Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2970 I don't know what is good or bad

Chapter 2970 I don't know what is good or bad
The White Tiger King's blood spattered, and the light on his body became extremely dim.

At this moment, my heart was incomparably shocked, and I was extremely shocked.

I thought it would be easy to suppress and kill the opponent, but in the end, it was easily suppressed by the opponent.

This result was too unexpected and impossible to expect.

All the white tigers in the surrounding area also showed signs of panic.

"too weak."

Li Changkong shook his head and sighed.

The White Tiger King is still too weak.

Even though the White Tiger King's fighting power is comparable to that of a high-level true immortal, after all, he is not in the realm of a real high-level true immortal.

It's just because of the blood, so the combat power is extremely strong.


The White Tiger King was speechless, too weak?

After all, he is also a king, an existence that dominates this layer of space!

But now a mere human said he was too weak?
What made him even more angry was that the human being in front of him seemed to have never even reached the Realm of Immortals.

Li Changkong made another move.

Although the strength of the White Tiger King is not very good, the White Tiger Spirit on his body is a good thing!

After all, it is the remnant of the lineage of the divine beast White Tiger, born with a strong killing intent!
chi chi chi...

As soon as he made a move, many sword lights fell down.

It's all the terrifying sword light inspired by the Destruction Sword Intent!
Every sword light contained fierce murderous intent.

Sword power is at its peak!

Under the heavy injury of the White Tiger King, it was impossible to resist it.

He roared, the sound was loud.

The astonishing bloodline condensed into a fierce blood light.

Suddenly, he went to meet the sword light.

However, the sword light slashed down, and the fierce sword energy criss-crossed.

On the body of the White Tiger King, a series of sharp sword marks were left.

Blood gushed out.


The White Tiger King was finally exhausted and fell to the ground.

More white light shines!

It was the spirit of the white tiger, which remained on the ground.

Seeing this, all the white tigers scattered around immediately.

Even the White Tiger King is dead, so they are naturally no match.

Now run away one by one!
Li Changkong didn't catch up either.

Instead, he went forward and took the white tiger spirit into his pocket.

Even the blood of the White Tiger King was collected.

After all, it is the remnant of the divine beast White Tiger, and the blood also contains the power of the White Tiger's bloodline.

At this moment, there was also a figure in the distance, landing.

It was the woman in white!
The woman in white looked around and couldn't help showing suspicion.

She looked at Li Changkong for a moment, then asked, "Where is the White Tiger King? Did you see it?"

Li Changkong didn't answer, and was about to turn around and leave.

But the woman in white showed displeasure.

She came directly in front of Li Changkong and blocked Li Changkong's way.

"Hey, I'm asking you something!"

"The White Tiger King was clearly here just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?"

She stared at Li Changkong, quite anxious in her heart.

After all, she was determined to obtain the white tiger spirit in the White Tiger King.

"Isn't it right under your feet?"

Li Changkong raised his head and replied calmly.

"Is this the White Tiger King?"

The woman in white was startled.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

"Who are you lying to?"

"This is clearly a dead body, all the blood has been shed, how could it be the White Tiger King?"

"Besides, who has the strength to kill the White Tiger King in such a short period of time?"

The woman in white refuted again and again.

It's only been a moment since the White Tiger King's voice spread throughout this space.

The strength of the White Tiger King is exceptionally strong. Although he is not a high-level true immortal, his combat power is comparable to a high-level true immortal.

She asked herself, in this space, no one can deal with the White Tiger King except her!

But Li Changkong didn't bother to argue.

Turning around to leave.

But the woman in white stopped him again.

"Be clear first, otherwise, you can't leave!"

The woman in white has an ugly face, and no one has ever ignored her like this.

The person in front of him has never even become a true immortal.

But she has already stepped into the realm of high-level true immortals!
In her opinion, it was an honor for the other party that she took the initiative to speak to the other party.

"Go away!"

Li Changkong shouted sharply.

The sound was rolling, like thunder exploding in the sky.

At this moment, Tianwei was shaken, and the coercion was terrifying.

Even the woman in white staggered and backed away from the sound.

There was a look of horror on his face.

what happened?

The boy in front of him, although his cultivation base is not very good, yet he possesses such an astonishing coercion!
"The White Tiger King is right under your feet. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"But get out of my way!"

Li Changkong's voice became a little cold.

"Is this really the White Tiger King?"

The woman in white suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

She quickly looked at the white tiger's body on the ground again.

After looking at it, my heart was shocked again.

This is really the White Tiger King!
Because the head of the corpse had the word "King" on it!

"White Tiger King, were you killed?"

She was shocked.

The combat power of the White Tiger King is exceptionally strong, comparable to that of a high-level true immortal.

Even if she did it herself, it would take a lot of effort to kill the White Tiger King.

But the person in front of him, who has not even cultivated into a true immortal, can kill the White Tiger King?
"Could it be that this person is hiding his cultivation?"

"It is very likely that he is also a high-level true immortal?"

Her heart moved slightly, and she had some guesses.

She could only think of this possibility.

"Since the White Tiger King was killed by you, then you got the White Tiger Essence, right?"

The woman in white looked at Li Changkong again.

Put away the original contempt.

The strength of the opponent is probably not weak, not much worse than her.

Of course, she is still confident that she can defeat the boy in front of her!
Although she has just entered the realm of high-level true immortals, she has a profound background!

Li Changkong didn't hide it, and there was no need to hide it.

Because he fears nothing!
"What? Are you going to snatch it?"

Li Changkong narrowed his eyes and smiled.

If this is the case, then he will not be polite.

"Forcibly grabbing? That's not enough."

The woman in white shook her head, but then she said again: "But the spirit of the white tiger is of great significance to me."

"I can exchange it with you for other things."


After the words fell, she took out a magic weapon.

It is a precious sword, cold and sharp.

It is the treasure of the real fairy!

Although it is not so superior among the treasures of true immortals, it is not bad.

It's just that Li Changkong didn't even look at it. He has absolutely no shortage of true immortal treasures.

After all, when he was in the lower realm, he had already obtained many real immortal treasures by beheading many real immortals.

Among them are some top-grade true immortal treasures.

The sword that the woman in white took out was at the level of the treasure of the immortal, and it was not as good as the real martial arts sword.

"No need."

As soon as the words fell, Li Changkong soared into the sky and left directly.


The woman in white stomped her feet in anger!
This guy really doesn't know good from bad!

(End of this chapter)

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