Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 22 Lin Wanxue Appears

Chapter 22 Lin Wanxue Appears

The proud look on Li Shaochong's face never paid attention to Li Changkong at all. He looked at Li Changkong with a condescending attitude.

"It turns out that Lin Qing'er has already walked with Chong Shao, this Li Changkong, isn't he too ungrateful?"

"Hmph, that's what Chong Shao can bear. If it's me, and my woman is harassed, I don't need to do anything. Let's beat him to death first!"

"Li Changkong, show some face."


The people around were discussing in one go, and most of them were accusing Li Changkong.

They seemed to be unscrupulous, Li Changkong had been reduced to a waste, and his blood hadn't even been awakened. The people who could be here were all talented fighters from the big families, and Li Changkong was not in his eyes at all.

The coldness on Li Changkong's body became more and more obvious.

Especially Li Shaochong and Lin Qing'er, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Seeing Li Changkong's reaction and keeping silent under the accusations of everyone, Li Shaochong smiled complacently. He knew in his heart that for a former genius like Li Changkong, humiliation is more effective than any blow.

Even Lin Qing'er had a flash of complacency, but she quickly covered it up, and her eyes swept over Li Changkong coldly.

"Li Changkong, when you are proud of yourself, you dare to reject me. This is the price you have to pay. Anyone who dares to offend me, Lin Qing'er, will not end well!"

Lin Qing'er secretly said in her heart, she felt a sense of joy all over her body.

"what happened?"

At this moment, a slightly abrupt voice came.

All eyes were directed towards the person who made the sound, and they immediately saw a girl with a graceful figure and an outstanding appearance, striding forward, which made everyone's eyes brighten.

In terms of appearance, even Lin Qing'er was firmly suppressed.

Lin Wanxue, the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Danbao Pavilion, has only recently arrived. She is young, but her cultivation base is strong, and she holds a high position. Great background.

When Li Shaochong saw Lin Wanxue, he couldn't help being stunned, like seeing a goddess, his heart trembled.

As for Lin Qing'er, when she saw Lin Wanxue, she couldn't help being jealous. This Lin Wanxue was younger than her, but her cultivation was much stronger than her, and her background was much more prominent than her.

No matter what point it was, she was suppressed by Lin Wanxue, making her feel completely suppressed.

"Miss Wanxue, it's nothing, we are just joking with Li Changkong."

Li Shaochong showed what he thought was the most charming smile, he stepped forward to greet Lin Wanxue with a gentlemanly demeanor.

This Lin Wanxue is young, has a stunning appearance, but also has an extraordinary background. Compared with Lin Qing'er, such a woman is far superior.

However, when he was about to reach Lin Wanxue's side, Lin Wanxue ignored him without even looking at him. Instead, she walked quickly and came to Li Changkong.

"Master Kong, you're here? Why don't someone let me know so that Wanxue can greet you in person."

Lin Wanxue had an eager look on her face, and her words seemed to flatter Li Changkong.

At this moment, the disciples of the aristocratic families around had previously put on a high-ranking posture, pointing the country, and a posture of wanting to teach Li Changkong a lesson, but now, all of them have widened their eyes and opened their mouths, unable to close for a long time. superior.

And the smile on Li Shaochong's face was stagnant, with a look of embarrassment on his face. He was majestic, with his hot face sticking to his cold ass, but Li Changkong, the good-for-nothing, actually got Lin Wanxue's favor?

He Li Changkong, why?
For no reason, Li Shao rushed to his heart with a burst of anger. In his eyes, Li Changkong was nothing but a waste. Although his cultivation had recovered a little, he had not awakened his blood.

But he, who has awakened the blood of the top grade Huang, is the only person in the entire Canglang City who can steadily surpass him.

How could he, Li Changkong, be favored by a stunning woman like Lin Wanxue?
Lin Qing'er's expression was stiff, showing a sluggish look. Was Lin Wanxue confused or what? Today's Li Changkong is not the former Li Changkong. Does she need to deliberately please her?
But Lin Wanxue ignored the astonished gazes around her and walked to Li Changkong's side. She was keenly aware of something, and looked around with a cold expression on her face.

"Master Kong is a distinguished guest of my Danbao Pavilion. Anyone who disrespects him is tantamount to being disrespectful to my Danbao Pavilion. Don't blame me for being cold and heartless, and expel him directly!"

Lin Wanxue's face was cold, and she stood extremely firmly on Li Changkong's side.

"Don't dare, the deputy pavilion master just joked."

"There is only a little misunderstanding between Young Master Chong and Li Changkong. As long as the misunderstanding is cleared up, everything will be fine."

People around responded one after another, putting all the responsibility on Li Shaochong.

Lin Wanxue had an amazing background, they didn't dare to offend her at all, after all, they even depended on Danbao Pavilion for pills.

Hearing this, Li Shaochong couldn't help but froze. He showed a look of embarrassment, coughed, and said: "Ahem... this, Miss Wanxue, it's just a small misunderstanding, it's nothing, please Miss Wanxue Don't worry, here, no one dares to embarrass Li Changkong."

On the surface, he was subdued, but in his heart he was almost roaring, and his eyes flashed fiercely, making Li Shaochong make a fool of himself by subduing Li Shaochong in public, but he didn't dare to bear the grudge against Lin Wanxue, so he could only keep this grudge on Li Changkong's head superior.

"Miss Wanxue, can you also call me?"

Lin Wanxue's face was full of evil spirits. Although Li Shaochong behaved quite decently and had enough superficial skills, in Lin Wanxue's opinion, why did she need to sell the face of a mere genius of the Li family?

At her level, a young genius like Li Shaochong has seen a lot. In the main pavilion of Danbao Pavilion, such a person is not considered a genius at all, and can only be said to have a little talent.

Li Shaochong looked embarrassed, he was so embarrassed by Lin Wanxue's scolding in public, although there was anger in his heart, he didn't dare to show it at all, he could only be submissive.

However, Lin Wanxue didn't even look at Li Shaochong, turned around, grinned at Li Changkong, and said with a smile: "Young Master Kong, I made you laugh, they don't know Mount Tai, so please forgive me."

"Please come with me, Master Kong, let's get together in the room."

After saying that, she led Li Changkong towards a side door of the banquet.

All the people were dazed, watching Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue disappear before their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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