi over there, and he hurriedly called the police to flee for his life. What details are there?
No one could ask the details, but the masters of Wuyou City really felt like they were facing a big enemy. Seeing the figure getting closer and closer, the cold sweat on people's heads became more and more intense.

How powerful is a monster that can pretend to be a human?No one knows.That is a terrifying existence that can only appear in legends, as long as there is one, it is like picking something out of a bag to wipe out the city of worry-free.Everyone has to face such a terrifying monster, what should we do?Stand here trembling or run for your life?

The figure got closer and closer, and people could see it more and more clearly.The figure was wearing strange clothes, which looked colorful, and seemed to be damaged in some places. The walking movements were exactly the same as those of humans, and even the movements of carrying a monster's thigh were very natural.

Being able to camouflage to this extent, the power of this monster has exceeded everyone's expectations.Everyone held their weapons tightly, and didn't bother to wipe off the cold sweat streaming down their faces.At this time, it would be great if someone could come forward and give instructions?What about the mayor?Where is the mayor?

Before the city lord appeared, the human-shaped monster took out something to take a look in front of his eyes, and then started roaring from a distance.

The roar was too far away and everyone couldn't hear it clearly, but the monster started to roar, which is usually a harbinger of attack, and everyone was even more nervous.There are several formations that have activated protective formations, and everyone can see several translucent barriers appearing on the city wall.

The humanoid monster was getting closer and closer, and the speed was not fast, but the roar did not stop.Gradually, everyone heard the roar, but then everyone began to look at each other.

"Is this the city of worry-free?" Many people obviously heard this sentence, it was clearly shouting, the monster was roaring?

"Is this the city of worry-free?" More and more people heard this sentence, and everyone looked at each other again.

It turned out to be a person!No matter how powerful the monster is, it is impossible for it to speak, and no matter how disguised it is, it is impossible to speak such complete words.Cooperating with the gatekeeper to activate the highest alert, and dispatching so many experts, the monster that everyone has to face is actually a person except for the cold sweat?

This is a big joke!Worry-free City almost played out all the masters, almost showed the strongest hole card, and that opponent is actually a person?What's more, is he still an ordinary person who doesn't have the aura of a strong man?

The tense atmosphere just now turned into a joke in an instant.The aura of countless people, as if they were facing a big enemy, all disappeared without a trace. At this time, everyone realized that they were covered in cold sweat.

False alarm!While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the same question popped up in their minds: "Who is this person? Why did he come out of the jungle on the other side of Qian Jedi?"

Seeing the figure getting closer and closer, it was already within a mile.People with good eyes can already see the facial features of that person clearly, and even see what kind of monster the monster thigh on his shoulder came from.

The hind legs of a pig with five-star fangs look very fat.Fangfang pig is a kind of monster of Qianjedi, with five-star aptitude. I don’t know exactly what level the owner of that leg has reached, but one thing is certain, if it is hunted from within Qianjedi, then the level will never be too low .

To put it bluntly, the fang pig is a high-level wild boar.It is only because of its strong strength that it is called the fang pig.Of course, a pair of tusks that are sharper than a sharp blade is the biggest feature of this wild boar. I don’t know how many people want to ask for a tusk but can’t get it.

Human shadow is a young man, young at first glance, and will never be more than twenty years old.The strange clothes on the body will give people an illusion, believing that after entering the jungle, people will be subconsciously deceived by this pattern.

The young man himself is nothing special, and those who can see clearly think that the young man is just an ordinary person.Apart from the fact that the hind legs of a man carrying a tusk weighing several hundred kilograms on his shoulder seemed a little uncoordinated and abnormal, there was nothing outstanding.

Can such a person come out of Thousand Jedi?Didn't die in Thousand Jedi?Looking at the way he was carrying a fangs pig on his hind legs, he probably killed a fangs pig, who is kidding everyone?

Although the figure was getting closer and more and more masters could clearly see the appearance and movements of the young man, everyone was lost in thought.An ordinary person from Thousand Jedi?

Wait, at this age, in this attire, and from Qian Jedi, how could he be so familiar?Some people immediately began to use their brains, looking for people who could match these recent ones from their memory.

"Wang Sheng?" Someone finally exclaimed suddenly: "He is Wang Sheng! That Wang Sheng who was hunted down by five-level masters sent by the big families! Wang Sheng who was chased into the Thousand Jedi! That barbarian !"

With such a reminder, almost everyone soon knew the identity of the young man below.Worry-free city is not a closed city, on the contrary, a lot of news will be gathered to worry-free city at the first time, it can be said that it is one of the most well-informed places.

It is not a secret that Wang Sheng was hunted down by the big families a few months ago.Many masters understand the reason. To put it bluntly, it is actually one. Wang Sheng has mastered some great secrets, which are said to allow ordinary people who are not well-known to enter the realm of the first level.Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty, that's why he was chased and killed by the big families.

As for the Shi family saying that Wang Sheng stole their peerless treasure map, that is a joke.The Linglong Pavilion's four-phase Linglong seal box can be opened by ordinary people?Without the complete set of four keys, no god can open it.It's nothing more than the fact that my family destroyed the Peerless Treasure Map and couldn't think about finding a way to go down. Who couldn't see it?

The problem is, Wang Sheng was chased into Qian Jedi.There are two thousand miles away from the city of worry-free, so did Wang Sheng come to the city of worry-free through the Thousand Jedi?
(End of this chapter)

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