
Chapter 974

Chapter 974
Chapter 510 The Struggle of the Great Elders
The historians of the Gan family cannot do without Wang Sheng if they want a peerless collection of treasures.If Wang Sheng didn't help, they couldn't have enough time to avoid the eyes and ears of other families.

It is impossible for Wang Sheng to monopolize the peerless treasure.The two families will never spit it out easily. If Wang Sheng really wants to do this, I am afraid that he will have to fight with the two families forever.This was not what Wang Sheng wanted to see.

Since the two sides are in this state of being unable to get up and down, why not cooperate?Wang Sheng needs one or two things in it, and the two families want the treasures in it.Anyway, if the two families want to hire Wang Sheng, they will pay a high price no matter what, so why not pay the bill with the things in the peerless treasures?

After all, so far, no one knows what is inside the Peerless Treasure.Although the historian Gan's family has treasure maps and legends, no one knows how many good things are in them.That is, there is no way of knowing how much future earnings will be.Under such circumstances, if Wang Sheng was paid a lot of money, but only some things of low value were dug up in the end, wouldn't it be a loss?

Who knows how many of the things from 500 years ago are still usable, valuable or valuable?I'm afraid when the time comes, if Wang Sheng is not too much, the two families should be able to accept it.

After talking about the origin of the peerless treasure map, Wang Sheng also mentioned the goal of the historian Gan's family entering the core area of ​​Qianjedi last time. Of course, Wang Sheng did not forget to add his own plan. Then he asked the old man, "What do you think?"

Wang Sheng's meaning is very clear, he only needs one or two of them, and the remaining historians, Gan's family and Laojunguan's three families will be divided.It can be said that Laojunguan can basically get a share of it without paying anything, maybe [-]% or less, but no matter what, Laojunguan will definitely make a profit without losing money.

"How sure are you?" The old man was not a good person, and when he heard Wang Sheng's question, he immediately asked back.

"I can't guarantee [-]%, but [-]% should be sure." Wang Sheng pondered for a while, and gave Ling Xu an estimated number.

"Then what are you thinking about? Let's do it!" The old man made a decision without saying a word: "If you still don't want the benefits of being delivered to your door, wouldn't you be a fool?"

"Well, when the time comes, bring a group of Qing people in to see and see, and share things by the way." Wang Sheng followed the old man's words: "You and I find a suitable time, go in and have a look, and help me protect the law by the way. Try to advance in the inner circle of the Thousand Jedi Core and see what it feels like."

"..." The old Taoist suddenly didn't know what to say.To be promoted in the inner circle of Qianjedi's core, I am afraid that so far, only Wang Sheng dares to think like this and dare to do it!

But after thinking about it, even if Wang Sheng advanced in it, he had only just upgraded to the eighth level, and he would not touch the legendary peak aura, nor would it trigger a riot of super monsters inside.There is an old Taoist Ling Xu guarding the dharma, and Wang Sheng plus the nine-character mantra of the old Taoist Ling Xu to drive away monsters. From this perspective, there is no problem in terms of safety.

If there is no problem in terms of safety, it can be said that more than half of the problem has been solved.But is there any benefit to advancing in it?

As soon as the old Taoist Ling Xu asked this question, he knew the answer.Obviously, the answer is obvious, there are definitely benefits.With just that concentration of spiritual energy, how much effort can Wang Sheng save in condensing and compressing the spiritual energy?

What's more, once he is promoted inside and his body is tempered successfully, Wang Sheng will not care about the impact of entering and leaving the core circle of Qianjedi in the future, and he will not suffer from decompression sickness like ordinary masters.

By the way, the word decompression sickness was coined by Wang Sheng, and the old Taoist thought it was very appropriate, so he used this name.

In short, there are a lot of benefits, and the disadvantages are minimal. Does this matter need further research?The old Taoist looked at Wang Sheng, frowned suddenly and cursed: "Did you make up your mind a long time ago?"

"No!" Wang Sheng responded with a smile: "I just thought about it when you were frowning."

"Get out!" Old Dao suddenly lost his interest in drinking: "Hurry up and talk to those two families. Ah Qi, come with me, and I will teach you a few ways to save your life."

Ah Qi happily followed the old Taoist, Wang Sheng stood up slowly, without tidying up, walked slowly down the long corridor to the ground, said hello to the Taoist priests, big and small, left the camp, and went to Gansu. home camp.Anyway, there are still a few days, even the normal marching speed of the man-eating ants is enough to get there.

In the past 20 days or so, the two families of the Shijiagan family have discussed how many times internally, and how many times the two families have passed letters to discuss. Finally, a short-term agreement was reached first, and the details still have to wait. The senior officials of the historian rushed to the Gan family camp to discuss together.

When Wang Sheng commanded the army of man-eating ants to arrive slowly, the high-level executives of the two companies had already arrived two days in advance and had been discussing for two days.

For Wang Sheng's cooperation, the two families attached great importance to it, and both of them sent the elders of each family to discuss it in person.In addition to the elders of the two families who presided over the base, the four elders of the two families gave Wang Sheng enough face.

In a month's time, the two dying team leaders brought back by Wang Sheng barely returned to normal.I dare not say that I have fully recovered, but there is no problem at all in walking, sitting, lying and walking.However, whether they can enter the inner circle of the Thousand Jedi again is still open to discussion.

"Several elders, let's not talk nonsense. Your people have been in there for more than a year. Next, I'm afraid I have to bring people from other families in." Wang Sheng and them didn't talk nonsense. I don't want to listen to nonsense, so I came up very directly, and said straight to the point: "If those of you need to bring supplies, I can drop by the way, and the reward will be calculated."

The two great elders of the historian Gan's family glanced at each other, suppressing the anxiety in their hearts.What Wang Sheng said was the truth, even though it sounded uncomfortable, they had no reason to get angry.Besides, how stupid do you have to be to turn against Wang Sheng at this time?

"Grandpa, we have something to discuss!" The great elder of the historian said with a smile.I don't know how many years, since he went through hardships and became the elder of the historian, he has never spoken to anyone in such a humble manner. Even in the face of the head of the historian, the dignified elder can stand up to each other, but now, he has to deal with Wang Sheng lowered his head.

"Yes! Yes!" The great elder of the Gan family also had a smile on his face and cooperated with a flattering tone: "Grandpa, I have something to discuss!"

"Someone has already approached the door. Do you think I should agree? Or should I refuse?" Wang Sheng smiled wryly and spread his hands at the two. Anyway, the problem is this problem, and you should find a way to solve it yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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