
Chapter 953 Doubt

Chapter 953 Doubt
Chapter [-] Doubt
The news said that the old proprietor Zhu personally took action to end Zhu Shaodong's life, and then endured the humiliation to manage Baoqing Yutang. Obviously now it seems that it is an illusion.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its offspring. Zhu Xingsheng is so old and has an only son, is he really willing to pinch off his only seedling with his own hands?

This is Wang Sheng's suspicion, but he didn't say it before, and now he saw the so-called Shanyue Kingdom's behavior, which made Wang Sheng suspicious from the beginning.

If it was really the old proprietor Zhu who was in charge, he would never be so petty, and someone who can run Baoqing Yutang all over the country would never consider it so simple.

Not to mention Zhu Xingsheng, it is Wang Sheng. If you really want to do something like this, you must at least increase the reward by ten times. Either you don’t do it, or let everyone who can do it do it. This is the hammer that smashes the nail. The means, the final decision, the continuous input and consumption, are just delivering food to Wang Sheng non-stop.

The other is what Wang Sheng said, making too many enemies.Although each family has the idea of ​​wanting to take advantage of the mountainous land, but at this time, it is by no means that all of them can solve the problem.Even Wang Sheng's ancestors who lived on the earth 2000 years ago knew that they would attack from far away and attack close to each other. If the head of Baoqing Yutang got flooded, he would offend all the vassal states?

Only short-sighted people who don't see the big picture, only look at the momentary mood, only look at the momentary gains and losses, and only know the immediate benefits, will make such a stupid decision.At this time, shouldn't you show your strength, let everyone on all sides retreat, and then focus on dealing with Wang Sheng and Qiu Guo first, and wait until the solution is resolved, then talk about other things?

Not to mention that Xia Guoguo covets their territory, manpower and interests. Those vassal states, large and small, are not one of them who is guarding against other families' schemes and calculating others, but on the surface, everyone has to maintain a peaceful rhythm.There has never been a fool who suddenly jumped out to provoke everyone.

After counting and counting, Wang Sheng didn't realize that besides Zhu Shaodong who claimed to be dead, who else could have made such an outrageous decision.

It is said that it is to avoid disaster, but in fact Wang Sheng still wants to see the reactions of all parties.After the goal of Wang Sheng is no longer there, how will all parties handle the relationship with this Shanyue Kingdom that suddenly jumped out.

"Do you think there will be some princes who can't help jumping out to kill you?" Ah Qi is just a killer, and he is not good at this level of consideration, so he can only ask Wang Sheng with some worries.

Although the old Taoist did not speak, he was obviously concerned. When Ah Qi asked, he also pricked up his ears, waiting for Wang Sheng's answer.

"Don't worry, the big princes will definitely not jump out." Wang Sheng first gave the two of them a reassuring answer: "The Son of Heaven must also stand still and wait slowly."

"What are you waiting for?" Ah Qi followed Wang Sheng's words and asked.

"Wait for those small princes who can't stand the temptation to jump out!" Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "I have never shown up, and there will always be people who can't help but do everything possible to find out my whereabouts."

"What will happen if they jump out?" Ah Qi continued to ask.

"Step into the footsteps of the Triumph Kingdom." Wang Sheng laughed.

"Why?" Ah Qi was taken aback, why did it involve the destruction of the country?Even the old Taoist Ling Xu didn't understand, his eyes widened a little, waiting for Wang Sheng to explain.

"First of all, Baoqing Yutang's stupid trick is destined to offend all the big princes." Wang Sheng analyzed to the two of them as he walked: "Now it's just to accumulate strength and deal with the so-called Shanyue. The Bank of China strikes with a thunderbolt. It is the same as the Three Kingdoms dealt with the Triumphant Kingdom before."

"However, before that, if there are still some small vassal states who don't know the current affairs, they will be disrespectful to the emperor, and they will be dealt with together." Wang Shengsheng was afraid that the two would not understand, so he explained it specially: "Who would think that there are too many spoils and too many sites?"

"But why is this disrespectful to the emperor?" Ah Qi still couldn't figure it out, and asked suspiciously.

"Because the Son of Heaven did not accept the so-called Shanyue Kingdom." Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "We heard all the way, only the representatives of the Shanyue Kingdom wanted to visit the Son of Heaven, but we never heard about the Son of Heaven, right? "

"The problem is, Baoqing Yutang implores the enfeoffment. Isn't this a great contribution to the expansion of the territory?" Ah Qi's political awareness is not as high as her killer talent, and the problem is still very simple: "How can the emperor not admit it?" Such a credit? Doesn't the emperor want to include the land of Shanyue into the territory of the kingdom?"

"It's a good thing to expand the territory, but it's obviously not for the emperor, but for Zhu Xingsheng himself." The old man understands this better than Ah Qi. After all, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs in the capital for so many years. He ran away and explained to Wang Sheng with a smile: "What's more, if the princes and kingdoms that the Son of Heaven had managed to balance were suddenly added, wouldn't it be unbalanced again?"

"Yes!" Wang Sheng smiled and took over the conversation: "Why should the emperor admit and accept them? If this so-called Shanyue Kingdom is divided up by all parties, wouldn't it be possible to securely take over the Shanyue Kingdom without paying anything?" Incorporating the territory into the territory of the kingdom is also expanding the territory!"

"That is to say, the major princes are ready to carve up the Shanyue Kingdom. At this time, let's see who will jump out and clean up a few more?" Ah Qi finally understood, and summed it up in his own words.

"That's the reason." Wang Sheng smiled affirmatively: "I just don't know how angry Zhu Laodong will be now, if this decision is really made by his son who is so muddy that he can't support the wall, Zhu Laodong must The Lord will have a headache too!"

Snapped!At the same time that Wang Sheng and Aqi Laodao said so, in a certain city of Shanyue Kingdom, the old proprietor Zhu of Baoqing Yutang had already slapped a young man in the face severely.

"Stupid!" The old proprietor Zhu slapped his face furiously, and still didn't let go of his hatred, and cursed: "Just now I have some strength, and I offended all the forces that can be offended. You are really my good son!"

"I just wanted to kill that Wang Sheng." The young man who was whipped, just as Wang Sheng guessed, was Zhu Shaodong who claimed to be dead.At this moment, Zhu Shaodong covered his face and explained with aggrieved face.

"Kill Wang Sheng! Good idea!" The old proprietor Zhu laughed, turned around and paused for a moment, then turned back suddenly, and slapped Zhu Shaodong on the other side of the face again, directly slapping Zhu Shaodong to the ground , roaring at him angrily: "What about Wang Sheng? The person you want to kill is at ease in the Tang Dynasty, but you killed all the people sent by all other families. This is why you want to kill Wang Sheng s method?"

(End of this chapter)

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