
Chapter 956 Re-entering the Core Area

Chapter 956 Re-entering the Core Area

Chapter [-] Re-entering the Core Area

"Are you alone?" The old Taoist frowned when he heard that Wang Sheng was going to enter the core of Qianjedi, especially when Wang Sheng said he wanted to go alone, he frowned as if he had tied a knot.

"I want to go too!" Although they practiced separately these days, Ah Qi lived with Wang Sheng all the time.Even if nothing happened between the two, the disciple who arranged the room took the initiative to arrange a room for the two of them from the very beginning.As soon as Wang Sheng mentioned this, Ah Qi immediately followed up.

"You can't!" This time it wasn't Wang Sheng who spoke alone, but Wang Sheng and Ling Xu spoke in unison, very neatly.

"Why?" Ah Qi stared, her face full of grievances.

"Because you are not strong enough." Wang Sheng put a serious face on his face and explained very seriously: "You can't last a day if you go in. I can escape by myself, but I can't protect you."

This is the truth, and Ah Qi couldn't refute it even if he wanted to, so he could only look at the old Taoist Ling Xu for help.

"Don't look at me." The old man directly blamed him: "He doesn't even let me in now, he wants to go alone."

"I want to go inside and take a look." Wang Sheng made no secret of his destination, facing the old Taoist Ling Xu and Ah Qi, he had nothing to hide: "My low cultivation base is an advantage, if you go in accidentally, I'm afraid it will lead to riots in the core area."

The veteran Ling Xu has entered the core area, of course he knows what the consequences will be if the breath is released inside.The periphery of the core area is okay, the old man is absolutely sure that he can suppress those monsters, but the innermost core area, to be honest, the old man himself is not sure.

It's not that the old man is worried about Wang Sheng's safety. It would be better for Wang Sheng to enter the core area alone.I just don't know what kind of idea Wang Sheng had suddenly thought of, how could he think of suddenly going inside?
"My practice." Wang Sheng did not hide anything, and directly expressed his own considerations.

Although the transformation of the cockroach really depends on the accumulation of spiritual energy practice, but the transformation of Wang Sheng's soul is still in the category of the dragon giving birth to nine sons, and the cockroach likes water will not change.

Originally, Wang Sheng planned to find a big lake or go to the seaside to practice well after going to the land of Shanyue this time. It's better to go out and provoke right and wrong and focus the conflict on yourself.

Just taking advantage of this period of time when Qiu Guoxia was dealing with Baoqing Yutang to practice, there are also small lakes in Qianjedi, but Wang Sheng thought about it, no matter how powerful the lake is, can it still be compared with the huge two-hundred-mile-square lake at the core of Qianjedi? Glacier on a par?Although ice is solid, isn’t that the old saying that ice and water are colder than water? Aren’t glaciers in such a large area the same as ice water in such a large area?

Another small reason is that Wang Sheng wanted to see how far the group of people from the Gan family, the historian, have gone to dig up the peerless treasures. It has been more than a year and a half since they went in, and they should have dug up some things. ?

The old Taoist stared at Wang Sheng for a long time, and then asked solemnly, "Can you come out safely?"

"Don't worry!" Wang Sheng knew that the old man was worried about his own safety, so he was very moved and gave the old man a smile.

Seeing that even the old Taoist agreed, Ah Qi next to him didn't have anything more to say, but just looked at Wang Sheng with some reluctance.She only now realizes that even if she is chased and killed by people and runs away with Wang Sheng, she can still lead an extremely wonderful life along the way. Dangerous Wang Sheng stood in front of him, and suddenly wanted to part, Ah Qi felt a little bit reluctant.

"Stay here with peace of mind." Wang Sheng smiled and said to Ah Qi half with an order and half with an exhortation.

Ah Qi raised her mouth and nodded obediently.Seeing her action, Wang Sheng was also happy in his heart. These days, Ah Qi sticks out her tongue and makes faces from time to time, and now she pouts her lips. This is the lively and lovely expression that a young girl should have. Cold, too much like a professional killer, sometimes it's not a good thing to have a job on your face.

After finishing Lao Dao and Ah Qi, Wang Sheng brought a batch of supplies from the underground palace, and directly embarked on the road to the core area of ​​Qianjedi.

As for what kind of virtue has been achieved outside, Wang Sheng doesn't care.All the forces outside, you only need to know a little bit, don’t think about finding troubles for Wang Sheng inside the Thousand Jedi, even if there are [-] flying monster mounts as rewards, how many people are there for Wang Sheng’s head hidden in the Thousand Jedi? can touch?How many people are still alive to receive it?

In Thousand Jedi, Wang Sheng can be said to swagger and swagger all the way, no matter if it is a bird, a beast or an insect, no matter if it is flying in the sky, walking on the ground or swimming in the water, wherever Wang Sheng passes, it will all retreat.

Even if occasionally there were a few masters who dared to practice outside the Qianjedi, they would run away without thinking about Wang Sheng's movement from a distance, as far as they could.

Anyone who sees the overwhelming swarms of man-eating ants coming over in a ten-mile radius will be the one who dares to stay where they are, the hero of the heroes, the hero of the heroes, and of course, the rest are also the skeletons Skeletons will no longer have any flesh.Even the skeletons are not left behind. Under the huge bite force of those man-eating ants, what bones can bear it?It's just a calcium supplement for man-eating ants.

The man-eating ants cleared the way all the way, and Wang Sheng rushed to the edge of Qianjedi in a domineering manner.On the way, I passed through several bases built by the princes. When passing by, all the masters in each base, big and small, watched the huge cannibal ants guarding Wang Sheng passing by, let alone talking loudly, even breathing Be careful, for fear that the loud breathing will make the ant colony go crazy.The brave ones dared to take a look, while the timid ones had already retreated to the innermost part of the base and shivered.

In the past, the masters of the major vassal states only heard that Wang Sheng was able to command the cannibal ant colony in Qianjedi, and they felt that they were only relying on some monsters for support, which was not a real skill.Besides, they are just man-eating ants, but some big ants can run fast, how can they beat the masters?
But when the man-eating ants really came before them, they realized how ridiculous it was that they thought they were masters and could move freely in Thousand Jedi.That was Wang Sheng nodding his head. If Wang Sheng didn't nod, they would definitely die without a place to die, and they would just turn into piles of ant feces.Compete with Wang Sheng in Thousand Jedi?Assassinate Wang Sheng in Thousand Jedi to receive a reward?Throw this idea as far as you can!
It was just a parade of man-eating ants clearing the way, and all the masters of the vassal states in this direction refreshed their understanding of Wang Sheng.After Wang Sheng left, all parties hurriedly tried their best to inform the Patriarch, don't be dazzled by the reward offered by that mere Baoqing Yutang, it's not worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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