
Chapter 991 Explained

Chapter 991 Explained

Chapter 520 Explanation

"Thank you very much!" Wang Sheng accepted without being pretentious. After thanking him, he waved to the old Taoists and told them to put away the jewelry.

Seeing that all the things had already entered into the Najie of a few veterans of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Sheng was completely relieved.The two things I want, the golden hairpin and the long sword, have already been obtained. This trip is worth it!

"Two elders, those gems." Wang Sheng smiled at the two of them again: "This time it's a real business, you choose what you want, and I will buy the rest at ten times the price."

"No problem." This time, it was Elder Shi who agreed without saying a word. After agreeing, he asked, "Can you clear up the confusion for us, and we can earn ten times the price?"

Upon hearing this question, almost everyone stopped.Everyone knows that Wang Sheng is a master at earning gold coins. If he can hear some tricks and secrets from Wang Sheng, wouldn't he be able to learn to make a fortune when he goes back?Even the old Taoists of the Qing Dynasty were no exception, they were all listening.

"It's simple!" Wang Sheng laughed, and he didn't intend to hide anything. Anyway, he got all the good things, so if he taught them something, wouldn't he be afraid that they would learn it?

"Actually, these gems are the same as those previous weapons." Wang Sheng started a simple teaching: "You also know that whether it's weapons, gems, or even jewelry, they are all real antiquities from 500 years ago, right? How can this be considered an antique?"

Everyone nodded. They came in and dug it out themselves. Things that haven't seen the light of day for 500 years are of course antiques.

"I know that your two families have a long history, so you don't care about these 500-year-old objects." Wang Sheng laughed, and he flattered the two families a little: "Of course, the eight princes probably don't care about it either. With such a few antiques, there are probably a lot of things in the house that are older than this.”

This is not a lie. The eight major families are all big families that have continued since the previous dynasty. All the things used in the house are good things with a history. I definitely don’t care about these dirty things. They were snatched from nowhere. Things, most of which still had blood on them.

The two great elders also nodded.Needless to say, many of the things the two of them use at home are old antiques. When did you care about this?
"However, not all the eight major families in the world have a long history." Wang Sheng smiled: "There are some small families whose family history is not very long but have made some achievements, aren't they?"

"There are many of these." Elder Shi took up the conversation and followed Wang Sheng's words.

"This kind of small family actually likes to flaunt the long history of their family and the superiority of their ancestors." Wang Sheng smiled, and then said: "At this time, the gems and weapons I bought from you have It’s where it comes in handy.”

Everyone is at a loss, what's the use of this?
"For example, I took out a weapon with various gaps on it." Wang Sheng explained with a smile: "This is a real antique from 500 years ago, and it is also a real thing that participated in a battle, right? There are bloodstains on it Woolen cloth!"

A group of people nodded in unison.They have seen those good and bad weapons, they all have similar characteristics, they are absolutely real, and they are innocent.

"If I suggest that someone from a small family buy this weapon back and say that it was used by their ancestors, not to mention putting gold on their ancestors' faces out of thin air, it will also make the family history more prominent." Wang Sheng said directly this time. He asked Elder Shi, "Elder Shi, if it were you, would you be willing to pay a big price for a 'weapon used by your ancestors' to decorate your appearance?"

"If the price is right, I'm definitely willing, but if the price is outrageous..." Elder Shi shook his head directly.The implication is that he is definitely not unwilling to pay a big price to buy it.

"But what if this weapon is guaranteed by Qian Shengyuan?" Wang Sheng suddenly asked again: "Qian Shengyuan guarantees that it has been appraised by the master, and will he leave the Qian Shengyuan appreciation mark on it? And It comes with the maintenance of Qianshengyuan."

"This?" Elder Shi suddenly understood, and smiled wryly: "Yes! The price is whatever you say, Lord!"

No matter what, as long as you walk around in Qianshengyuan, the price will immediately fly.With the endorsement of Qian Shengyuan, those members of the small family would still hesitate?Will definitely pay big bucks to buy it without hesitation.

That is to say, Elder Shi's own family has historical background, so there is no need to pretend like this. If he is a member of a small family, he will definitely be tempted!
"The same goes for gems!" Wang Sheng then talked about gems: "Don't forget that I also have a stall called Mengzhifang. These gemstones are stamped with the logo of Dreamfang, and they are made into exquisite jewelry. They are all from the previous dynasty. Antiquities, limited edition, do you think anyone will buy them?"

Qianshengyuan is in the men's business, while Runzifang and Mengzhifang are definitely the overlords in the women's business.Dream House will launch a limited edition antique jewelry, it will definitely be snatched up.The noble ladies in the capital can grab it right away, and it's too late for outsiders to get the news.Believe it or not, Mengzhifang really has this appeal among the majority of women.

"So, doing business is actually very simple." Wang Sheng gave a rare pointer: "As long as you make word of mouth and reputation, you can sell the same thing at a hundred times the price, while others can only Selling at the original price, this is the difference. Reputation is very important, which is why you are willing to cooperate with me even though I have the strength to keep you all here, because I have this reputation and reputation, right?"

Wang Sheng took the initiative to talk about his ability to keep them, which made the two elders a little nervous.But after hearing what happened later, they had to admit that it was indeed because of this that they dared to cooperate with Wang Sheng.At least so far, no one who has worked with Wang Sheng can say anything.

There are quite a few gemstones, almost thousands, and Wang Sheng asked two veterans and two families to sort them out and estimate them roughly.Anyway, as I said before, if you buy it at ten times the price, you can use the gold here to pay.Originally they belonged to two families, Wang Sheng was equivalent to using their gold to buy their things, and he was not losing money either way.

"How to divide the remaining things." Wang Sheng already got what he wanted, so he didn't want to stay in this dark underground cave any longer.However, Wang Sheng had no choice but to stay in order to keep the two families from worrying.After saying hello to the two great elders, Wang Sheng found a corner and sat down with an old Taoist Ling Xu, and began to cultivate patiently.

Following Wang Sheng's practice, the aura ice cubes fell into the big pond one by one, and the ice surface also rose little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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