Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1000 Breakthrough in Battle

Chapter 1000 Breakthrough in Battle (Fifth Change)
The injuries on Li Changkong's body were quite serious, but fortunately, his physical body was strong enough. Although the injuries looked serious, he could still hold on.

At this moment, Duan Tiandao was also thrown out by the shock, and fell into a corner, his body was covered with dust, and there was also blood oozing from his body, just now they collided forcefully, and as a result, both sides were hurt!

All around, all the spectators were stunned. The fluctuation of the battle just now was too amazing.

The battle between the two Tiangong warriors completely destroyed the arena protected by the formation, and the scene was like two strong Zhanchen fighting.

Especially, now Li Changkong is only at the sixth level of Tiangong!
They looked towards the center of the battlefield again, and saw that both of them had blood dripping down from their bodies, and their injuries were serious.

All eyes showed eagerness. They all wanted to know who would win this battle!
"Li Changkong, I didn't expect you to be able to injure me and survive the divine thunderbolt sky slash. You really surprised me!"

Duan Tiandao glanced over, with a sharp look and a fierce expression.

"However, even so, you are dead. I want to see how long you can last!"

After the words fell, Duan Tiandao came again. The beheading sword in his hand was three meters long. At this moment, he swung the sword and slashed at Li Changkong in the air!
The blazing blade light seemed to tear apart the void, and there were streaks of thunderous rays of light, flashing continuously, revealing astonishing power.

His saber intent is the Dao intent of heavenly thunder, and every time he cuts down with his sword, there will be billowing thunder from the sky, which is extremely powerful.


Li Changkong also snorted coldly, and went straight out, the fighting spirit in his eyes never weakened.

This time, he punched out again, and also erupted with astonishing power, majestic force, crushing and sweeping, and the aura of a real dragon suddenly permeated, just like a real dragon roaring.

Boom boom boom!
His fist shook the knife light, at this moment, he actually had a slight upper hand, and Duan Tiandao's beheading sword trembled, causing Duan Tiandao to retreat several steps.

"Divine Thunder Slash!"

Duan Tiandao shouted angrily again, and the Taoist intent of the billowing thunder completely permeated this space, changing the aura of this space.

Boom boom boom...

Immediately, the ground trembled, the ground split open, and amazing cracks appeared one after another. From the cracks, the power of thunder rushed out, and thunder after thunder bombarded Li Changkong.

Ding Ding Deng

Li Changkong stepped back repeatedly, feeling that he was not able to stand still, and thunderstorms struck Li Changkong, causing Li Changkong's whole body to be scorched black, and there was a burning smell.


Duan Tiandao gained power and was merciless, and the beheading sword came out horizontally, and it was aimed at Li Changkong's waist, as if he wanted to cut Li Changkong in half.

"The Great Five Elements Sword Art!"

A low-grade holy artifact appeared in Li Changkong's hands, with mighty majesty, which activated the five-element divine body, and all the spiritual power of the five elements turned into five-color rays of light and poured into his body.

chi chi chi...  

The Five Elements Sword Qi continued to be cut out, and its power was terrifying. Now, he has no reservations anymore, and he has pushed the Great Five Elements Sword Art to the extreme!
The great five-element sword energy collided violently with the beheading sword continuously, bursting out with bright lights, and the aftermath of the battle continued to spread.

Some disciples who were close were injured by the aftermath of the battle, and many of them were pale, and they were so frightened that they even retreated quickly, leaving them far away.

Now, the arena has collapsed, and the protective formation has naturally been destroyed, and the aftermath of the battle continues to spread. Those visions are very scary.

"Elder Luo, Elder Yan, if you don't join forces, set up a barrier to prevent the aftermath of the battle from spreading!"

At this moment, Wang Tianyang, the vice president in the main stand, started to drink loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, two figures rushed out and began to work together to form barriers to seal the aftermath of the battle within a certain space.

After a short period of chaos, finally, the enchantment was set up to resist the aftermath of the battle one after another.

Everyone was shocked and looked towards the battlefield again.

At this moment, the battle between Li Changkong and Duan Tiandao became more and more intense, reaching a fever pitch.

In the blocked space, sword lights and sword lights collided constantly, arousing astonishing power, and the space was like a mirror, shattered inch by inch.

But at this moment, above Li Changkong's body, the breath was steaming endlessly, and the precious light was shining brightly.

His cultivation was actually constantly improving in the constant battles, becoming stronger and stronger.

"He's not going to break through in battle, is he?"

"With Duan Tiandao, can he still break through the realm?"

At this moment, many college disciples were completely stunned, and their eyes were fixed on Li Changkong. This is unbelievable. The strength of Duan Tiandao is beyond doubt, very tyrannical!
But in the fight with Duan Tiandao, Li Changkong became more and more courageous, and his cultivation was constantly improving.

Many of the disciples of Qingtangtang were startled by seeing it, and they just thought it was inconceivable.

Even the Sword Emperor is frowning at this moment. Now, Li Changkong and Duan Tiandao are very close in strength, and there is not much difference in the battle between the two.

But if Li Changkong really succeeds in breaking through, his strength will definitely be greatly improved, and by then, Duan Tiandao will no longer be able to maintain his advantage.

Kuntian Saintess stomped her feet in anxiety, wishing she could rush out, appear on the battlefield, fight Li Changkong, and cut Li Changkong's head off!
The Seventh Prince, Hong Yuan, Hong Qing and others also discovered this, and there was some joy in their eyes.


The next moment, Baoguang was more and more steaming on Li Changkong's body. His cultivation level had entered the seventh level of Tiangong. With the improvement of his level, his strength became stronger and stronger. At the same time, his injuries, He was recovering.


At this moment, Duan Tiandao was astonished. If he continued to fight like this, the situation would be very unfavorable to him.

You know, he is currently wounded, and with the continuous fighting, his consumption is huge, and I am afraid that he will not be able to last for a long time.

But at this moment, Li Changkong actually made a breakthrough!

This is simply a fatal blow.

"Let's fight again!"

A bright light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and he became more and more excited. The battle with Duan Tiandao was very exciting, and he felt the pressure.

Under this kind of pressure, he exploded with even greater potential, and unknowingly, he broke through to the seventh level of Tiangong.

"Duan Tiandao, why don't you come and die?"

He laughed loudly, and behind him, a blood-colored dragon shadow appeared. That blood-colored dragon shadow had a ferocious expression, showing the power of a real dragon.

His devouring bloodline, he didn't dare to show it too much before, for fear of attracting powerful enemies, but now, with the guardian of Master Tianwu, he no longer has any fear!

PS: Thank you for the reward of 99 book coins for sick seedlings, thanks to TV Gu Chenfeng for the reward of 100 book coins, and thank you for lending you the 99 book coins on your shoulder!

Thanks to the above three book friends!

(End of this chapter)

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