
Chapter 972

Chapter 972

Chapter 510

The two families were very anxious, for fear that the peerless treasures would be exposed, but they were a little unwilling to share with Wang Sheng.It's just that, after much deliberation, they couldn't figure out what price they could offer to invite Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng understands the entanglement of the Gan family, the historian, but it doesn't mean that Wang Sheng will give them a free trip.What's more, Wang Sheng didn't even think about what to do with the Peerless Treasure. No matter how good the calculations of the two families were, they had to wait for Wang Sheng's nod.

Along the way, they rushed back to the underground palace quickly, traveling day and night, and in only three days, they rushed from the Gan family's camp to the underground palace.

After entering the underground palace, the old Taoist greeted him, and at the same time, the female killer Ah Qi also greeted him.

"Go in, how does it feel?" The old Taoist cared more about Wang Sheng's physical feelings, and he didn't care about others, so he asked directly.

Although Ah Qi didn't open his mouth, he probably heard the old Taoist talk about the possible problems, so he also looked worried.

"It's okay, the nine-character mantra is enough to recover." Wang Sheng didn't feel too much wrong, and replied quickly.

But the old man was still worried, so he asked Wang Sheng to give up resistance, and carefully checked Wang Sheng's state with his own aura.After confirming that there is no problem, I am relieved.

"Are you sure there is no problem?" This time, Wang Sheng started to ask Ling Xu the old way instead.

"What's the problem?" The old man checked himself, and he didn't notice anything wrong with Wang Sheng. He was happy, but he asked back with a sullen face, as if he was very unhappy that Wang Sheng underestimated him.

"Old Daoist, did you feel that the aura would become cold when you entered it last time?" Wang Sheng asked Wang Sheng directly, without wasting time or afraid that Ah Qi was by his side.

"Will the spiritual energy become cold?" The old Taoist looked at Wang Sheng, looked up and down, then turned to Ah Qi, and asked Ah Qi: "Did you do something to him just now? Why is your brain burned out?" gone?"

Ah Qi blushed immediately, she and Lao Dao saw Wang Sheng almost at the same time, what could she do?Those who didn't know thought Ah Qi and Wang Sheng had such a close relationship!But Ah Qi also knew that this was the old Taoist way of expressing his dissatisfaction with Wang Sheng, so he shook his head cooperatively to show his innocence.

"That's why you went inside and was burned by the aura inside?" The old man turned to Wang Sheng again and asked Wang Sheng.

"I'm inside this time, and I have a different feeling." Wang Sheng knew that no matter how he explained it, it didn't work, which meant that the old man must have never encountered such a thing, so he could only speak out his own experience selectively. Let an experienced veteran judge for yourself.

Next, Wang Sheng told the old man exactly where he noticed the aura in the primordial soul space became cold when he practiced, where he practiced the aura turned into half ice, and when the aura turned into ice.

The old Taoist Ling Xu listened very carefully, and would ask for details from time to time.As for Ah Qi next to him, he was already dumbfounded. Who would have thought that the aura could have such a change, it was just like listening to heavenly scriptures.

Wang Sheng didn't say what the primordial soul is, and Ling Xu didn't ask, everyone has this tacit understanding.Similarly, old Taoist Ling Xu didn't ask how the primordial soul changed.He was just pondering about the changes in the aura in Wang Shengyuan's soul space, frowning, thinking hard.

"Are you sure there is nothing abnormal about your usual practice and fighting?" The old man reconfirmed Wang Sheng's condition.

Wang Sheng nodded seriously, and once again gave the old man an affirmative answer.

"It's not a bad thing for the spiritual energy to become the spiritual liquid you mentioned." After pondering for a while, the old Taoist slowly opened his mouth.After saying this, the old Taoist turned to Ah Qi, and said: "Girl, just listen to it, don't go out and talk about it."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Ah Qi nodded hastily.This may involve the secrets of Laojunguan's practice. The old Taoist asked himself to listen to Wang Sheng's face, which can be regarded as indirect pointers, but if he dared to speak out casually, he would be in trouble with Laojunguan.

"When the cultivation base reaches a certain level, the state of the spiritual energy can no longer meet the needs of the cultivation base." The old Taoist explained to Wang Sheng very seriously: "At this time, the spiritual energy will be slowly condensed and compressed. , when it is condensed and compressed to a certain level, the aura will change into another state."

"Spiritual liquid?" Of course Wang Sheng understands this transformation process, gaseous to liquid, what a simple physical process?It's just that under normal circumstances, it is temperature that causes this change, but what is needed for spiritual energy to transform spiritual fluid is pressure.Of course, enough pressure from the outside world can also achieve this effect.

"En!" The old man nodded.After looking at Wang Sheng for a while, he said slowly: "Basically, those who can reach this level can only start this process after their cultivation has reached a certain level. Obviously, you are a bit too much now. It's too early. Besides, most people only experience this kind of change in the acupuncture points, not in the soul space."

"Then will this affect my practice?" Wang Shengcai will start this change no matter what realm he has reached. He only cares about one point, and he can't wait to ask Ling Xu.

"If you don't feel that there is any problem." After pondering for a while, the old Taoist said with some certainty: "Then there should be no problem, you just scare yourself."

"According to what you said, isn't it too early?" Wang Sheng was willing to believe what the old man said, but he still had some reservations and asked worriedly.After all, it was me who had the accident.

"Are there still a few unreasonable things about you?" The old man Ling Xu smiled contemptuously at Wang Sheng: "How can you be frightened by just one more thing?"

Ah Qi burst out laughing beside him.After being glared at by Wang Sheng, he quickly covered his mouth, but he was still snickering.At least the look in Wang Sheng's eyes at this time is not majestic under Ah Qi's pressure.

"Don't worry!" Ling Xu was more determined this time: "You didn't change in the acupoints, which means you haven't really started this transformation. It's just that your original soul is more advanced, and it's not a big deal."

From this point of view, it makes sense.If Wang Sheng's soul is not ahead, whose soul is ahead?In this regard, Wang Sheng has absolute confidence. Don't look at the masters of the twelfth stage of Lingxu's old way, Wang Sheng is also absolutely sure to surpass him.

"By the way, at what level does this change start?" Wang Sheng asked the old Taoist Ling Xu.He saw Ah Qi listening with an itchy heart, Wang Sheng asked this question for Ah Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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