Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2264 Treasure Map

Chapter 2264 Treasure Map (Fifth Change)

Flowing Cloud Sect.

Li Changkong and Mrs. Liu sat down.

"Madam Liu, can you still sit so securely?"

Li Changkong looked at Madam Liu and asked in surprise.

"how you said that?"

Madam Liu asked with a smile.

"Who still doesn't know now, keep a distance from me, Li Changkong, look at those other big clans, do they dare to come closer and say hello to me?"

"I offended the Wuji Sword Sect and the Su Family of Beihan City. They are all big forces, and they are well-known in the Tiannan Region. No matter which one, they are enough to crush the entire Universal City!"

"Aren't you afraid that you will bring about the disaster of destroying your family?"

Li Changkong stared at Madam Liu and asked seriously.

He was quite surprised that Mrs. Liu and Song Yuan from Shengdan Pavilion appeared in front of him earlier.

Song Yuan didn't care, that's because Song Yuan was backed by Shengdan Pavilion, although the branch pavilions of Universal City were far from being able to compare with Wuji Sword Sect and Su Family of Beihan City, but the main pavilion of Shengdan Pavilion behind it was not at all. Fear of the Wuji Sword Sect and the Su Family of Beihan City.

Moreover, Song Yuan also knew that he was the glorious elder of Shengdan Pavilion!
But Mrs. Liu is different, Liuyun Sect is too weak in front of Wuji Sword Sect and Beihan City Su Family after all, it is not worth mentioning at all.

"People should know how to repay you. You saved me twice in times of crisis. If I have scruples about this, I will also be scruples. I don't even want to repay the kindness of saving my life. What's the point of continuing to practice?"

Mrs. Liu looked calm, as if she had no regrets at all.

Li Changkong couldn't help being moved, he had seen many ungrateful and treacherous people, but Mrs. Liu, a girl, could be so firm and repay her kindness, she could be called a hero among women!
"Presumably, madam must have a countermeasure?"

Li Changkong asked again.

Mrs. Liu has been able to control the Liuyun Sect for so many years, and her status has remained unchanged, so she has her own means.

Such characters should not be underestimated!

"Where is there any countermeasure? You think too much. The Wuji Sword Sect and the Su Family of Beihan City are too powerful. This gap in strength is difficult to reverse."

Mrs. Liu replied with a wry smile.

"However, I plan to dismiss all Liuyunzong disciples. From then on, Liuyunzong will cease to exist."

"As for me, I will take Lan'er and leave this place. In this way, even if I want to settle accounts with the Wuji Sword Sect and Beihan Su's family, I won't be able to find a trace."

Mrs. Liu came again.

This is a helpless countermeasure, she has already had this idea, after all, last time, the young lord of Wuji Sword Sect led many strong men to destroy Liuyun Sect.

Although Liuyunzong was saved because of Li Changkong's attack in that battle, Liuyunzong was too weak to compete with Wuji Swordzong.

Moreover, she can't count on Li Changkong, after all, Li Changkong is a peerless genius, he will never stick to the city of the four seas, the world here is too small to trap this dragon in the sky!
After being attacked, she was already thinking of retreating, and it was for this reason that she dared to walk so close to Li Changkong under countless gazes.

"Disband the Flowing Cloud Sect?"

Li Changkong was taken aback for a moment.

In fact, even if Mrs. Liu didn't say anything, he was going to propose that Mrs. Liu disband Liuyunzong.

Only in this way can this murder be avoided, and many disciples and elders of Liuyun Sect survive.

But he never expected that Mrs. Liu would have thought of this step a long time ago, and would be so decisive!

After all, Mrs. Liu devoted her whole life to Liuyunzong!

"This is also helpless."

Madam Liu sighed.

If there were other ways, she would never make such a bad move, but now, there is no other way.

Li Changkong also looked sad.

Facing the Wuji Sword Sect and the Su family in Beihan City, his current strength is not strong enough.

