Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2921 Dzogchen True Immortal

Chapter 2921 Dzogchen True Immortal

"I still have something to do, farewell!"

Bai Tongshen was extremely decisive without the slightest hesitation.

Just turned around and left.

The people below were all dumbfounded.

That is a majestic Dzogchen True Immortal, whose cultivation base is extremely powerful, but now, he is also cowardly!

He didn't even have the courage to fight Li Changkong!

He Yunao was also dumbfounded.

His original intention was just to remind the other party that Li Changkong is too strong, so don't underestimate the enemy.

Because these true immortals from the upper realm are extremely arrogant.

But unexpectedly, when he told the truth, he actually scared away the majestic Dzogchen Immortal.

His bowels are turning green.

If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have said that Li Changkong was so powerful.

This Dzogchen True Immortal was willing to stay and fight Li Changkong, at least they still had a chance.

But now, the other party left directly, without even a glimmer of life.

Many people even cried directly.

His face was full of despair.

Even Li Changkong was taken aback for a moment.

Just leave like this?
He didn't look back, he was very decisive!
He smiled wryly, is he so scary?

The majestic Dzogchen Immortal didn't even have the courage to fight him.

At this moment, Bai Tongshen's speed is extremely fast, and he is about to pass through the space crack again, leave this place, and return to the fairyland.

But at the next moment, a figure with an incomparably fast speed appeared in front of Bai Tongshen, blocking the way of Bai Tongshen.

And that figure was none other than Li Changkong.

After much difficulty, when a Dzogchen True Immortal arrives, he will not let the other party leave so easily.


"Li Changkong, he actually blocked the way of Shangxian?"

"He's inflated, he defeated the Twelve True Immortals earlier, his self-confidence swelled, and he realized that he can defeat the Supreme Immortals."

"But he doesn't know that the Dzogchen True Immortal is much more terrifying than he imagined!"

After witnessing this scene, many members of the Jinwu clan couldn't help but speak excitedly.

True Immortal Dzogchen, although they have never really seen such a strong person make a move, but they have heard Zhan Yun Shangxian mention that his master is absolutely terrifying.

Even in Zhenyang Sect, they are still elders, and their status is very high.

It is definitely not comparable to Yuan Bahai and his ilk.

From their point of view, Li Changkong's move was very frightening!
How unwise it is to provoke a Dzogchen True Immortal!
But for them, this is of course a good thing. Originally, the Dzogchen True Immortal was about to leave, but now that Li Changkong stopped him, in a fit of rage, he would definitely attack.

Even if Li Changkong couldn't be suppressed, at least he could fight Li Changkong on June [-]th.

He Yunao's eyes suddenly froze at this moment.

He stared fixedly at the sky.

I dare not blink my eyes.

"Still the boss."

"This is completely disregarding a Dzogchen True Immortal as a human being."

Xiao Bai was also amazed, with a look of admiration on his face.

It's so bullshit.

This level of arrogance can only be possessed by the boss.

"What do you mean by that?"

Bai Tongshen was also angry.

He was planning to leave, not thinking of avenging his apprentice.

But at this moment, the other party dared to be aggressive!

Do you really think he dare not fight?
"Since you're here, there's no need to rush away."

Li Changkong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Seeing that the meat was about to be in the bowl, how could it just run away like this!
"Boy, don't be too presumptuous!"

"Do you really think I dare not fight with you?"

"It's just that I don't think it's necessary to go all out for a disciple."

"You are desperate, you may not be my opponent!"

Bai Tongshen snorted coldly, becoming more and more furious, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

If it is in the fairyland, he can definitely suppress the opponent with a snap of his fingers.

It's a pity that when he comes to the lower realm, his strength will still be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to perfectly display his peak strength.

"In that case, why not come to fight?"

"I beg death!"

Li Changkong laughed again.

The words were extremely relaxed and free, without paying attention to Bai Tongshen.

"Okay, then I will fulfill you!"

Bai Tongshen looked extremely stern.

After all, he is also a Dzogchen True Immortal. The elders of Zhenyang Sect have been bullied in the face like this.

What's more, this kid in front of him is too crazy!

He couldn't even understand it, so he had to take action to suppress this son.

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

The prestige of immortality suddenly spread.

The heavy Xianwei almost collapsed the space.

Everyone below felt as if they were carrying a mountain, and their steps were extremely heavy.

It even felt like my bones were broken.

Such Xianwei is too terrifying!
You know, they are extremely far away at this moment, and Li Changkong and Bai Tongshen are already standing deep in the sky.

But even with such a long distance, Xianwei is still so heavy, if the distance is closer, wouldn't it be directly crushed by this wave of Xianwei?
He Yunao, Yuan Gangfeng, and Zhou Xianxian looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, it's finally time to start the war!

"I hope that Shangxian can suppress this son!"

He Yunao prayed even more in his heart.

This battle is so crucial.

After all, it concerns the fate of the entire Jinwu clan.

If even Bai Tongshen was killed in battle, then they might really be unable to send reinforcements.

Even the Great Perfection True Immortal is no match, what kind of reinforcements can they invite?
Indeed, above the true immortals, there are higher realms, and even more powerful immortals.

It's a pity that such a fairy cannot descend to the lower realms!
It's not that it's really impossible to go to the lower bounds, but that there is a lower bound, and the price to pay is even greater.

It's so big that even Zhenyangzong can't bear it.

Obviously, Zhenyang Sect would never pay such a high price for the sake of the lower realm.

The Dzogchen True Immortal is already the strongest person who can come to this world.

Even such an existence couldn't deal with Li Changkong.

Then from then on, Li Changkong was really invincible, even more invincible than the Immortal Immortal back then.

After all, when the Immortal Immortal suppressed an era, I had never heard of it. There was a real immortal at the Dzogchen level who descended to the lower realm.

Boom boom boom...

Xianwei suppressed him, and even Li Changkong felt the terrifying coercion.

The pressure is heavy!

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, the Dzogchen True Immortal is much stronger than the Peak True Immortal.

None of the ten Yuan Bahais could compare with the Dzogchen True Immortal in front of him.

This is still in the Lower Realm, if it is in the Immortal Realm, then Xianwei is more than ten times more terrifying than it is now!
And Immortal Realm, True Immortal, is just the lowest level of existence.

Xianyu, it's really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!
With this in mind, his fighting spirit exploded, and his momentum was surging.

The next moment, he took the initiative to attack, charging towards the opposite Bai Tongshen.

On the body, Taos of bright fairy light bloomed.

As soon as he made a move, he revealed his Chaos Immortal Physique!

(End of this chapter)

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