
Chapter 976 Cooperation

Chapter 976 Cooperation

Chapter 510: Cooperation

"Another way?" The two great elders glanced at each other, then at each other, and then turned back to Wang Sheng, and the Shi family elder frowned and asked, "What kind of way? "

"No matter how many things I find, I want [-]%!" Wang Sheng opened his mouth wide without hesitation, and said to everyone.

"Impossible!" The two great elders shouted at the same time.

Just kidding, the Shijia Gan family paid so much, one of the ten legendary peak masters died, and the remaining nine dug in the core of the Thousand Jedi for more than a year. , not to mention the cost of the people who died in order to collect the peerless treasure map.With such a huge cost, Wang Sheng would take [-]% of it with a single sentence. What good things do you want?

"Then you choose." Wang Sheng directly put on a magnanimous gesture: "[-] million gold coins, or [-]% of them are dug out, you choose."

Both families glared at Wang Sheng, but Wang Sheng didn't seem to see them. After waiting for a while, no one spoke, and Wang Sheng said to himself: "It's okay, it's the same sentence, there is no righteousness in business, so let's just talk about it." It’s not too much to send things in, one trip back and forth, one million gold coins, right?”

Just take a trip and do nothing, just lead the way, and it costs 100 million gold coins, which is simply a steal!But none of us could say this, because everyone knew in their hearts that Wang Sheng's price was really not a big mouth.

Taking people and things back and forth, Wang Sheng has to ensure the safety of obedient people, this is no small matter.Without Wang Sheng, no matter how many people go in, they will die. 100 million gold coins can be exchanged for so many masters and supplies, which is absolutely worth it.

The problem is, the two don't just want to bring people and things in.If they don't hurry up, if Wang Sheng comes back and brings other family members in, they will definitely find their ice city. Will the two families still be able to eat alone?
"My lord, I have something to discuss!" The leader of the Gan family hurried out to smooth things over. He had a lot of contact with Wang Sheng, and his status was relatively low in the field, so it was appropriate for him to speak up.

"You and he still owe me the supplies I sent you this time, as well as the compensation for bringing you out!" It's okay if he didn't speak, but when he did, Wang Sheng was immediately unceremonious, and said directly to the two team leaders: "First Clear the old accounts, let's talk about new cooperation!"

have to!The two of them had nothing to say, so they could only bite the bullet and asked Wang Sheng: "Then, sir, how much should the previous hard work be worth?"

"Recently, I'm poor and money is tight, let's get 50 gold coins casually!" Wang Sheng said casually.

It's only 50 yuan. Compared with the opening just now, it's a price of conscience.Without further ado, the elder of the Gan family immediately agreed, "Thank you, Lord! The 50 gold coins will be sent to the Lord's mansion in Beijing some other day."

If a person of the level of the elder of the Gan family said something, if he broke his promise, it would be a big joke. Wang Sheng didn't mean to disbelieve it at all, and nodded directly: "Thank you for taking care of the business!"

Both families laughed bitterly.Wang Sheng really doesn't like oil and salt, so it's difficult.The problem is, now Wang Sheng is not in a hurry, and sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, but the two families of the Gan family historian are in a hurry!
"Grandpa, look at the matter of the snow mouse, can we still discuss it?" Wang Sheng can not take the initiative, but the two can't, they can only open their mouths and seek a solution. The elder of the Shi family probably has never been so humble in his life. He smiled at Wang Sheng and said, "[-] million gold coins is really too high!"

"Then what do you mean?" Wang Sheng was not completely incapable of negotiating, so he asked instead.

Wang Sheng let go suddenly, but made things difficult for the elders of the two families.It is negotiable, but what amount should be mentioned?
According to their previous thinking, it was a matter of several million gold coins, but Wang Sheng blocked the conversation from the beginning.If they got 5000 million gold coins when they first entered a year ago, how could they still ask for less than 5000 million gold coins?

This is troublesome.Wang Sheng was willing to discuss, but the two of them suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Even if it's 5000 million, they still think it's too expensive. I don't know how many peerless treasures there are. If they really want to take them out, it will definitely hurt their hearts!The problem is, even so, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Sheng to nod, he can only be high but not low!
Who is to blame?The only thing to blame is that the peerless treasure map drawn by the ancestors of the two families is too simple, even though the location is clearly marked on it, who knows that they are all buried under the ice and snow.It was originally a range, but now it is even more difficult to locate.

If it's all on the ground, it's okay to say that everyone only needs to search, and digging is also simple.But the problem now is that there is more than 20 feet of solid ice on it!When I dug down, there was no light at all. When I got to the ground, I even lost my sense of direction. How to find it?
Originally, the two families thought well, taking advantage of the layout a year in advance, they unknowingly dug out the peerless treasures, and then put them in the pockets of the two families. None of the Tibetan hairs were found.

The situation is already very critical, if the two families give up at this point, then I am afraid that the peerless treasures will have to be shared by each family.This kind of situation is something that historians Gan and his family are absolutely unwilling to see.

Wang Sheng obviously grasped this point, and if he refused to let go, the elders of the two families would have no choice but to give in.In fact, they have already considered this issue in the past month, and they have reached a point where they can't reach an agreement. There is basically a consensus on what price should be offered.

Clearly, now is the time to come up with that consensus.

"Forty percent is really too much, my lord!" The elder of the Gan family also put on a negotiating posture and said to Wang Sheng: "My lord, you get [-] percent, and our two families have worked so hard to get [-] percent each. Doesn't make sense, does it?"

"If you don't take out [-]%, you won't even get [-]%." Wang Sheng was unmoved, bluntly speaking about the current situation of the two families.


Next, it was natural to fight with each other. The two sides put forward the facts and reasoned.

At last, Huang Tian paid off, after the attack of the two great elders and four helpers, Wang Sheng reluctantly reduced the proportion of this share to [-]%.

However, [-]% is probably an unbearable price for the two families.There is no way but to continue.

For two full days, the seven people negotiated in this room except for meals. In the end, both parties gave way. The Gan family splits it equally.

"When are we going to leave?" Negotiating with Wang Sheng was more tiring than fighting, and finally reached an agreement, the elder of the Gan family asked dryly.

(End of this chapter)

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