Even he has to avoid the edge temporarily, let alone Liu Yunzong?
But immediately, he showed a cold look, let out bold words, and said proudly: "Madam, there is no need to be sad. When I set foot on the Wuji Sword Sect and Beihan Su's house in the future, and destroy these two major forces, Madam will naturally You can rebuild the Flowing Cloud Sect and reproduce the glory of the Flowing Cloud Sect."

"Destroy these two great forces?"

Mrs. Liu was taken aback for a moment, but soon after, she laughed and said: "With your talent, if you can concentrate on cultivating for thousands of years, it is indeed not difficult to achieve this."

Today's Li Changkong naturally cannot be compared with the Wuji Sword Sect and the Su Family of Beihan City.

However, Li Changkong's talent is too monstrous, and his potential is huge. In the future, Li Changkong will definitely be able to step on the Wuji Sword Sect and the Su Family of Beihan City.

"I think, at that time, they will definitely regret provoking you, the evil star."

Madam Liu laughed out loud.

"Thousands of years? Within one year, I will definitely commit suicide to the Wuji Sword Sect and the Su family in Beihan City!"

A stern look flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and he secretly said in his heart.

It's just that he didn't say what he said, which was too shocking after all.

"Mrs. Liu, you didn't invite me here just to sit and sit, did you?"

He looked at Mrs. Liu and asked directly.

"of course not!"

Mrs. Liu nodded and continued, saying: "Do you know why the young master of the Wuji Sword Sect approached Lan'er, and why he led many strong men to invade our Liuyun Sect?"

"Oh? Probably, the Wuji Sword Sect has their eyes on the Four Seas City. They want to occupy the Four Seas City. The Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce and the Mad Sword Sect have already joined the Wuji Sword Sect, but you, the Liuyun Sect, are not willing to join? "

Li Changkong guessed and said.

"Then do you know why the Promise Sword Sect focuses on such remote places as the Four Seas City?"

Mrs. Liu asked questions one after another.

Li Changkong shook his head, he didn't know the reason.

Mrs. Liu sighed slowly, and said slowly: "That's because, in the Four Seas City, there is something he wants from the Wuji Sword Sect, and this thing is in my Liuyun Sect."

Li Changkong was taken aback for a moment, then he remembered that the old pavilion master had mentioned that the reason why the young master of the Wuji Sword Sect appeared in the Four Seas City was most likely because of a certain treasure.

It's just that he knows too little information and can't analyze it.

Unexpectedly, now, Mrs. Liu actually confessed to him that this treasure is indeed in the Liuyun Sect.

Mrs. Liu saw that Li Changkong was stunned, she didn't wait for Li Changkong to speak, but continued: "This treasure was obtained by my late husband in a dangerous place, but that time, he also He was seriously injured, and not long after he came back, he died because the injury was too serious to be restrained!"

"What kind of treasure is it? It can make the Wuji Sword Sect focus on the Four Seas City, and even go so far as to destroy your Liuyun Sect!"

Li Changkong looked stunned.

Come to think of it, this treasure should be extremely extraordinary, otherwise, the young lord of the Wuji Sword Sect wouldn't have spent so much trouble on it.

"It's a treasure map. Unfortunately, this treasure is in my hands. I have studied it for many years, but I still can't get a glimpse of its mystery."

Mrs. Liu's face was full of regret.

It was a treasure map that her husband could only get by desperately, and he handed it to her personally, but she still couldn't get a glimpse of the mystery of this treasure map.

"Treasure map?"

However, Li Changkong's heart trembled suddenly. He remembered that back then, he also got a broken picture scroll at the Crazy Sword Gate.

The broken picture scroll was in the treasure house of Mad Saber Sect, but it was abandoned in a corner, and no one cared about it.

If it is really the treasure that the Wuji Sword Sect is looking for, why doesn't the Mad Saber Sect donate it in exchange for greater benefits?
(End of this chapter)

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