Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1296 Forming an Legion

Chapter 1296 Forming a Legion (First Change)
The major suzerains dispersed, and soon the news spread. The entire God of War world was shaken. Countless various small forces, no matter how far apart, sent envoys one by one to Fengtian Academy to meet the new emperor.

But obviously, they all returned disappointed, unable to see Emperor Changkong in person, and the only person in charge of receiving them was the sword servant high priest beside the emperor.

All major forces expressed their surrender and were willing to obey the orders of the Emperor Changkong. In fact, they had no choice. Now the reputation of the Great Demon King is already No. 1 in the God of War world!
The vision of surging dragon energy and blessing of luck that day was like a real dragon descending into the world, who would dare not follow?

Not long after, news came out that after Emperor Changkong ascended the throne, he issued the first imperial decree that three major legions will be formed, the True Dragon Legion, the Black Demon Legion, and the Heavenly Sword Legion. Each legion will cost 10 People, only Tianjiao, can join it!

The True Dragon Legion only recruits those who are physically strong, and only those who are physically strong can join it.

The Black Demon Army only recruits those who are strong in the magic way, and only those who have extraordinary talents in the magic way can join the Black Demon Army.

The Heavenly Sword Legion, as the name suggests, only those who are skilled in swordsmanship can join the Heavenly Sword Legion.

These three legions are all directly obeying the emperor's orders, following the emperor, they are the guardians of the emperor in the sky!
As long as you join the three major legions, you can get generous treatment, respected status, and honor your ancestors!
As soon as the news came out, the God of War world was once again shaken. Countless arrogances flocked to sign up.

You know, now that the emperor has just established, if he can join the legion, maybe he can get the respect of the emperor, and in the future, it will be a big success!
The Tianjiao experts from various sects poured in one after another, and there were huge crowds of people inside and outside Fengtian Academy, even more crowded than when Fengtian Academy recruited disciples back then.

Hall of the Dragon King.

Ling Tongtian, Sword God Ye Nantian, Tang Meng and many other powerful people all appeared one after another.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Li Changkong's eyes swept across, and the hearts of the countless strong men below couldn't help but throb. Now the power of the emperor is getting more and more intense.

The majesty of the real dragon suppressed the audience, and its aura was so strong that it seemed to control the world, control this realm, and possess supreme supernatural powers.

Just at this moment, another figure suddenly appeared in the sky. On that body, there was surging magic light and strong aura. It turned out to be a high-level demigod.

"Who? How dare you break into the Dragon King Palace without authorization?"

Hong Yuan and Hong Qing, the two guardians all raised their heads, their eyes were cold. Even though the opponent was a high-level demigod with great strength, at this moment, they had no fear at all.

"He is the Demon Ancestor, the future leader of the Black Demon Legion."

Li Changkong opened his mouth and looked at the figure in the sky. He didn't need to look to know that it was the Demon Ancestor.

He had already thought about the three major legions. The True Dragon Legion would be handed over to Ling Tongtian, while the Black Demon Legion would naturally be handed over to the Demon Ancestor, and the Heavenly Sword Legion would be handed over to Sword God Ye Nantian.

With the abilities of these three people, the three major legions will surely be able to display their astonishing combat power!

The reason why he formed the three major legions is by no means a joke, but he really hopes that the three major legions will have a strong combat power, and in the future, they can charge forward and kill the Quartet!

As for himself, he is the treasurer, although he is an emperor, but if he is really asked to deal with many mundane affairs, it will distract him and prevent him from concentrating on martial arts.

This is definitely not what he wants!
"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for a short time, you boy, you are already an emperor!"

In the sky, the Demon Ancestor sighed in admiration, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't think it was surprising. In the underworld, Li Changkong had already demonstrated terrifying strength, capable of suppressing and killing high-level demigods.

With Li Changkong's combat power in the underworld, it is enough to sweep away the three ancient clans. In this God of War world, no one can stop it!
"Ancestor Mo, I named you the leader of the Black Demon Legion, the commander of the army, how about it?"

Li Changkong looked at the Demon Ancestor. Although he praised me, he did not put on the airs of an emperor, but was asking, seeking the opinion of the Demon Ancestor.

He deeply understands that an old guy like Demon Ancestor cannot be easily suppressed because of the power of an emperor.

"Hmph, for the sake of avenging me, I, the Demon Ancestor, agree!"

The Demon Ancestor snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, but the result was unexpected, he nodded in agreement.

"Brother, you lead the True Dragon Legion, the head of the True Dragon Legion, the head of the Legion!"

"Ye Nantian, you are the head of the Heavenly Sword Legion, leading the Heavenly Sword Legion!"

Li Changkong looked at Ling Tongtian and Ye Nantian again. Both of them were powerful fighters. It was really inevitable for him to be the shopkeeper now, and he had to rely on these two.


Ling Tongtian and Ye Nantian both nodded and accepted the order without any objection.

"Haha, that's good. All the resources in the Dragon King Palace are at your disposal. No matter how huge the cost is, I want you to build these three legions into an army of iron and blood. In the future, we will conquer the blood demon world and enter In the Blood Demon Realm!"

Li Changkong raised his head and laughed loudly. With these three people, he can practice safely without being distracted by this matter.

Especially the Demon Ancestor. This Demon Ancestor lived for a long time, and his knowledge is so wide that no one in the entire God of War world can match him.

Afterwards, he made some adjustments, transferred Tang Meng to the Black Demon Legion as the deputy head of the army, and the Seventh Prince was transferred by him to the True Dragon Army as the deputy head of the army, Hong Yuan, Hong Qing, Gu Feiyang and others were transferred to the Heavenly Sword Legion by him.

Soon, in the Dragon King Hall, many strong men dispersed one by one, each getting busy.

Only Xiaohui, Xiaolong, a golden wolf, and a golden flood were left, and they all raised their heads with astonishment on their faces.

"Boss, what about me? They all have something to do, what kind of legion chief and deputy legion chief, it sounds so majestic!"

Xiao Huilian ran over, staring at Li Changkong with those wolf eyes, full of resentment.

"Yes, yes, boss, you can't favor one over another!"

The little dragon even made a sound, a pair of dragon eyes were rolling around.

The two battle pets couldn't hold back at all, especially Xiaolong, who felt extremely depressed, Xiao Hui had a younger brother after all, but it, being the emperor's battle pet, didn't have a younger brother, this made it feel aggrieved.

"Go aside."

Li Changkong glared at Xiao Hui angrily, then strode away, walked into the main hall, and immediately started to retreat, not bothering to pay attention to Xiao Hui.

"Boss Hui, what should we do?"

Xiaolong looked worried.

"Hey, they have the True Dragon Legion, the Black Demon Legion, and the Heavenly Sword Legion. I want to create a legion called the Golden Wolf Legion!"

Xiao Hui didn't take it seriously, her eyes were bright.

"But, we have no one!"

Xiaolong is still puzzled.

"What's the matter if there is no one? You and I are not humans, but monsters. In this huge God of War world, there are countless monsters. Isn't it enough for a legion?"

Xiao Hui spoke carelessly.

Immediately, Xiaolong's eyes became bright, and finally, one wolf and one flood rushed out, and soon disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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