
Chapter 983 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 983 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 520 Divide the spoils

There must be other things in such a large pile of things, there must be other things in it. It is just a simple and crude way to divide the gold.

Other things certainly cannot be distinguished so easily.That is to say, the value of gold can be estimated according to its weight. In this case, the manual cost of any jewelry or the added value of antiques has been smoothed out, and only the simplest method is used to measure it.

"There are still a batch of pearls here." A master historian who was rummaging in the distance suddenly called out, attracting everyone's attention.However, his next sentence came out immediately: "It's all turned yellow and cracked, it's useless!"

This is the case with pearls, as they age, they can easily turn yellow and crack if they are not properly maintained.Once this happens, basically it becomes waste, and even pearl powder cannot be made.

It has not been opened for nearly 500 years, and 500 years is enough to turn the best pearls into garbage.

Everyone knows this common sense. After hearing the following sentence, they all shook their heads, stopped paying attention to that side, and continued to lower their heads and slowly search in front of their own eyes.

Everyone is not rummaging blindly, but cleaning up with a purpose.The goldware will be piled up in one direction, so that it will be easy to separate out when the time comes.The jewelry and weapons that Wang Sheng wanted were also sorted in another direction, and then they would be passed one by one.

Basically, everyone is in this way, and everyone has nothing to hide from each other. It's just a little gold. To put it bluntly, who among these three parties will affect the cooperative relationship because of such a little hidden gold?

"There are some precious stones here!" Another person found something different, which was piled on the other side, next to the gold objects, and it was only revealed after pulling apart the pile of gold objects.

"How?" Wang Sheng asked a question without raising his head.

"There's not much time, draw and draw according to the color, roughly divided into three piles, how about it?" This time, it was the elder of the Gan family who proposed the plan, and he also looked as usual, as if he was not facing gems that could at least be in piles at all, but It's like facing a pile of stones.

"Okay!" Wang Sheng and the great elder of the Shi family also had no objection and agreed unanimously.

As the elder of the Gan family said, there is not much time, which is an important prerequisite.If it is really necessary to make detailed identifications such as the size, color, and purity of gemstones and then divide them after valuation, then it may not be possible to tell them apart within a month or two.

It's still so convenient, simple and rude, according to the color, roughly pull it evenly, and then stroke it roughly according to the ratio of the three companies, just take it away.There will be too many to make the other two red-eyed, and the few will not feel that they will suffer much.For the three families, it was only worth some gold coins, and it was not worth fighting for.

Next, I really found a bunch of jewelry. These things are relatively well preserved, some are pure gold, some are inlaid with gemstones, and some are exquisitely crafted, but the total number is not many.

Wang Sheng had already said that he wanted jewelry, so he was naturally impolite at this time, and jumped out directly: "You guys choose one for yourself, take a few if you are interested, and keep the rest for me. I will roughly estimate it at that time and convert it into gold compensation For you guys."

What else can the two families have to say?Not all of them are required, you can pick them first, and then use gold as compensation after picking out the remaining Wang Sheng. Even if the two families suspect that there is some secret in the jewelry, they will not lose their temper.If you are asked to pick first and you can’t find anything good, then you deserve to be deceived.

"Okay!" The two elders nodded in unison.In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence, whether it is gold or gems, things that can be measured by gold coins are not worth their differences at this time.

With the sound of people sorting things and tinkling gold utensils being thrown around, more and more things were discovered.

Some clothing materials that were considered luxurious in those days are almost turned into powder to the touch now.Next to it is a batch of monster furs of various grades, which are well preserved.

The fur is easy to divide, divided according to the star level of the monster, or based on the weight, and divided according to the proportion.When the time comes when there are so many pieces of leather that cannot be divided, they all belong to Wang Sheng.The two big vassal states are not going to fight Wang Sheng for a few pieces of leather, and they will be ashamed in front of Wang Sheng.

It was no surprise to find a monster hide.Everyone thought that these monster skins were the source of taste for Wang Sheng's two snow mice to take them to find their destination. Therefore, it was normal to have monster skins, and it was abnormal if they didn't.

When they found it here, everyone had already seen it.Although there was no way to transport these things out at the time, when they were piled up here, the ancestors of the two families still sorted them out first.Basically, things of the same kind are all together, very regular.

At this time, some people have seen the weapons, but relatively speaking, there are not many weapons, only two or three hundred, there are long and short, there are knives and swords, and there are other types.

"You pick first, leave the rest to me, estimate the number, and compensate with gold." This time, Wang Sheng didn't wait for the two elders to speak, and directly resolved the matter according to the division of jewelry just now.

In this regard, the two elders are not surprised, and there is no reason to object.

Be it jewelry or weapons, Wang Sheng always asked the two families to choose first.Everyone didn't know the inside story, so naturally they didn't realize it was strange.But Wang Sheng was very determined, not at all afraid that the two families would take away his target first.

As soon as he came in, Wang Sheng had already discovered that the gold hairpin and the long sword he wanted were not very special and looked like good things.

The nobile looks like a very ordinary nobile, without any gems inlaid on it. Compared with the several pieces of exquisitely crafted jewelry around, it is an ugly duckling at all, unremarkable.

The long sword also looks ordinary in style, what's more special is that the long sword is the same as the surrounding ones, and there are some gaps on the blade.At first glance, it is obvious that it is a discarded weapon. It is estimated that the two ancestors collected it in a hurry at that time, and there was no time to sort it out.Even if it was in the hands of the two families, the long sword would be thrown aside as garbage.

So Wang Sheng didn't worry about being taken away by them at all, he was very relaxed.

"Should there be some peerless pills next?" Wang Sheng asked suddenly when he heard the sound of those people sorting and throwing them.

"The pill is probably impossible." The elder of the Gan family replied with a smile: "Don't talk about the best pill, the most common healing pill is probably not available. When the ancestors collected these things, they didn't know how to make them How many battles have been fought, how many injuries have been suffered. How many pills there should be distributed to those who participated in the battle at that time. Besides, pills are not easy to preserve, so they are discarded here."

(End of this chapter)

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