
Chapter 989 I Buy

Chapter 989 I Buy

Chapter 520 Four I Buy

When it was the last turn, a master of the Gan family came out of the grid area with the scroll inside, Wang Sheng stood up.

"The rest should be left to me." Wang Sheng said this to the two elders: "That's right?"

"That's right!" Even though they knew that there were still some good scrolls in it, they couldn't pick them out, but both families knew that it was impossible to take them all, whether they were cheap or good.This is an agreement that has been agreed long ago, and no one will overturn it at this time.

Wang Sheng turned around and waved at the ten old Taoists of the Qing Dynasty. Ten of them immediately stepped forward, directly in the grid, and received the scrolls in the rings they carried with them.Before they came in, they had brought enough rings and were just waiting to put things on.

The gold in front has not been divided yet, so no one dares to take things casually.Only the scroll is now clearly divided successfully.

Watching the people in Laojunguan put away the remaining scrolls, the two great elders let out a long sigh in spite of their distress.At least the most troublesome part of the spoils has been solved, the most important part, and the next job can be easier.

Distress is absolutely inevitable. Originally, this thing is shared by the two families, and it should be shared equally by the two families.But when Wang Sheng came out, they had to divide up a quarter of these things. It would be a lie if they said they didn't feel bad.

However, there is no need to regret cooperating with Wang Sheng.If it weren't for Wang Sheng, would they have discovered this peerless treasure under the tens of feet of ice and snow?Just looking at the place ten miles away from the place they first excavated, you can see how wrong their initial positioning was.

The location is ten miles away, and the depth is tens of feet away, unless they are so lucky as to dig that passage directly.Otherwise, without Wang Sheng's help, they might not be able to find this place even after another ten years of digging.

Compared to the value of these scrolls, the sum of those golds can't compare.But now that the scroll is in the bag, it is time to calculate the value of these gold jewelry.

"Let's do the same thing!" Wang Sheng said to the two great elders: "We have the fewest weapons, so divide the weapons first."

While talking, Wang Sheng casually picked up a long sword that looked tattered and full of gaps, and pulled it out among the pile of weapons: "It's still the same sentence, you first pick a few that look pleasing to the eye. Yes, the rest is mine. Estimate the value by yourself, refund the excess and make up for the deficiency.”

As he said that, Wang Sheng took the long sword and began to pick apart the pile of weapons on the ground one by one, all of which looked the same.

When this batch of weapons was collected back then, it was estimated that they were all swept up on the battlefield, and many of them still had blood that had dried up and turned black.Fortunately, after 500 years, there is no smell.

The big heads of the two families who have already taken the scroll, especially the historians, have even grabbed the "Fengxiang Mind Method", and they no longer look down on this weapon.Even if there are really weapons that blow hair, cut hair, and cut iron like mud, to put it bluntly, aren't they just gold coins?As long as there are gold coins, is it still afraid that Wang Sheng will not be able to find a few good masters from Linglong Pavilion?
I heard it before in Qian Jedi, and Wang Sheng went to a certain company to ask for a few high-quality daggers, saying that he would give them to Ah Qi, the female assassin of Qian Jedi.It would be the same this time, probably because Wang Sheng couldn't get gold coins from the female shopkeeper in the capital to give to the female killer, so he wanted to find a way from these places.

Really, even a woman can't handle it, but she dares to play so many tricks, it's Chang Shenggong!despise him!I thought so in my heart, but if I turn around and think about it, a woman who manages almost all the properties in Wang Sheng's hands and earns hundreds of millions of gold coins every year, if they are replaced by themselves, can they also be regarded as those women in their family? Same deal?
Thinking about it this way, Wang Sheng is really pitiful.The two great elders had almost the same thoughts in their hearts, so they took the opportunity to give a favor.Elder Shi just gave him a wink, and a master historian next to him immediately stepped forward, pretending to choose a sword, found a sword that looked really good, and then didn't choose it again.

How could the Gan family be willing to fall behind?Also a master stepped forward and carefully selected a long spear, and it was a top-quality long spear at first glance.After picking, it also means that it is enough.

Both families expressed the same attitude. Since it was agreed before, they will definitely fulfill it.But if you only pick one, it shows that it is to save face for Wang Sheng.The two families are very clear about this, and so is Wang Sheng.

"Thank you very much!" Wang Sheng was very grateful and expressed his gratitude on the spot.Afterwards, he was not polite, and after a lot of pawing, he asked a few veterans to come up and put away the weapons.

Of course, no one noticed that the long sword in Wang Sheng's hand was always used as a long sword to be pulled with a stick. After Wang Sheng selected it, he threw it directly to the old Taoist Ling Xu.Similarly, the old Taoist Ling Xu also collected a few good weapons to cover up, and the two cooperated tacitly, and no one could see anything unusual.

There are high-quality weapons among them, and they can be sold for some money when they are taken out. However, compared to the craftsmanship and technology of casting weapons 500 years later, the good things 500 years ago are really not enough to look at.It's okay to use it for antique appreciation, but if you really want to rely on this to rule the world, it's probably not far away.

"Let's discount the price difference to a hundred catties of gold!" Elder Shi casually discounted the price of this pile of weapons: "My father-in-law picked a few to coax the beauties, and cleaned up the rest, so they can be used as antique furnishings." Decorate a facade or something."

There are hundreds of tons of gold here, and if it is converted into a hundred catties of gold, it is almost free.It's just a favor, and it's not worth showing off.

Everyone's principles are very clear, and they all divide things first.After the weapons were divided, it was fur's turn.

Monster fur is a good thing. There are no less than thousands of furs of various grades here, and they are still tanned.There is no one lower than six-star at the lowest level, and all of them are in high demand.

Anyway, it has been agreed, according to the grade and weight.No one has any objection in this regard, each family has their own scales, and thousands of furs are in front of these legendary masters. It is not a heavy item that cannot be lifted. The ratio is divided out.

"Wait a minute, two elders." Wang Sheng saw that the two families were about to put away these furs, and Wang Sheng suddenly said again: "You also know that I have a dream workshop with a large volume of shipments. Can you sell the leather to me? You take all the top ones, and sell the rest to me, and you can find sources everywhere for the cheap ones. I can buy them at a high price!"

(End of this chapter)

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