
Chapter 950

Chapter 950

Chapter [-] Showing Fangs

Not to mention that Ah Qi was curious, even the old Taoist Ling Xu was curious, but he was calm and didn't ask.Now that Ah Qi asked, the old Taoist was happy to take a ride and listen.

"The contribution of the equipment has nothing to do with us." Wang Sheng explained with a smile.Specifically speaking about the principle of the delta wing, Wang Sheng is not an expert in this aspect, so if he were asked to explain it, he might not be able to explain it clearly.

Of course, even if Wang Sheng could clearly explain that the shape of the delta wing's wings can make the upper and lower airflows flow at different speeds to form a pressure difference and thus generate lift, Ah Qi and Ling Xu would probably not understand it.Without a foundation of modern scientific and technological knowledge, or basic physics, it is not easy to understand.

Of course, Ah Qi and Lao Dao understood that it was the equipment's credit, but Wang Sheng's answer was really too speechless.

"You don't understand even after I've said it, but here's the thing, you can see for yourself." Wang Sheng took out all the accessories of the delta wing again, and let the two of them observe by themselves.

Obviously, Ah Qi and the old Taoist Ling Xu didn't see why after watching it for a long time, they could only watch Wang Sheng put it away resentfully.

Being able to go to the sky and go to the sea, Wang Sheng took the two of them on a trip this time, which completely made the two of them look at Wang Sheng with admiration again.

Don't look at the old Taoist's cultivation base reaching the sky, but this kind of ability to go to the world, he still can't do it by relying on his cultivation base alone.

Ah Qi may have thought of some unhappy things, and his face was a little unhappy.She thought of the steel cylinder with a breathing port that she got that could breathe in the water, and thought of her last companion who seemed to be drowned alive by Wang Sheng in the water. These memories made Ah Qi look at Wang Sheng There are also some differences.

"Don't look at me like that!" Of course Wang Sheng could feel it, and he also knew the reason for that sudden look of hatred, so he said calmly, "You want to kill me, but I can't let you kill me without any resistance. .As killers, you must have the awareness that you can only kill yourself and not others. How can there be such a good thing in this world.”

"But you obviously didn't kill them with your cultivation!" Ah Qi suddenly lost control, tears welled up in his eyes, and yelled at Wang Sheng.If it is said that the latter few companions have not cooperated with her for a long time and their relationship is not deep, then the first two, Big Ear and Big Bear, are definitely Ah Qi's playmates since she was a child, and they were killed by Wang Sheng. Never forget.

"Sorry, almost all the people I have killed did not rely on cultivation to kill them." Wang Sheng didn't care about such accusations at all, but calmly said to Ah Qi: "Excuse me, you guys In the past, how many times did you kill the target by relying on cultivation?"

Ah Qi was at a loss for words.When she cooperates with Big Ear Big Bear, she relies on her clever mind and Big Ear's extraordinary hearing ability. She can always set up an ambush in advance and kill the target in many unimaginable ways.If it really depends on cultivation, why use these methods, wouldn't it be enough to kill him upright?

"You are only allowed to kill people without relying on your cultivation, and others are not allowed to kill you without relying on your cultivation." Wang Sheng shook his head, sighed at Ah Qi, "That's not how double standards work."

"Sorry!" Ah Qi quickly recovered from that state, and apologized to Wang Sheng: "I just, I just suddenly remembered my former companion."

"I understand!" Wang Sheng smiled at Ah Qi, "I'm waiting for the day when you can completely let go of these things."

Ah Qi suddenly felt warmth in his heart, and he also felt a little guilty, so he lowered his head and said nothing.In the end, Wang Sheng didn't take the initiative to provoke them back then, but they took the initiative to find Wang Sheng, because this was killed by Wang Sheng, and it is logically unreasonable to blame Wang Sheng.

If Ah Qi has always been a killer, it is understandable to think so. When did the killer make sense?Most of the time, people kill people because of money, but Ah Qi's identity is different now. She is a gift from Xia's family to Wang Sheng. She was originally left to Wang Sheng to dispose of. Wang Sheng didn't kill her, but gave her a divorce. The identity of the Xia family's slain is a kindness, and Ah Qi has no choice but to repay the kindness.

This time, it was just that Ah Qi had a feeling. When he thought of Wang Sheng's utensils, he remembered those dead companions.It's just that Ah Qi also gradually realized that he seldom remembers his former companions now, is it because he lives under Wang Sheng's wings, can he sleep peacefully?
The old Taoist Ling Xu has been listening quietly, without saying anything.Seeing that the two of them have come to this point, I feel very happy in my heart.Fortunately, I have never been close to women since I was a child, otherwise wouldn't it be a lot of similar troubles?
"Have you rested? Let's go!" Wang Sheng saw that the timing was about right, stood up, and beckoned the two to leave.

This time, there was no one chasing and intercepting him. After walking for more than ten miles, he almost left the forest in the mountains and walked to the plain.

Judging from the map, this place should be Feng Guo's territory, but Wang Sheng couldn't be sure.After all, the map of this world cannot be compared with the accurate military map that Wang Sheng is used to.The horizontal and vertical scales are different, and Wang Sheng is not completely sure that he is in Feng country.But even the biggest error is in Feng country or Tang country, and it is unlikely to be farther away.

Just when Wang Sheng took Ah Qi and Ling Xu leisurely looking for the official road and then looking for the nearest city to repair, a crazy massacre was going on in the mountains and mountains.

Baoqing Yutang has already set up traps in the mountains, just waiting for people outside to fall into the trap.No wonder Zhu Xingsheng, who told Wang Sheng that as long as he moves, all forces will try their best to track him down?No one invited them to enter the land of mountains and mountains, and when they went in, they encountered any accidents, and no one else was to blame.

The barbarian masters outflanked the search from the outside to the inside. There were a large number of people, but there were few large-scale teams on each side. .

In just three days, more than four or five hundred masters from all sides died in the Shanyue land.On average, there are at least a dozen or twenty in each family, large or small.

However, this is not the biggest loss. Just when Wang Sheng and Ah Qi Lingxu found a small city and went in to find out that it was in the territory of Tang State, Xia Guoguo received a desperate message. Bird biography.

It was a message sent by a master of the Xia Kingdom who was plotted against when his companions blocked the attack of the barbarian masters. Xia Guo followed more than 300 people into the mountain and crossed the land this time, and was surrounded by the barbarian masters who appeared suddenly, causing heavy casualties. .

By the time the news was sent, there were only a dozen or so masters from the Xia Kingdom left, while the barbarian masters were still coming in a steady stream.

(End of this chapter)

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