
Chapter 959

Chapter 959

Chapter [-]: Peerless Treasures Recent Situation

Now that he has reached the core area, Wang Sheng is not in a hurry to explore further.

On the one hand, there is a criminal record for responding too quickly to the incompatibility of spiritual energy.Just entered the circle from outside the circle, it is better not to continue to move forward immediately, it is best to get used to it for a day or two.

Another reason is that Wang Sheng wanted to see what the legendary peak masters of the Gan family, the historian, had dug up in the past more than a year, or how far they had gone.

After two days of adapting to the spot, Wang Sheng started to rush towards the peerless treasure.However, Wang Sheng did not take out the sleigh again, but changed to another means of transportation.

A huge bear, not the one from last time, but even scarier than the last time.The body is ten feet long, and the shoulder height is more than four feet. The huge claws are almost bigger than Wang Sheng's large-character lying down.

Relying on the addition of the villain with fighting awareness, Wang Sheng used the five-character tactic to easily control this big enough bear from a distance of one mile.

Such a big giant bear is simply the most suitable mount in this inner circle where the snow is as thick as a person's height.It may not be as fast as Wang Sheng's sleigh, but it is stable, safe, and saves worry and effort.

The sleigh car still needs Wang Sheng's continuous input of spiritual energy to move, but the giant bear doesn't need it at all. As long as Wang Sheng uses the five-character formula to control and issue instructions, the giant bear can move forward according to the instructions, and Wang Sheng doesn't need to worry about the road at all.

Especially with such a huge body and such powerful strength, it can almost dominate the fringe area of ​​the core circle, and there is no other monster that can hurt it.Naturally, with its protection, Wang Sheng didn't have to watch around vigilantly for a while, which saved [-]% of the trouble for Wang Sheng.

The giant bear's huge body made its back very wide, and Wang Sheng could easily lie under the warm fur wrap of the giant bear.The long white hair almost sinks Wang Sheng's body completely. As long as Wang Sheng uses the technique of "Latent" a little bit and the soul restrains his breath, no one will be able to find that there is a living creature on the back of the giant bear. people.

If you look closely, the members of Shijia Gan's family are not that tall, and it is impossible to see someone on the back of a giant bear that is more than four feet tall.When observing from a long distance and a high position, only the white fur of the white bear can be seen.Wang Sheng was wearing a white protective suit, buried under the white hair. When observing from a distance, unless one had Wang Sheng's binoculars or Wang Sheng's absolute vision, it was impossible to see anyone.

Driving the giant bear to walk in the direction of the peerless treasure.The tall giant bear didn't have to worry about the inconvenience of falling into the snow that was one person deep, and walked easily.Wrapped in fur, Wang Sheng didn't even need to activate the array on the underwear inside the protective suit to keep warm, which really saves worry and effort to the extreme.

This made Wang Sheng's laziness attack, and even his practice became on the giant bear.In this way, every time you practice, you don’t have to worry about being approached by powerful monsters around for too long. Wang Sheng can safely and boldly practice eighteen or even twenty-seven weeks at a time. increased two to three times.

As soon as Wang Sheng entered the state of cultivation, the giant bear seemed to feel something that made him terrified, and he crawled all over the ground, not daring to move, not even trembling, and could only stretch his body tightly. , trying hard to maintain the current movement, for fear that Wang Sheng on his back would be disturbed by his muscle tremors, and instantly turned into a stone sculpture.

It's a pity that Wang Sheng didn't see this scene, he was just practicing purely.At first, it was 27 weeks at a time, and after a few times of practice, it became [-] weeks at a time. Enjoying the flying speed of improvement, I was almost addicted to it.

However, after Wang Sheng completed his tenth practice, he decisively woke up from this state of practice.The five-character formula began to be used on himself, and the dominant one was the Lin-character formula, so that his mind could be completely cleared up.

Although that kind of practice does give people an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, it is not the correct way to practice.Ling Xu's old Taoist words also appeared in his ears again, which made Wang Sheng finally break away from that indescribable self-confidence in practice.

"It's dangerous!" Wang Sheng wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and said to himself with lingering fear.Fortunately, my self-control is not bad, and there is a super [-]-layer master who has taught me to practice, otherwise, I am afraid I will really indulge in it.

Wang Sheng still doesn't know what the consequences will be if he really indulges in that state.The old man didn't say anything, he only said it was inappropriate, but he said it very seriously, I believe he won't just talk about it.One good thing about Wang Sheng is that he believes in the opinions of experts who are better than himself, and listens to people's advice to eat enough!

"I really don't know if those legendary peak masters of the historian Gan's family can resist this kind of temptation." After he got out of that state in time, Wang Sheng was curious about what those masters of the historian Gan's family would become. look like.

No one reminded these guys, maybe they have been obsessed here for a year, and they even forgot to dig out the peerless treasures, right?Maybe he was lucky enough to find out what was wrong, but no matter what, Wang Sheng would be able to know what happened to them as long as he went there, and maybe their end would be a lesson for him to be vigilant about.

After resting for two days without doing anything on the giant bear, Wang Sheng controlled the giant bear and rushed to the destination again.It took two days for Wang Sheng's body to get used to the spiritual pressure in the inner circle, and it also allowed Wang Sheng to resist the temptation of crazy practice.

Five miles away, Wang Sheng controlled the giant bear to stop.Crawling on the giant bear's head, Wang Sheng held his scope and carefully looked at the area in the distance that should belong to the peerless treasure.

Even without a scope, Wang Sheng could see that there had indeed been a change there, an obvious change.Under the scope, it looks more realistic.

It was no longer a flat land of ice and snow when we first came here, but it had become an ice city mixed with mud and ice.

"Finally not stupid, I know how to build a city to keep warm and protect myself." Wang Sheng smiled inwardly.This is not a compliment, if those nine legendary pinnacle masters have lived here for more than a year and can't even think of this, then they are absolutely idiots.

There is a mixture of mud and ice, obviously dug under the ice layer, it seems that these masters are not completely addicted to practice, but also know to do business.

I didn't see anyone in this direction, and the villain with fighting consciousness didn't feel that someone was peeping over there, and the person should be digging underground.Wang Sheng patted the giant bear's head, let it lie down carefully, and moved quietly towards the city.

(End of this chapter)

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