Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2272 Elder Chen

Chapter 2272 Elder Chen

The deacon's words shocked everyone present.

For the sake of an unknown person, he actually directly expelled Guanshi Luo?
Luo Guanshi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his body trembled violently.

His eyes were full of surprise and confusion, how could this be?
As a steward, although the position is not high, but after all, it is backed by the Shengdan Pavilion, and the power in its hands is not small at all.

Once expelled, what is he?
In this holy city, it may be difficult to gain a foothold!
Qi Haoyuan's eyes were gloomy and cold, and now that the trouble has reached this point, even he feels a little embarrassed.

When Guan Shi was punished, it felt like he was being slapped in the face.

As the arrogance of Tianlongzong, he became famous when he was young, and he takes his face very seriously!

If it wasn't for the Shengdan Pavilion, if it was changed to other places, I'm afraid, he couldn't help but want to make a move.

"Master Deacon, are you trying to expel me? I refuse to accept it!"

Luo Guanshi's face was full of unwillingness.

He has been in the Shengdan Pavilion for many years, and he finally climbed up to this position. He is naturally unwilling to be expelled like this!
"It's useless if you don't accept it, get out!"

The old pavilion master looked stern, he stared at the guard commander, and said coldly: "You guys, what are you still doing?"

The guards finally came to their senses. After all, they had no choice but to listen to the deacon's orders. They could only go forward, intending to expel Steward Luo.

"No, who dares to touch me?"

Guanshi Luo roared angrily: "I want to see Elder Chen!"

Elder Chen is his backer. You must know that Elder Chen is a seventh-level saint master. He has a high status in the Holy Pill Pavilion, at least higher than this deacon!

When the guards heard Elder Chen's name, they froze immediately and did not dare to step forward again.

Deacons, elders, none of them can afford to provoke them.

"No need, it's useless to see any elders."

The old Pavilion Master's expression remained the same, unmoved.

Just kidding, the one you offended was Elder Glory, who is already a seventh-level holy master at a young age. In terms of potential, the gap between killing the so-called Elder Chen in an instant is more than a thousand miles away!
"Who said that?"

There was another sound of cold drinking, which came suddenly.

There was majesty in that voice.

Then, a figure came striding forward with a look of anger on his face.

Guanshi Luo was brought up by him, and he is considered his man. To expel Guanshi Luo and claim that it is useless to meet any elders, is this ignoring him?
How dare a mere deacon be so presumptuous and ignore the majesty of an elder?

"Elder Chen!"

Seeing the figure in the elder's robe approaching, Guanshi Luo immediately looked overjoyed.

Like a man who fell into the water, seeing the last life-saving straw, he rushed over, weeping.

"Your old man is finally here. If you come one step later, the younger one will be wronged to death."

He had an aggrieved look on his face, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"What's going on?"

Elder Chen had a majestic expression on his face.

The old pavilion master frowned slightly, unexpectedly, an elder Chen appeared.

It seems that it is a bit tricky.

After all, Li Changkong's identity cannot be announced yet, and he has to wait until the day of the grand event to announce it publicly.

"Elder Chen, this fellow is relying on the support of a deacon, and he is arrogant. Not only does he offend the distinguished guest, he even threatens to expel the villain!"

"Young Master Qi from Tianlongzong and Young Master Hong from Wuji Swordzong can all testify to this point!"

Steward Luo hurriedly said, pointing at Li Changkong with a fierce look on his face.

Now, in order to protect himself, what can't he do?
"Yes, I can testify!"

Qi Haoyuan said with a straight face.

"I can also testify!"

Hong Qianjue also nodded.

He looked at Li Changkong with a sneer in his eyes.

It's ridiculous, this guy thinks that with the backing of the old pavilion master of the Holy Pill Pavilion in Universal City, he can be fearless?

It's a pity that this is the Holy City, the main pavilion of the Holy Pill Pavilion, and the old pavilion owner of the Universal City. He is only a mere deacon when he comes here, and he is not considered a big shot.

And Qi Haoyuan is backed by Tianlongzong, and he also has Wuji Swordzong behind him. Together, it is a strong combination.

It is only an easy move to force Li Changkong to death!
Elder Chen glanced at the old pavilion master, then moved his gaze away and landed on Li Changkong.

"Do you have something to say?"

He said coldly.

"Elder Chen, you really have a lot of prestige. Can you tell right from wrong in order to protect your subordinates?"

Li Changkong raised his head with a proud look on his face.


Guanshi Luo stepped forward, pointed at Li Changkong, and shouted loudly.

Now with the support of Elder Chen, he is naturally fearless and his back is straight.

Just like a villain!

"Elder Chen, can you also say that?"

Steward Luo shouted again.

But Li Changkong made a sudden move, and slapped Guanshi Luo's face like lightning.


Guanshi Luo was blown out of his body, spiraled into the air again, and made a dozen full circles in the air before falling hard.

Originally, half of his face was already swollen, but now, the other half of his face was also completely swollen, and his entire face became like a pig's head because of the extreme swelling.

He lost most of his teeth!
He was full of shock, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

In front of Elder Chen, this fellow dared to hit him and make him look ugly in public?

The people around were also in an uproar, all dumbfounded, and everyone was stunned.

Isn't this guy too courageous?
In front of Elder Chen, the person who beats Elder Chen is not hitting Guan Shi, but Elder Chen in the face!

What is it that makes this guy so unscrupulous and dare to hurt others?

"You dare to hit me?"

Luo Guanshi was hoarse, staring at Li Changkong's eyes, wishing he could swallow Li Changkong alive.

Even Elder Chen's face was extremely stern at the moment, and a murderous intent flashed from the corner of his eye.

If it weren't for the watchful eyes of everyone, he would have killed someone long ago!

"Hehe, you put your face together, why didn't I hit you?"

"If I don't kill you, I'm showing mercy!"

Li Changkong sneered again and again.

With that demeanor, there was no trace of remorse, and even an attitude that it was you who hit you.

This made the people around once again in an uproar.

Why not fight?
Crazy enough, arrogant enough!
You know, this is the Holy Pill Pavilion!

It was definitely the first time in their life that they had seen someone who dared to act so boldly in the Shengdan Pavilion.


"Get this person for me!"

Elder Chen ordered directly.

He has been completely enraged, the majesty of an elder cannot be violated!
Several guards, as well as the guard commander, all strode out.

"Wait a minute!"

The old Pavilion Master shouted awe-inspiringly.

He was also angry, and he believed that Elder Chen knew exactly what was going on with this matter.

Just because Guanshi Luo is one of his subordinates, he has to defend it to the end?
In the final analysis, it was still others who spoke lightly, and his status was too humble in front of Elder Chen.

"Elder Chen, since you and I disagree, please invite the elders to discuss this matter and see how to deal with it?"

He turned to look at Elder Chen, with his waist straightened, facing the elder's prestige, he was not afraid at all.

"No need, I'm an elder, I can say it for sure!"

Elder Chen flatly refused.

"Elder Chen, you are guilty, don't you dare?"

The old pavilion master sneered and ridiculed.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then I'll satisfy you!"

Elder Chen sneered again and again.

Even if he alarmed the Presbyterian Council, the Presbyterian Council would sell his face as an elder!

(End of this chapter)

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