Chapter 100 Four million taels (first update)
"350 million taels, the high price of 350 million taels has suddenly been reached!"

"Raising the price by 50 all of a sudden, this is a real rich man, but who is this person, who dares to compete with the young master of the Su family?"

"The one who dares to fight with the young master of the Su family is probably someone from the other five major families?"


In the auction venue, everyone was shocked by Li Changkong's local tyrant's style of raising 50 taels in one go.

"350 million. Now the price has been updated to 350 million. Has anyone offered a higher price?"

The beautiful woman glanced around, as if she was looking for someone who would continue to bid.

"350 million, the first time."

"350 million, the second time."



Although the young master of the Su family was unhappy, he could only continue to ask for the price at this moment: "380 million taels!"

"I'm Su Guang. I hope everyone will show me face. Zixue Jinlan is extremely important to me. If you can sell me this face, I, Su Guang, are not ungrateful."

After asking the price, the eldest young man of the Su family stood up directly, glanced around sharply, and his voice suddenly changed:
"However, if someone wants to oppose me wholeheartedly, then I, Su Guang, will definitely accompany me!"

The words were full of threats.

Everyone was stunned. Although they were all disciples of aristocratic families, they were inferior to the young master of the Su family after all.

Here, the only one who can stabilize the young master of the Su family is probably the young master of the Lu family, but for some reason, the high-profile and arrogant young master of the Lu family never spoke, and no one listened. The voice of the eldest son of the Lu family sounded.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the young master of the Su family dares to be so arrogant, right?

Many people are secretly guessing in their hearts.

The beautiful woman on the auction stage couldn't help frowning, the young master of the Su family was blatantly threatening other bidders, which violated the regulations of Danbao Pavilion.

However, even she was very afraid of this young man of the Su family. Although she was displeased, she did not speak up after all.

"It seems that the Zixue Jinlan will be sold at a price of 380 million. Originally, at least it can be sprinted to more than 400 million."

The beautiful woman shook her head, her heart was full of regret, but she could only speak: "380 million, the first time."

"380 million, the second time."

"I'll pay 400 million."

At this moment, Li Changkong's faint voice came out again.

This flat voice without any fluctuations caused waves of commotion.

"This person is really brave enough. The eldest son of the Su family, after saying that, he dares to bid?"

Some people looked confused, where did they get the confidence to dare to compete with the young master of the Su family?
"Listening to the voice, this person should not be from the five major clans. This voice is so strange, it seems that I have never heard it before."

"Are you not a member of the five major clans, dare to fight with the young master of the Su family, are you getting impatient? Didn't you hear what the young master of the Su family said just now?"


There was a lot of discussion among the people, and voices rose and fell one after another.

Even the beautiful women on the auction stage showed expressions of astonishment, and the sound of this voice was far beyond her expectation.

However, someone continued to bid, which was naturally a matter for her, and she didn't have to think about the others.

Li Changkong's eyes were indifferent. He first destroyed the Qinglang Gang and obtained all the wealth of the Qinglang Gang, and then destroyed the Xu family. [-]% of the Xu family's wealth fell into his hands.

A mere 400 million taels was nothing to him.

As for the threat from the Young Master of the Su family, he even sneered, as if a toddler was holding a wooden sword and threatening to kill a grown man.

Even the youngest of the Lu family was tied up by him, how could a mere youngest of the Su family be put in his eyes!
The Young Master of the Su family was trembling with anger, he stared fixedly at the VIP room where the sound came from, his eyes could almost burst into flames.

"Who, who is it?"

He was almost snarling.

"Young master, I have found out that the person in the VIP room seems to be Li Changkong."

A middle-aged man finally came back and whispered a report in Su Guang's ear.

"Li Changkong? Who is it?"

Su Guang frowned. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"It's Li Changkong who stomped the entire Xu family by himself!" The middle-aged man even reminded him.

"It's him!"

Su Guang couldn't help but gasped.

This is a fierce man, he trampled on Xu's family and shot Xu Jingting to death. Almost within a day, his name spread throughout Xiongwu Prefecture, almost shocking the entire Xiongwu Prefecture.

After all, although Xu Jingting is the weakest among the five giants, he is still in the real Shenfu realm!
The birth of this person almost foretells that Xiongwu Prefecture will usher in a storm in the future.

The middle-aged man bowed his head next to Su Guang's ear, lowered his voice, and said, "Master, don't provoke this person easily!"

"Hmph, I am alone, so naturally I dare not fight against this person, but behind me is the entire Su family. Do you think our Su family can't beat him?"

Su Guang snorted coldly, a bit of evil spirit flashed between his brows, and he said coldly: "Besides, he trampled on the Xu family by himself, which has already aroused dissatisfaction from other families and made people panic. Bystanders!"

"You go back first and report this matter to your father. Father already knows how to deal with it. He, Li Changkong, is not qualified enough to fight with my Su family!"

"Yes, master, I'll go right away."

The middle-aged man left in a hurry.

The light in Su Guang's eyes flickered, and he snorted coldly in his heart: "The purple blood golden orchid will be stored with you for the time being. It won't be long before the purple blood golden orchid will return to my hands."

He made up his mind and did not continue to bid.

"400 million taels, the first time."

On the auction stage, the beautiful woman spoke again.

"400 taels, the second time."

"400 taels, the third time."

"Congratulations, VIP Hall NO.17, this Tier [-] elixir purple blood golden orchid already belongs to you, and someone will send the purple blood golden orchid up later!"

The beautiful woman looked at the VIP room where Li Changkong was, and she was quite curious as to who it was that dared to go head-to-head with the young master of the Su family and snatch the Zixue Jinlan from the young master of the Su family. .

The light in Li Changkong's eyes flickered, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself, "This young master of the Su family didn't make any more bids?"

"It seems that he is planning to attack me after I leave the Danbao Pavilion? This is a good idea, but unfortunately, if you meet me, Li Changkong, you are doomed to lose everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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