Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2928 times return

Chapter 2928

The patriarch is dead!

All the members of the Tianlong clan below were stunned, and the wind was chaotic.

Anyway, the patriarch is also a supreme giant, and his fighting power is extraordinary, comparable to that of a novice true immortal.

He is the strongest in the clan today!
But in the end, in front of the other party, he was so unbearable that he was slapped to death.

They used to be a little arrogant, but now, all the arrogance has dissipated.

Only then did I realize how humble I really was. I thought about negotiating terms before, but now I realize that it was just my fantasy.

There are no conditions to talk about, the other party is simply here to crush and sweep them.

The Immortal Demon King looked indifferent.

For him, Yuan Guxian is too weak.

Totally insignificant.

It's like killing an ant.

After all, he was originally a descendant of a real immortal. Although he is a spiritual consciousness born on a corpse now, he will only be more indifferent than before.

wow wow wow...

On his body, there was a surge of momentum.

The momentum is monstrous, and the murderous intent is overflowing!

He snorted coldly, and then rushed out directly.

A palm came down, and an incomparably surging power surged forth and fell down with a bang.

bang bang bang...

Below, an astonishing loud noise erupted, and a huge palm print appeared in the land of the Tianlong Clan!

The earth sank, and countless palaces were reduced to ashes.

More than 1000 members of the Tianlong tribe were killed by this palm!

This palm made the members of the Tianlong clan completely timid.

Heart palpitations!


"Run away..."

They all showed panic and didn't dare to stay at all.

They didn't dare to start a war. In their view, there was no possibility of victory at all.

It was just a massacre.


In the Tianlong clan, a white-haired clan elder couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

All of this is nothing more than the Tianlong clan's own fault.

After all, when Li Changkong was still weak, the three clans joined forces to hunt down and kill Li Changkong. At that time, they were aggressive!

It's just that they failed to kill Li Changkong successfully.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!
This world has never been so cruel.

The so-called rules have always been used to be broken by the strong.

Can't complain.

"Clan elder, let's run away!"

A strong man in the clan shouted at the clan boss.


"Where can I escape to?"

"I'm old, so it's a good choice to bury my bones here."

The white-haired clan elder came slowly.

The voice fell.

His body glowed with brilliance.

The previously white hair turned from white to black quickly at this moment, and the whole person glowed with majestic vitality.

It seemed that he became much younger all of a sudden, from an old man who was dying of old age to a middle-aged man.


It exudes an incomparably astonishing power!

He is old, he has lived an incomparably long time, and his seniority is extremely high!
People of the same generation as him are people like Yuan Kuhai, Yuan Bahai, and Yuan Zhenhai!

All the strong men of the Tianlong clan couldn't help but widen their eyes at this moment.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

They knew that this was the elder of the clan, who had obtained extremely powerful combat power by burning his vitality.

But after this time, no matter who wins or loses, they will all die!

Clan elder, chose to sacrifice himself!
At this moment, the combat power is incomparably surging, even stronger than the previous patriarch Yuan Guxian.

Comparable to the mid-level true immortal who came down.

"You run for your lives quickly."

"I'm here to buy you some time."

The clan elder shouted in a deep voice.

It looked rather tragic.

Afterwards, that clan elder strode forward!

The body is suspended in the air.

His sharp eyes swept towards the Immortal Demon King.

"Your opponent is me!"

"Come, fight with me!"

The clan elder shouted in a very solemn voice.


The Immortal Demon King was also attracted, and his eyes swept over.

Wei Wei was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, in the Dragon Clan today, there is still a mid-level true immortal.

But it was only slightly surprised, and soon he sneered.


His face was full of sneer.

Then came out.

That elder, the vitality in his body was burning crazily.

A head of black hair fluttered in the wind and became longer and longer.

And the momentum is constantly rising.

Then, both palms slapped out together.

bang bang bang...

Those palms slapped out, bursting out an incomparably astonishing and surging divine power of the heavenly dragon!

This blow was absolutely full of strength, and [-]% of its strength broke out.

Incomparably tyrannical.

The Immortal Demon King stepped forward in one step.

His body swooped towards the clan elder like an arrow leaving the string.

Facing this powerful blow, he just smiled and punched out!

The next moment, a loud bang was heard.

The body of the clan elder exploded in the air.

Immediately blown away by the Immortal Demon King's punch, which carried an astonishing power of immortality.

Below, many members of the Tianlong clan were all dumbfounded.

Almost everyone fell into a deathly silence.

Rumor has it that under Li Changkong's command, there is a servant of a real fairy whose strength is extremely terrifying.

But rumors are just rumors after all.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I really know how terrifying this servant is!
With one punch, the clan elder was blown away!
That is a powerhouse who has burned his vitality and raised his strength to a level comparable to that of a mid-level true immortal!
But it was still useless, and was directly punched to death!
How is this played?

"Can you escape?"

"With such strength, it's easy to hunt us down, right?"

Someone murmured, and there was endless despair in the words.

Almost everyone was stunned.

But the Immortal Demon King did not stop there.

Deep in the sky, the power of rolling thunder is revealed.

That is Xianlei, how powerful it is!

The purple lightning seemed to penetrate this piece of heaven and earth.

Under this level of immortal power, many members of the Tianlong clan below are all trembling.

As if it was God's punishment from heaven!

"I said long ago that I will come to the door in person in the future."

And Li Changkong finally appeared at this moment.

Repay the kindness, repay the revenge!
returning a Favour many times more.

But the enmity of the past will be repaid a hundredfold!
Back then, the three major clans and the six major sects all oppressed him, and he will never forget this.

The members of the Tianlong clan were completely desperate.

Boom boom boom...

Then, the terrifying fairy thunder suddenly crashed down.

Within the Tianlong Clan, everything exploded, and the power of thunder destroyed everything.

The whole earth seemed to be overturned.

All the palace formations were destroyed.

Below, it looks like ruins!
The Tianlong Clan has ceased to exist since then.

Li Changkong took the Immortal Demon King, controlled the flying boat, and continued to fly towards the next place.

(End of this chapter)

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