Chapter 10
After killing the blood python, Li Changkong used the blood of swallowing the sky to directly swallow all the blood of the blood python.

It's a pity that the current him has only just been promoted to the sixth level of body training, and a mere blood python can't let him improve his cultivation much.

However, he was not disappointed. There are still a lot of purple sun grasses here. These purple sun grasses are full of vitality. If they can be refined, it will be enough to improve his cultivation by a large amount.

Da da da……

At this moment, there were bursts of footsteps coming from outside the cave, and the footsteps were quite hurried.

"Lin Yang, are you sure there is really purple sungrass here? You have to know, if you lie to me, you will end up miserable, right?"

"Of course, how dare I lie to Brother Long? Last time I accidentally broke into this place and found Ziyangcao, but ended up killing a blood python on the way. The blood python is powerful. I am not an opponent, so I had to give up halfway." ..."

"Brother Long, you promised me that after you get it, you will give me [-]% of the purple sun grass here. You must keep your promise!"

"Of course, as long as there is purple sungrass, I, Lin Long, will never break my promise, but if not, Quack, you will pay a heavy price!"

Between the words, two figures rushed in one after the other, entering Li Changkong's field of vision.

They were two young warriors, one tall and one short, the taller eyes were full of brilliance, and their cultivation base was strong. They were young geniuses who had already cultivated to the seventh level of body training. Six Realms.

Obviously, from the previous conversation, it can be seen that the tall boy is Lin Long, and the short martial artist is called Lin Yang.

The two of them had just entered the cave, and when they saw Li Changkong, they couldn't help showing a hint of surprise, but immediately, they both broke into grinning grinning.

"Unexpectedly, someone else found this place, but fortunately, the hydrangea is still there, boy, you can get out!"

Lin Yang took a step forward, his face showed a ferocious look, in front of Lin Long, he wanted to swallow his anger, but he didn't need to be patient with this kid in front of him.

"Lin Yang, stop talking nonsense, kill this guy quickly!" Lin Long stood aside, staring at the purple sungrass here, showing satisfaction, and shouted at Lin Yang beside him.

Although Lin Yang was dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't dare to show it. He strode forward, rushed straight at Li Changkong, and punched out directly.

He was full of confidence, this punch contained a thousand catties of strength, the strength was astonishing, under one punch, even a big bluestone would be smashed by his punch.

"Boy, you are unlucky, you are destined to die at the hands of your grandfather today!"

Lin Yang let out a sinister grin, as if he could already see the picture of killing the opponent with one punch.

"It's uncertain."

Li Changkong stood up, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth, how dare he be arrogant in front of him with such a little cultivation?
Since the other party's attack was fierce and wanted to put him to death, he naturally wouldn't hold back his hand. He also punched out with a punch, and there was a loud bang, and the air collapsed like an avalanche.

His punch, with a force of two thousand catties, completely surpassed Lin Yang's punch.

Seeing the astonishing power of Li Changkong's punch, Lin Yang's face suddenly changed. He finally knew that the kid in front of him looked quite weak, but his cultivation was not simple at all.

But at this moment, there was no turning back when he opened the bow, and he had no room to dodge at all.


Lin Yang gritted his teeth and tried his best, the power on his fist suddenly increased a lot.

The next moment, the two fists collided fiercely in the air. Lin Yang only felt an irresistible force coming from the opponent's fist, which directly knocked him out. With a loud voice, one arm hangs down feebly, and the bones are broken.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Yang was terrified in his heart, showing disbelief. He was at the peak of the sixth level of body refining, but the other party, he was very sure in his heart, the other party had not reached the level of the seventh level of body training.

It is very possible that the other party is only at the sixth level of body training.

It is also the sixth level of body training, how can the gap be so large?
"Brother Long, save me, this guy is very strong!"

Lin Yanglian turned around and asked Lin Long for help. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent, but fortunately, with Lin Long around, with Lin Long's strength, he could easily crush the opponent to death.

This is because Lin Long is in the seventh level of body training, and the true energy in his body can be released, and there is a huge gap between Lin Long and the sixth level of body training.

"Trash, what a scum, you can't beat a scum, you are not even as good as a scum!"

Cursing in Lin Long's mouth, he walked directly towards Lin Yang.

"Brother Long, Brother Long, what are you going to do?" Lin Yang showed a look of panic.

"What? To kill you, of course!"

Lin Long sneered, without the slightest hesitation, he stepped on it directly, crushing Lin Yang's head, and blood splashed everywhere.

Until the moment before he died, Lin Yang's eyes widened, and there was a strong look of disbelief in his eyes. He couldn't believe that Lin Long would treat him like this.

However, Lin Long's ruthless methods, even disregarding the lives of his companions, made Li Changkong frowned, revealing a look of disgust.

After Lin Long killed Lin Yang, he raised his head again, with disdain in his eyes, and said with a sneer: "Boy, I want to thank you, you injured Lin Yang, which saved me a lot of effort. But now, It's your turn!"

He had a fierce look in his eyes and a murderous look on his body, and he didn't take Li Changkong seriously. In his eyes, Li Changkong was like an ant, who could be trampled to death with a single kick.

"Hehe, it's not certain who will have the last laugh."

Li Changkong chuckled, although there was a gap in realm between him and the opponent, and he was firmly suppressed by the opponent, but he was still confident that he could defeat the opponent.

There is a huge gap between the sixth level of body refining and the seventh level of body refining. If it were someone else, there would be almost no possibility of victory.

But he is Li Changkong, far from being comparable to ordinary warriors!
"Haha, it's just ridiculous. I know you. You are Li Changkong from the Li family. That trash, if I were you and lost all my cultivation, I might as well hit my head against the wall and die."

Lin Long seemed to have heard some big joke, he showed a sneer, and pressed forward step by step.

"When you are defeated by my trash, you will know what it means to lose face and lose home!"

Li Changkong snorted coldly.

"Losing to you? How is it possible?"

With disdain on his face, Lin Long suddenly rushed out like a cheetah.

(End of this chapter)

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