Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1465 The Enemy Chushan God Sovereign

Chapter 1465 Enemy Chushan God (Third)

"Senior, what exactly is the restricted area of ​​life you mentioned?"

Li Changkong couldn't help asking, Zhao Fengtian's strength was absolutely extraordinary, but in the end, he was still buried in the restricted area of ​​life. From this we can see that the restricted area of ​​life is definitely a forbidden area!
"The forbidden zone of life, that is, the forbidden zone of God, the most dangerous place in the God Realm, stronger than gods and kings, dare not step into the forbidden zone of God!"

Zhao Fengtian spoke in a deep voice.

God's forbidden zone, stronger than gods and gods, dare not step into it easily?
Li Changkong looked shocked. The gods are already giants in the God Realm, and they are rampant in the God Realm, and the God King is even more overlord. In the God Realm, a God Emperor has not been born for a long time. The God King is the overlord of the God Realm !

What is the forbidden zone of the gods that even the king of gods should be afraid of?

"The forbidden zone of the gods is not a place you can set foot on now, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it. The old man is running out of time. The reason why I left this soul remnant is to pass on the tyrannical combat body of the Five Elements Chaos God Body go down!"

Zhao Fengtian smiled wryly and shook his head. The forbidden zone of gods is extremely terrifying, stronger than him, and he has cultivated to the realm of gods, but in the end, isn't he still falling in the forbidden zone of gods?

"Five Elements Chaos Divine Body?"

Li Changkong's eyes lit up immediately. What he has cultivated now is the Five Elements Divine Physique. Although the combat power is strong, it is a good combat physique, but when it comes to the God Realm, it becomes very weak and useless.

"You can unlock the seal, presumably, you have already cultivated the Five Elements Divine Body?"

Zhao Fengtian stared at Li Changkong, and continued, saying: "The Five Elements Divine Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Jue are interdependent and belong to one thing. When I became a god, I accidentally broke into a dangerous place. I have obtained the cultivation method of the Five Elements God Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Jue."

"But after getting it, the old man was very disappointed. The Five Elements Divine Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Art are extremely difficult to cultivate. The conditions are almost harsh, but the power is mediocre. It is not very useful in this God Realm."

"Afterwards, the old man introduced the Five Elements Divine Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Art to the lower realm, which can be regarded as increasing the foundation of Fengtian Academy!"

Hearing what Zhao Fengtian said, Li Changkong couldn't help but smiled wryly. As he expected, the Five Elements Divine Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Art were indeed introduced to the lower realm by Zhao Fengtian.

But in the end, I'm afraid Zhao Fengtian didn't expect it, because the conditions for cultivating the Five Elements Divine Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Art are too harsh. In Fengtian Academy, only Ye Nantian and him can cultivate the Five Elements Divine Body.

The theory of increasing the background of Fengtian Academy is just empty talk.

"But later, after I became a god, I went back to observe the Five Elements God Body and the Great Five Elements Sword Art, but suddenly realized that neither the Five Elements God Body nor the Great Five Elements Sword Art are that simple!"

Zhao Fengtian opened his mouth again, and said: "A combat body and a sword art, they complement each other and are intertwined. It is not easy to create such a combat body and sword art!"

"So, the old man returned to the dangerous place before, and finally got a clue, and this clue pointed to the forbidden place of God!"

Li Changkong's expression was awe-inspiring. From this point of view, Zhao Fengtian broke into the God's Forbidden Land because of the Five Elements Divine Body, but he never thought that this would become his way of desperation!

"The forbidden zone of the gods is famous outside. It can be said that no one knows, no one knows. Before setting off, the old man has already prepared, and he may come back dead. Therefore, in this "Great Five Elements Sword Art" sword manual With hands and feet left behind, one of my own souls can communicate with this deity, and I can know everything that happened to this deity!"

"In retrospect, this step is really incomparably correct."

Zhao Fengtian paused, as if he was caught in the memory, full of emotion.

At that time, he was already honored as a god, and his strength was so strong that he could dominate the whole state, how happy he was?

But after stepping into the forbidden zone of God, he never got out again.


He took a long breath, calmed down, and then continued: "There is no need to say more about the next thing, as you can imagine, entering the forbidden zone of God, according to the clues obtained before, the old man finally obtained the complete Five Elements Divine Body, No, it should be the Five Elements Chaos Divine Body, and the Great Five Elements Chaos Sword Art!"

"Five Elements Chaos Divine Physique, Great Five Elements Chaos Sword Art, practiced to the peak, even if you meet a god-king strongman, you can fight with them, tyrannical and unmatched!"

"Now, this old man will teach you the Chaos Body of the Five Elements and the Chaos Sword Art of the Great Five Elements!"

As soon as the words fell, memory fragments flew out one after another, and he was going to use incomparably profound means to transform the memory into an image and directly transmit it to Li Changkong's mind.

The formulas and cultivation methods are all imprinted deep in Li Changkong's memory!
woohoo hoo...

After finishing all this, Zhao Feng was out of breath, and his body became thinner and thinner, as if he was about to disappear.


Li Changkong's eyes were full of gratitude. The Five Elements Chaos Divine Physique and the Great Five Elements Chaos Sword Art were extremely powerful, and their value was absolutely incalculable.

But Zhao Fengtian passed it on to him without any hesitation.

This kindness is as deep as the river and sea, and it must be repaid!
"I don't know senior, but if there is any regret, this disciple will definitely make up for the regret for senior."

Li Changkong even opened his mouth, and now, there is only so much he can do.


Zhao Fengtian sighed, and said: "There is indeed one thing. After the old man entered the God Realm, he joined the Heavenly Blood Alliance not long ago. As his cultivation continued to improve, his status in the Heavenly Blood Alliance became higher and higher. In the end, he even became the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Blood Alliance, with a detached status!"

"In the Heavenly Blood Alliance, the old man has a disciple named Zhong Chushan, who is in the realm of the gods. He is called the God of Chu Mountain. At the beginning, the old man took him and several other disciples into the forbidden zone of the gods."

"But at the moment when the old man was in danger, this son actually launched a sneak attack, severely injured the old man, and even attacked brazenly, beheading all other senior brothers and brothers in front of the old man. This son is extremely cruel and inhumane. If the old man If I can live another life, I must personally kill this beast!"

"Unfortunately, there is no chance..."

After repeated words, Zhao Fengtian's soul became weaker and weaker, and it was about to dissipate with the wind.

"Senior, this disciple has received the great kindness of senior, so I have to repay it! This disciple will definitely avenge this blood revenge for senior, and kill that Chushan God himself!"

Li Changkong gritted his teeth, hatred flashed in his eyes, he hated betrayal the most in his life!
You know, he was betrayed by his good brother Chu Jianghe back then, and was almost buried in the Blood Soul Valley. Now, what happened to Senior Zhao Fengtian was [-]-[-]% similar to him.

"At the beginning, he was already in the realm of the gods. If he could walk out of the forbidden zone of gods alive, he is probably already a god now. It will be too difficult for you to deal with him."

Zhao Fengtian shook his head, with a sad expression on his face, sighed, and said: "Don't force it, just do as you like..."

Speaking of this, the voice stopped abruptly, and the spirit disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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