Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1500 Arrival of the True Body

Chapter 1500 Arrival of the True Body (Second Change)


Li Changkong and Elder Xuanyue rushed out of Guangyou County City and headed towards Qingwu Mountain.

The Qingwu Mountains are full of monsters and complex terrain. For them, it is the best place to get rid of the pursuers!

The two rushed out with great speed, and within a short period of time, they were close to the core area of ​​the Qingwu Mountain Range.

Elder Xuan Yue landed, her face became paler, and there was no trace of blood on her face. She was seriously injured at first, and after being injured, she tried her best to support her. After going through fierce battles, her injury worsened again. go down.

Although the gods are powerful, after all, they are not immortal, and they can also be injured. Once the soul is injured, it is difficult to recover.

And the previous battle between Elder Xuanyue and Li Changkong has already hurt the soul!
Li Changkong also landed and appeared opposite Elder Xuanyue.

The rolling aura on his body has disappeared without a trace at this moment, and even the realm has begun to fall, falling from the realm of the gods.

The divine light that was originally steaming has become extremely dim at this moment, burning essence and blood, although it can bring him short-term powerful strength, but once the time limit expires, he will fall into unprecedented weakness, and even endanger his foundation, making him The original realm has fallen.

"Li Changkong, you have finally fallen into weakness!"

Elder Xuanyue's aura suddenly changed, and his eyes were even more icy cold, looking at Li Changkong with a bit of murderous intent.

She had been waiting for this opportunity, and when Li Changkong fell into weakness, she would be able to seize the initiative and control the situation!
Although, now she is destined to be hunted down by the Heavenly Blood Alliance, but this does not mean that she will willingly submit to Li Changkong and become Li Changkong's sword slave.

She is a god, high above the sky, while Li Changkong is just a low-level earth god, that is, relying on burning blood essence, she can temporarily improve her cultivation to reach the level of a god.

"What? You think I'm falling into weakness, just thinking, take advantage of my illness and kill me?"

Li Changkong raised his brows, with a hint of sarcasm between his brows.


Elder Xuanyue couldn't help being taken aback, this was completely inconsistent with what she had imagined!
In her imagination, Li Changkong at this time should be full of fear and panic, and even knelt down to beg for mercy, just to save his life.

But now, Li Changkong was so calm and composed that she couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Do you think that if I'm not sure, I'll always keep you by my side?"

Li Changkong smiled evilly. If he was not sure, he would definitely kill Elder Xuanyue before he fell into weakness, and he would never let Elder Xuanyue endanger his life.

He is definitely not a soft-hearted person, he will not leave such a big disaster for himself!


"how is this possible?"

Elder Xuanyue finally realized something was wrong, her eyes widened with horror.

Today's Li Changkong, although his realm has fallen and returned to the realm of the first-level earth god, he has not fallen into weakness, but is full of energy, which is completely inconsistent with common sense!

How can it be?

Burning the essence and blood can greatly increase the combat power in a short period of time. This kind of secret technique will definitely have a huge negative effect. In a few years, it is impossible to return to the peak state!
But at this moment, the state of Li Changkong in front of her made her feel unbelievable.

"Hmph, what I am mobilizing is the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa. With my bloodline, I can burn other people's blood to enhance my combat power!"

"I didn't burn my own blood essence at all, so naturally there won't be any negative effects!!"

Li Changkong snorted coldly, his eyes were like swords, he stared at Elder Xuanyue, and said coldly: "A mere sword slave dares to kill his master, do you think there is really nothing I can do about you?"

"How are you going?"

Elder Xuanyue was terrified. Now she is seriously injured, and she can't exert much combat power at all, less than [-]% of her peak period!
In front of Li Changkong, she didn't have much power to fight back!

She backed away again and again, her eyes full of horror.


What responded to her was a icy sword glow, which was as fast as lightning, and before Elder Xuanyue had time to react, it cut off, pierced Elder Xuanyue's skin, and blood spattered out.


Then, drops of blood flowed in and appeared in front of Li Changkong. Li Changkong formed seals with his hands, and on his body, there was a terrifying aura of the devil way, and even dao dao dao god patterns emerged.

Ten Thousand Magic Curse Seals!

The Ten Thousand Demon Curse Seal is a secret method passed down by the Demon Ancestor, and its power is extremely terrifying. Now, Li Changkong has incorporated the Demon God pattern that he has comprehended, which has increased the power of the Ten Thousand Demon Curse Seal by dozens of times. many.

"what are you going to do?"

Elder Xuanyue panicked completely, but at this moment, she was suppressed by Li Changkong's demonic aura, and she couldn't resist at all!

Li Changkong integrated the magic seal into Elder Xuanyue's blood, and finally, he blasted the entire magic seal into Elder Xuanyue's body.

"Elder Xuan Yue, from now on, I will control your life and death!"

"I advise you to be the best, obediently be my sword slave, otherwise, with a single thought of my mind, I will make you fall into a formidable enemy, which will be more painful than death!"

"Once the Ten Thousand Magic Seals are activated, I can assure you that you will know that life is more painful than death!"

His eyes were full of icy coldness.

"Yes... master..."

Elder Xuanyue's voice was trembling, and she felt that there was an extra magic seal in her body, which was silent in the sea of ​​gods, emitting a palpitating breath.

She understood that her own life and death were really in the hands of this devil!


In the city of Guangyou County.

A day has passed since that battle.

The entire city of Guangyou County was still in chaos. On the square, there was a bloody smell, and there were broken limbs everywhere.

It can be seen how bloody the previous battle was!

Standing on the square, Lu Qingyuan seemed to be stunned. In this battle, the Lu family was almost wiped out. Patriarch Lu Chunyang was killed, and his younger sister Lu Ziling also died. Many powerful members of the Lu family fell one after another!

And all of this is because of Li Changkong!
In his eyes, hatred is overwhelming!
At this moment, another strong figure descended, appearing in the sky above Guangyou County City.

"The Blood Demon God, the Blood Demon God!"

"This is the real body of the Blood Demon God. Only the real body can have such a terrifying cultivation!"

"Yes, this is the breath of a high-level god!"

Below, countless eyes flickered, looking at the bloody figure, their hearts trembled.

"Li Changkong destroyed a clone of the Blood Demon God, how could the Blood Demon God let him go?"

"This guy has caused a catastrophe, and he is doomed to die!"

"Not only the Blood Demon God, but the entire Heavenly Blood Alliance will not let him go!"


In the sky, the Gorefiend Heavenly God landed, his expression was extremely gloomy, and there seemed to be a volcano inside his body, which would erupt and spew out at any moment!

"Meet the Blood Demon God!"

Lu Qingyuan took a step forward and fell to his knees.

The same is true for Li Tiange, kneeling on the ground with a respectful expression!
Both Lu Qingyuan and Li Tiange hated Li Changkong to the bone, but they all knew that with their own strength, they couldn't fight Li Changkong at all.

The only way is to use the Blood Demon God!
"Look, no matter what, find Li Changkong and Elder Xuanyue for me, they must die!"

The blood demon god roars!

(End of this chapter)

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