
Chapter 999

Chapter 999

Chapter 520 IX Dream Comprehension

After making a small pot of porridge and drinking it slowly, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu smiled wryly at each other.

When did you come in before when you didn't have to eat and drink, and you didn't have to worry about anything?This time, I actually drank two bowls of porridge alone for six days and nights, and still didn't dare to eat and drink more. What's the matter?

Fortunately, the three-story igloo kept out the strong wind and severe cold. Even if the fire was extinguished, it could still maintain a certain temperature.Otherwise, the two of them might be frozen and become two icemen.

"Didn't you say you want to come in to practice?" The old Taoist suddenly remembered the purpose of coming in that Wang Sheng said, and couldn't help asking: "How is the practice?"

Don't tell me the old way, Wang Sheng almost forgot.Concentrating quickly, the consciousness entered the space of the original soul, and after a careful look, he was dumbfounded for a moment.

The villain with fighting consciousness seems to have not fully digested the absorbed breath, and is holding Yuan Shouyi, sitting in the corner of the Yuansoul space to practice.

Wang Sheng didn't interfere with the villain with fighting consciousness, he just looked towards Dachizi.After looking at the past, I realized that these days I was obsessed with combing women's hair and straightening out my fists, and I didn't deliberately practice.But now the ice surface of that big pond has faintly exceeded the edge of the pond, not only full, but also overflowing.

Surprise!Wang Sheng didn't know whether to say he was lucky or unlucky.The state of practice without thoughts and thoughts like before is actually the lifelong pursuit of many masters.In that state, the effect of subconscious self-cultivation is the most unimaginably efficient.

Now it seems that Wang Sheng was in that state, practicing unconsciously, driven by the woman's movements, and achieved the current result.

"It's done, you can advance to the next level at any time." Wang Sheng returned to reality, and said to the old Taoist: "If you raise it for a day, you can advance here."

Of course the old man has no objection.In fact, when he found out that Wang Sheng couldn't be stopped from doing this, and he was confident that he could protect Wang Sheng comprehensively, the old man himself was a little curious about what it would be like to be promoted here.What does it feel like when the aura that is dozens of times stronger than the outside is poured into the body.

It's not always good to be promoted at any time, you have to recharge your batteries.When you advance to the next level when you are weak, your spiritual energy will be sufficient at that time, but you will not be able to hold on, and you will definitely fall short.

Wang Sheng and Lao Dao didn't drink water or rice for two or three days in a row, and their bodies were already weak.At this time, it is time to advance and break through. Wang Sheng has always taken a long time to temper his body with spiritual energy. If he really advances now, I am afraid that Wang Sheng may not be able to support his body until the body is tempered with spiritual energy, and he will faint.That's not a promotion, but a joke about his own life.

However, it doesn't mean that the two of them will have nothing to do during this period of recuperation.Wang Sheng straightened out the principles of Taijiquan, and the old Taoist figured out the Daozang mentality, so the two could communicate and complement each other.

The principles of Taijiquan are not easy to describe, but Wang Sheng knew that Lingxu's comprehension ability is amazing, so he didn't talk nonsense. He cleaned up the middle of the igloo, and started to practice Taijiquan that he had comprehended in the middle of the igloo.

You don’t need much space when practicing Taijiquan. The simplest one is a space of three times three steps, front, back, left, and right, and a small nine-square grid is enough.

The old Taoist Ling Xu watched Wang Sheng's movements intently, and at the same time he was thinking about it in his heart and straightening it out.At his level, even the breath of Wang Sheng's punching wind can be accurately sensed, and it is easy to discern what changes have been made in Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng only thought about the theory of boxing in a fantasy, in a dream, and this was the first time in reality.At the beginning, the body couldn't keep up with the imagination, and there were always some stumbles, but when Wang Sheng started from the second time, the fist began to flow smoothly.

Between his gestures, Wang Sheng seemed soft and rigid, as closed as closed, round and harmonious, he felt like his whole body was soaked in liquid nutrient solution, no muscle was intentionally tense, it should be loose, it should be tight, After a set of punches, it was like soaking in a hot bath, and my whole body felt comfortable.

However, Wang Sheng did not stop, but continued the cycle for the third time.Practicing boxing is not enough to just practice once. Wang Sheng has to practice this feeling many times until his muscle memory has been practiced.When Wang Sheng is able to subconsciously type out when he is suddenly attacked, it is considered to have initially achieved his goal.

Wang Sheng's own strength is enormous, and Tai Chi, which uses softness to overcome rigidity, seemed a little uncoordinated before, and there was always a feeling of excessive force.Wang Sheng himself felt this way, and Lao Dao also felt the same way.Of course, both of them knew that this was because Wang Sheng still couldn't achieve a perfect balance between Yin and Yang.Too much masculinity and not enough femininity can cause such defects.

But now, that awkward feeling is gone.Whether it's attacking or defending, whether it's fists or other parts of the body, everything is smooth, everything is smooth, and everything is easy to use. The feeling makes Wang Sheng laugh happily when punching.

After playing ten times in a row, Wang Sheng's movements became smoother, more natural and more relaxed.The old Taoist also looked at it with an unbearable itch.When Wang Sheng finished fighting, the old man stepped forward and stood opposite Wang Sheng without saying a word, stretched out his hands, and was about to push Wang Sheng.

It is impossible to comprehend the subtleties just by not watching the hands. The most convenient way is to push hands with Wang Sheng after watching Wang Sheng's performance, and directly experience it.Of course, he is an old man, Wang Sheng would not bother to push hands with him, but you want to learn, do you have the qualifications?Even if he is qualified, may he accept Wang Sheng's push?
After Wang Sheng went through the changes, his body became infinitely stronger. Now that he has straightened out the principles of Taijiquan, a light push with his hand, even if it is only intentional but not forceful, is probably tens of thousands of catties.Not to mention those who have never learned Tai Chi, even those old Taoist priests of the Qing generation in Laojunguan may not be able to really push Wang Sheng a few times.

That is to say, Ling Xu is an old Taoist, not to mention his cultivation level is high, his own understanding of Tai Chi principles is not much lower than Wang Sheng's, and his ability to compete with Wang Sheng is quite the same.

Rao is an incomparably strong old man, after pushing Wang Sheng with his hands, he couldn't help but praise: "Good!"

The two of them push and receive, accept and receive, just a dozen times back and forth, they have already cooperated incomparably tacitly, you come and go, you enter and I take, back and forth, feeling their own strength, feeling Watching the opponent's strength, using one's own strength, and dissolving the opponent's strength, it was like practicing for decades.

If an outsider saw it, the two of them felt as if they were one person at the moment, and even the aura of the two seemed to be fused together, without distinction between each other.It's amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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