
Chapter 948 Fly out

Chapter 948 Fly out

Chapter [-] Fly out

The monsters are big, but they may not be very strong. They are at the eighth level at most, or even less than that.The reason why it is difficult to own is that one is difficult to capture and the other is difficult to tame, so the overall number is very rare.

Wang Sheng's heavy sniper crossbow was designed to kill legendary masters.Even the legendary masters of the ninth level can kill, let alone the flying monsters of the seventh or eighth level.As long as these monsters were within range, it would be a breeze for Wang Sheng to kill them.

However, wouldn't it be a waste to kill such a rare flying monster with one arrow?If the Nine-Character Mantra Five-Character Jue is used skillfully, it may not be impossible to control these monsters.

It's so difficult to capture flying monsters that are hard to come by, and they still have to shoot them with one arrow when they are delivered to them. That's not what they do, right?
The speed of delta wing gliding is constant, and the flying monster is much faster than this.Seeing that the monster would catch up to the three of them with just a few more flaps of its wings, Ah Qi was also a little anxious.

"Why don't you do it?" Ah Qi urged.

"No hurry, no hurry!" Before Wang Sheng could answer, the old Taoist next to him had already explained directly: "Come closer and see if there is a chance."

Wang Sheng opened his mouth, as if chanting some kind of spell, but it didn't seem to be.Ah Qi and old Taoist Ling Xu didn't hear it at all, but old Taoist Ling Xu could feel a spiritual energy emanating from Wang Sheng's mouth, knowing that Wang Sheng had released the nine-character mantra.

The flying monster suddenly stagnated in the air, as if it had stopped moving suddenly.The masters on the back of the flying monster leaped forward. If it weren't for the saddle on the monster's back, which would allow them to hold their bodies in place, they would have to throw them all out of the air.

It's just that it is common for flying monsters to suddenly have such movements in the air, and those few people are used to it. The master in charge of driving at the front skillfully pulled a belt tied on the head of the monster, yelling With a sound, the flying monster waved its wings again and chased after Wang Sheng and the others.

Wang Sheng opened his mouth again, and yelled again at the flying monster that was rushing towards him. This time, he made a sound, but it was very chaotic, as if Wang Sheng was screaming uncontrollably.

This time, the height of the flying monster dropped suddenly, its wings were completely retracted, and together with the several masters on its back, it fell freely towards the jungle below.

The few people on the monster's back were frightened out of their wits.At such a high height, no matter how high their cultivation base is, if they fall from such a height of hundreds of feet and survive, they will probably lose their skin.

A few people were in a hurry, either fixing themselves, or preparing to use the body of the monster to jump up at any time, taking various actions.The person in charge of driving remained calm all the time, patting the monster's neck and screaming non-stop, as if urging the monster to fly again.

Fortunately, the flying monster didn't really want to fall freely. When it was still a dozen feet above the ground, it spread its wings and flew up again.

The few masters on the monster's back were almost out of breath after being frightened by the scene just now, and felt that the flight became stable, and then they were relieved.His face was full of fear, and he didn't know if he would dare to ride a flying mount again in the future.

Under the command of the animal trainer in charge, the flying monster quickly flew towards Wang Sheng and the others.This time, Wang Sheng waited until the opponent was within five miles of the three of them, and he could catch up with just one or two flaps of his wings, and let out another loud roar.

The roar of the five-character formula mixed with Pu Lao's power, as if it was real, directly hit the flying monster.

Boom, this time not only the monster, but even the people on the monster's back were affected.A few people seemed to be covered under a huge bell, and then the huge bell was still ringing outside, everyone's ears were filled with buzzing noises, and in an instant, a few people even had a feeling that they would turn around immediately, don't fight with the man in front The idea of ​​the enemy arises.

The flying monster was even more unbearable. This time it just paused in the air, and then began to fall as a whole spinning.I don't even know how to collect the wings.

When the spinning fell, the people on the monster's back became even more flustered, clutching everything they could, and spinning with the monster. Except for the beast trainer, everyone else let out a desperate cry. The cry was extremely shrill.

After all, the animal trainer still has a way. During the falling process, he ignored the dizziness of being thrown, and kept hitting the neck of the flying monster with his fists in a unique rhythm, vigorously awakening the monster. Take back control.

Finally, just when everyone was about to touch the canopy below, the monster seemed to regain its sanity suddenly. It flapped a pair of huge wings, its body flattened quickly, and its belly rubbed against the canopy below and glides directly out.After turning a few turns, it flapped a few more times suddenly, and then flew up again.

Three times in a row, even the most stupid people would know that it must have something to do with the three of them chasing Wang Sheng ahead.Especially this time, Wang Sheng's roar almost stunned them all, and it was hard to know.

Under such circumstances, should we continue to pursue it?The barbarians are slow-witted, but they are not stupid. If they catch up like this, not only will they not be able to catch up with Wang Sheng and the others, but they will have to get in by themselves.

However, looking at the three Wang Shengs who had already lowered a little in front of them, the masters on the monster's back were all a little bit unwilling.Everyone can also see that as long as the triangle wing above the bodies of Wang Sheng and the other three is broken, Wang Sheng and the others will have to fall.Such a simple job, but Wang Sheng was about to shrink back after calling it out?
If they go back like this, I am afraid that what awaits them is by no means a good fruit. It is estimated that they will be lightly scolded, and they may have to accept the punishment of the tribe.They are well-known masters in the tribe, and it would be a shame for a lifetime if such a thing happened to them, retreating without a fight. The warriors of the tribe can lose their heads and bleed, but they must not stand still.

After the flying monster made a circle, it chased after it again.This time the animal trainer learned how to behave. He no longer kept at the same height as Wang Sheng and the others, but flew above Wang Sheng and the other three. As long as he caught up with them and attacked from above, could Wang Sheng still attack them?

The idea was very good, and the execution was also very beautiful. The monster flexibly controlled its body, flew up into the sky, and swooped down towards Wang Sheng and the others.

"Damn it, a beast is a beast. I gave you three chances and you're still stubborn, so you can't blame me." Wang Sheng watched this scene clearly, raised his heavy sniper crossbow, aimed it at the sky and slowly Flying monsters flying away.

(End of this chapter)

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