Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 265 Isn't Li Changkong?

Chapter 265 Isn't Li Changkong?
Bai Baihe, Tian Han, and Zhao Wu, the three great talents, were all looking forward to it, waiting for the moment when Li Changkong sent it out.

Not only them, but also thousands of disciples from various sects, all of them are waiting in full force at this moment.

Mo Qiuxue stood among the disciples, and there was a look of anticipation in her eyes.

In her opinion, as long as Li Changkong stepped out of the Wanmo Temple, he would be attacked by countless people. No matter how powerful Li Changkong was, it was impossible for him to withstand the attacks of thousands of people.

Li Changkong is sure to die!

A gleam of joy flashed in her eyes, as if she had seen the scene of Li Changkong's dead body lying in front of her eyes.

"Anyone who offends me, Mo Qiuxue, will die, no matter who you are!"

Mo Qiuxue snorted coldly in his heart.

Time gradually passed.


Zhao Wu frowned, he couldn't help being extremely puzzled, it had been a while since Baihe came out.

Then Li Changkong is still insisting, how is this possible?

Didn't Senior Brother Bai just say that Li Changkong is almost at his limit, and he's about to come out?
Not only him, Tian Han also looked at Bai Baihe, seeming to ask questions.

During the day, He's face turned slightly red, but he felt extremely confused in his heart.

Obviously before he came out, he saw that Li Changkong had indeed reached his limit, and it was impossible for him to persevere.

But now, not a short period of time has passed since he came out, but Li Changkong still hasn't come out.

You know, for ordinary people, this period of time passed quickly, but for those whose souls were burned by the devil fire, it was an extremely long period of time, and that was an experience that life would be worse than death.


At this moment, a wave of spatial fluctuations came from outside the Temple of Demons, causing ripples in circles.

"Someone is coming out!"

Zhao Wu spoke first, his eyes lit up.

When Tian Han and Bai Baihe were teleported out before, there would also be such spatial fluctuation power. Obviously, someone was about to be teleported out again.

"It must be Li Changkong, everyone prepare to shoot!"

Tian Han also spoke in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the front, his hands were ready to make a move at any time.

Even Bai Tianhe was holding a long sword at this moment, and the blade was trembling endlessly.

As for the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect on the battleship, none of them paid attention at all. In their view, the Holy Son would definitely have the last laugh and get the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the person who comes out at this moment to be the Holy Son.

On the hills in the distance.

"I heard that the person who is about to come out is likely to be Li Changkong who was given the bloody pursuit order by Zhenwumen. Thousands of disciples from various sects are already ready to make a move. As soon as Li Changkong comes out, he will make a bold move and kill him. Kill on the spot!"

In the mercenary group, someone inquired about the news, and even said it out.

At this moment, Elder Li Yuan's face was pale, his body trembled, and despair appeared in his eyes.

If this is the case, then there is no hope at all, there are thousands of disciples, among them there are Tianjiao like Bai Baihe, Tian Han, Zhao Wu, how powerful they are!

I'm afraid it's hard for a strong man in Linghai to overcome so many attacks, right?
"Li Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

The mercenary who was acquainted with Li Yuan before couldn't help looking at Li Yuan at this moment, seeing Li Yuan's pale face, he even asked aloud.

"No... nothing..."

Li Yuan replied tremblingly, one sentence seemed to exhaust all the strength in his body.

In the spotlight.

Finally, the light flickered, and a figure appeared outside the Hall of Demons.


Zhao Wu was the first to drink loudly, and he punched out with a powerful punch. After recovering for this period of time, and taking the elixir, more than half of his injuries had recovered.

However, he had just blasted out this punch, and he immediately showed a look of panic. The person who was teleported in front of him was not Li Changkong, but the holy son of the Wanmo Sect, Gu Feiyang!

Behind Zhao Wu, Bai Baihe, Tian Han, and thousands of disciples from each sect were also preparing to attack at this moment, but when they saw that figure, they couldn't help being stunned.

These thousands of disciples have all seen Li Changkong's portrait, and they can recognize Li Changkong. Obviously, the person in front of him is definitely not Li Changkong, and he is far from Li Changkong's appearance.

"It's not Li Changkong?"

Bai Baihe was stunned on the spot, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"How come the Son of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect came out first?"

Tian Han also had a dumbfounded look on his face, and his whole body fell into a daze.

"Not Li Changkong?"

Mo Qiuxue was also flustered in the wind. She had prepared a lot of sarcasm about Li Changkong, but now she couldn't say a word.

"Could it be that he, Li Changkong, survived to the end and obtained the inheritance of the Palace of Demons?"

Mo Qiuxue's expression was extremely embarrassing!

"How dare you attack me?"

Gu Feiyang's expression was cold, he was eliminated first, and he was already extremely angry, but at this moment, Zhao Wu didn't know what to do, and wanted to attack him!
He didn't keep his hand at all, he just slapped out with a palm, and suddenly, an astonishing magic bloomed, and in the shadow of his palm, there seemed to be a phantom emerging, and a force of darkness suddenly suppressed And down.

The next moment, Zhao Wu was blown away and fell into the crowd, smashing a large number of disciples from various sects until they were injured and vomited blood.

And Zhao Wu vomited three liters of blood, his face was as pale as paper, and his breath was extremely lethargic.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

Gu Feiyang, the holy son of Wan Mozong, snorted coldly, with a look of disdain.

"Brother Gu, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding."

During the day, He rolled his eyes, he hurried forward, clasped his fists and saluted, and said repeatedly: "Junior brother Zhao thought you were Li Changkong, that's why he made the move. Brother Gu, please forgive me!"

"We were reckless, please forgive me, Brother Gu."

Tian Han could only hold back his breath, and stepped forward and said extremely aggrieved.

Now is definitely not the time to start a war with Gu Feiyang, otherwise, Li Changkong will only be cheaper!

Gu Feiyang snorted coldly. He is also a very smart person. After thinking about it for a while, he knew that Zhao Wu had no reason to attack him.

What Bai Baihe and Tian Han said was probably true, this Zhao Wu regarded himself as Li Changkong.

He looked gloomy and didn't speak, but strode aside.

"It's the Holy Son!"

"How could it be that the Holy Son came out first?"


On the battleship, all the disciples of the Wanmo Sect couldn't help being shocked when they saw Gu Feiyang, and some people kept trembling.

On the hills in the distance.

"what happened?"

"The one who came out wasn't Li Changkong?"

"It seems to be Gu Feiyang, the holy son of the Wanmo Sect!"


A series of voices sounded, and they were quite surprised by this result.

Only Li Yuan, when he saw that the person who came out was not Li Changkong, he was overjoyed and his eyes were full of surprise.

This means that Li Changkong can not only keep his life, but also very likely, will get the inheritance of the Temple of All Demons.

(End of this chapter)

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