Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2973 The Soul of the Fierce Beast

Chapter 2973 The Soul of the Fierce Beast
The terrifying imprint came suddenly, and the power it erupted was astonishing.

Accompanied by Taoist fairy thunder, it is even more powerful!

At this moment, the woman in white couldn't help nodding her head slightly.

As expected of a high-level true immortal!
Although the high-level true immortal in front of him is not as strong as himself, but he is not weak, and is quite powerful.

After all, she comes from an extraordinary background and is extremely conceited. Under the same realm, unless she is the kind of enchanting arrogance, otherwise, she really has never been afraid of anyone.

"Weren't you very arrogant before?"

"Now, how to resist this blow?"

She looked at Li Changkong and sneered.

But Li Changkong's expression did not change, he was still very calm.

Raising your hand is a punch!

This punch, however, has Chaos Immortal Power attached to it.

With one punch, the sky trembled.

The power is extremely powerful!

Only a loud bang was heard, and the terrifying seal was shattered in an instant.

And Dao Dao Xianlei, at this moment, has actually become silent.


Patriarch Hidden Dragon, completely unexpected, is full of astonishment at this moment.

That punch gave him the feeling that it was too powerful to resist.

There is a great potential!
He didn't have time to make any other reactions at all, and the fist came in response!


The next moment, his body exploded.

Turned into the sky full of blood spilled down.

All consciousness dissipated along with it.

At the moment before death, his mind was full of remorse.

It's just that everything is irreparable.


The woman in white was completely shocked.

One punch!
With such a simple punch, killing a high-ranking true immortal?
What is this ghost?

More importantly, this child has not cultivated into a true immortal yet!

This completely broke common sense and was beyond her cognition.

What kind of monster is this guy?
The way she looked at Li Changkong completely changed.

But Li Changkong didn't even look at her again.

Instead, he took his spoils and left soon.

Only the woman in white was left standing there, her face full of astonishment and shock.

"Just leave like this?"

After a while, she came back to her senses.

She couldn't help stomping her feet angrily, she was ignored again.

This feeling of being ignored is very bad. Has she ever been ignored like this before?

"Li Changkong, right?"

"Hmph, you managed to get my attention, now, I'm interested in you!"

The woman in white raised her head and looked in the direction where Li Changkong was leaving, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

After that, she also rushed out and chased after him.


No.13 floor space.

The higher you go, the more powerful the monsters appear.

And in this layer of space, there are monsters comparable to middle-level true immortals everywhere, and there are even some powerful monsters, exuding an extremely astonishing aura.

Even high-ranking true immortals are trembling when they enter this place.

You must be very careful, otherwise you will attract a large number of monsters to besiege, and the high-ranking true immortals will also hate it.

Li Changkong appeared in the No.13 floor space, and immediately felt the breath of an astonishing beast.

But he kept going fast.

roar roar...

All around, there were many ferocious beasts immediately, surrounding them.

They all roared angrily, showing a ferocious posture.

Among them, there is a ferocious beast comparable to a high-level true immortal, with two horns on its head, and on the two horns, there is an extremely extraordinary spiritual power of immortality.

The next moment, the ominous beast directly attacked.

I saw that one after another of terrifying fairy arts were all attacking and killing Li Changkong.

Li Changkong, on the other hand, didn't panic at all. He stepped out, and suddenly, the void trembled.

The earth shook accordingly.

When that foot stepped down, a loud noise erupted, like the beating of a war drum, deafening and arousing fighting spirit.

The golden ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

Monster beasts were sent flying out by the shock.

There are even some, blood splashing in the air, very miserable.

Li Changkong jumped over many ferocious beasts, and went straight to kill the leader of the ferocious beast, which was comparable to a high-level true immortal.


A series of nine emperor purple dragons emerged from the transpiration, displaying incomparably terrifying imperial power.

Then, all the purple dragons of the Nine Dao Emperor roared out.

At this moment, the vicious beast in the lead was shaking violently.

Feeling the terrifying heavenly power permeating from the purple dragon of the nine emperors, this fierce beast burst out with all its potential.

To counter this blow.

On the two horns, the spiritual power of the immortal way gathered and turned into a storm of spiritual power.

The storm swept over, as if it was going to tear this piece of space apart.

But the Purple Dragon of the Nine Paths Emperor is too mighty.

The nine dragons came together, showing unrivaled killing power.

bang bang bang...

The spiritual storm formed by the spiritual power of the immortal way was directly torn apart.

Afterwards, the purple dragons of the nine realms all collided with the ominous beast headed by a high-level true immortal.

Blood splattered, bloody and bloody!
That ferocious beast, comparable to a high-level true immortal, was buried here so tragically!

Seeing this, the other ferocious beasts all showed panic.


At this moment, another six swords of destruction appeared one after another.

A powerful aura of destruction filled this space.

The six swords of destruction all came out, shattering the void.

The beasts were beheaded by the six swords of destruction, their bodies were pierced through, and large swaths of blood mist fell from the sky.

Behind Li Changkong, the shadow of the blood dragon was directly revealed, sucking all the blood from the sky into the mouth of the dragon.

With the help of Tuntian Bloodline, refine it and transform it into your own cultivation.

At the same time, he also found a lot of yellow light scattered all over the place.

"The soul of the beast!"

"The ferocious beasts here are different from those in the outside world. Every ferocious beast has the soul of a ferocious beast."

"It seems that this demon town tower is indeed the place where Xuan Yuanzong tamed monsters."

"The blood essence of the fire lion, the spirit essence of the white tiger, and the soul of the ferocious beast were all bred through special means!"

"It's like a domesticated wild beast. It can be slaughtered at a certain time, and the disciples in the sect can refine it and get huge benefits!"

Li Changkong's heart moved slightly.

This demon suppressing tower is probably just one of the places where Xuan Yuanzong used it as a place to tame monsters.

Immortal sects like this have too many skills and abundant resources, even the monsters they raise are different!
"You can collect more beast souls!"

His heart moved slightly, and Dang even continued to kill.

Hunt down the ferocious beasts here and collect their souls.

After all, he is currently trapped in a realm of 99 levels of taboos. To break through this realm, I don't know how much resources will be spent!
But no matter what, you must make a breakthrough.

Only in this way can one step into the Realm of True Immortals!
Only in this way can we walk out a brighter road.

"Li Changkong?"

At this moment, a rather surprised voice came from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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