Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2944 A group of monsters

Chapter 2944

three days later.

Li Changkong devoured nearly a hundred middle-grade elixir.

His body was flushed red, his skin seemed to be burning, and the blood in his body was boiling.

The whole person is like a big melting pot, even with the body of Chaos Immortal, it is a little bit unbearable at this moment.

My whole body was in excruciating pain.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

It would be impossible for someone else to bear it.

Even if it is a true immortal of Dzogchen, if he directly swallows a middle-grade elixir, he may not be able to bear it, and his body will be torn apart by the violent medicine.

But he devoured more than 90 middle-grade elixir!
The pain at this moment can be imagined.

"Next, it's quite a critical moment!"

Li Changkong's eyes flickered with brilliance.

Afterwards, in the fairy cauldron, the immortal medicines burned directly.

The Heaven Swallowing Blood Vessel in his body also became extremely active at this moment.


Suddenly, a chaotic dragon tomb appeared in the body, and countless dragon souls were revealed in that chaotic dragon tomb.

"Dragon soul enters the body!"

He roared angrily.

Then, one after another dragon souls rushed into his body from the distant void!
The tomb of the chaotic dragon is actually not here, but in the depths of the remote fairyland.

But his Tuntian bloodline, and that chaotic dragon tomb, can be separated by a long distance, and can induce induction, and can also introduce the dragon soul from a long distance into the body.

This is the key to cultivating the Immortal Body of the Dragon God. Use the dragon soul of the Primal Chaos Dragon to construct the Immortal Light!
The Immortal Body of the Dragon God is composed of indestructible light.

Even if it is blown up, as long as the immortal light is there, the physical body can be immortal!
Dragon souls rushed in one after another, and in just a moment, thirteen dragon souls rushed into the body.

But the energy is depleted too quickly.

Li Changkong's eyes were filled with horror.

In that chaotic dragon tomb, there are still many dragon souls.

But he can only attract the weakest dragon souls into his body.

Inside the body, there are thirteen immortal lights!
But in order to cultivate the Dragon God Immortal Body, at least ninety-nine and 81 immortal lights are needed!
That is to say, it is necessary to introduce ninety-nine and 81 dragon souls into the body.

Obviously, at the moment, he still can't do it.

"It's still too far away."

He couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

He has devoured nearly a hundred middle-grade elixir.

But it is only to induce the souls of the thirteen dragons into the body.

wow wow wow...

The violent energy in his body disappeared quickly.

The tomb of the chaotic dragon finally disappeared, and the connection with him was cut off for the time being.

But the thirteen dragon souls that have been introduced into his body have been silent in his body, turning into thirteen immortal lights.

The thirteen immortal lights began to wash his body, refining it step by step.

Let his physical body become stronger and stronger!
"Although it failed, it is not without benefits!"

"The thirteen immortal rays of light are washing away at my body all the time. Constantly tempering will make my dragon body stronger and stronger!"

"Moreover, it has the characteristics of indestructibility initially, although it is not truly indestructible, but if you want to die, I am afraid it is really difficult."

He secretly said in his heart.

You know, that is the tomb of the chaotic dragon, which was transformed from the chaotic dragon world.

At the beginning, Lingxiao Xianzun mentioned that the chaotic dragon world is unpredictable, and compared with the chaotic dragon world, Zhenxianmen is just a low-level force.

The dragon soul in the tomb of the chaotic dragon is not a mortal thing, but the soul of the chaotic ancestor dragon!
Now he has absorbed thirteen dragon souls, how extraordinary this is!
It can be said that today's dragon body has become more powerful.

Even stronger than the Chaos Immortal Physique.

Of course, his Chaos Immortal Physique has only reached the first stage of cultivation.

"Next, you need to calm down and understand the usefulness of the thirteen immortal lights."

"In addition, you can also use the remaining immortal laws in your body to improve your Chaos Immortal Physique!"

Li Changkong's mind was quick, and he quickly made a decision at this moment.

He had devoured the blood of many true immortals before, and there were as many as four Dzogchen true immortals alone.

Compared with when he just cultivated the Chaos Immortal Physique, he is much stronger.

Now the Dragon God Immortal Body cannot be cultivated.

But it can sprint to the second level of the Chaos Immortal Physique!

With a decision in his heart, he immediately started.

The whole person enters into a state of trance.

Just now he refined nearly a hundred middle-grade elixir, and there are still many laws of immortality left in his body.

Now understand them one by one!

Integrate it thoroughly.

time flies.

A hundred years is fleeting.

For many supreme giants, a thousand years of retreat will pass once.

Only a hundred years, not a long time at all.

On the Holy Child Peak.

Suddenly, a magic light rose into the sky!

It was Tang Meng who finally came out of the mountain.

Around her, there are many demon shadows, and the demon's aura is extremely amazing, as if she is the head of all demons, and can make all demons surrender.

The magic is awe-inspiring.

In the eyes, there is even more magic light flickering.

It can be said to be extremely amazing in terms of self-cultivation.

After retreating for a hundred years, the horror of the body of ten thousand demons is completely revealed at this moment.

I'm afraid, in her hands, an ordinary supreme giant can't even take a single move!
And not long after.

There are also several fierce lights, soaring into the sky.

Xiaohui, Xiaobai, Qiongqi, Taotie, and the ape king!
All five fierce beasts appeared beside Tang Meng.

Those five breaths are all extremely fierce.

Among them, Xiaobai, Qiongqi, and Taotie are the most powerful.

Before the retreat, Xiaobai was already a supreme giant, and now his cultivation base is even more terrifying.

And Qiongqi and Taotie are all among the supreme giants, and they are by no means ordinary supreme giants.

Even Xiao Hui, who is used to being lazy, is definitely comparable to the supreme giant at this moment.

Many disciples and elders in the Xuanzhong sect felt the astonishing fluctuations from the Shengzi Peak, and all of them felt palpitations.

Involuntarily looking towards the Shengzi Peak.

Seeing those figures, my heart trembled again.

On the Shengzi Peak, the most powerful one is naturally the Shengzi.

In addition, the servant of the real fairy under the command of the Son of God is also extremely terrifying.

But I didn't expect that it was not the Holy Son, nor the servant of the real fairy.

It's the battle pets who follow the Son of God, and the disciples of the Son of God!

Especially for Tang Meng, the demonic power on that body was too strong, making them terrified and panicked.

"Sure enough, the Son is surrounded by evildoers!"

There are elders who sigh.

His face was full of envy.

In terms of age, he is much older than Tang Meng.

But if it is compared to the cultivation base, it is like the huge gap between Yinghuo and Haoyue, which makes him unable to calm down in his heart.

"Sheng Zifeng, that is a group of monsters!"

At this moment, even the suzerain Hu Junshan couldn't help sighing.

He, the suzerain, has completely lost his prestige.

If Sheng Zifeng came out at random, it might be enough to kill him instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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