Chapter 2978
Zhao Tianyuan was completely angry.

Is this humiliating him?
This kid in front of him is just a trash who has never even cultivated into a true immortal, yet he let this kid come out to fight him?

He had lost to Luo Yunao before, and he lost badly and was trampled on.

But it doesn't mean that even a guy who is not a real fairy can't beat him?

"Are you playing with me?"

"good very good!"

"You have successfully angered me, this time, I will kill both of you!"

Zhao Tianyuan drank angrily.

Almost like a growl.

Mind blowing!
The berserk sword energy surged continuously.

Knife light flashes!
Boom boom boom...

Dao lights crisscrossed and slashed towards Li Changkong continuously.

At this moment, the sky trembled.

That terrifying knife light seemed to shred the sky.

Li Changkong was still calm and composed.

Afterwards, above his body, there was a terrifying sound of sword cries, shaking the heavens.

One after another, six swords of destruction emerged.


The six swords of destruction all slashed forward.

The mighty power of destruction seems to destroy this piece of world.

Its powerful power is completely superior to Zhao Tianyuan's sword power.

At this moment, Zhao Tianyuan's eyes widened and he was completely dumbfounded.

Is this the power that a guy who has not yet become a real fairy can explode?
The next moment, the sword light and the sword light collided fiercely.

An incomparably astonishing battle wave erupted, and suddenly spread to the surroundings.

Huge light, incomparably bright, dazzling.


A terrifying sword light pierced through Zhao Tianyuan's body.

Blood, gurgling and surging.

And the huge saber in Zhao Tianyuan's hand was even sent flying.


Zhao Tianyuan fell to the ground with disbelief and horror on his face.

At that moment, the sword power erupted, and he felt like the end was coming.

It was as if half a foot had stepped into the brink of death.

In the distance, Yun Yue, who witnessed this scene, also trembled violently with his facial muscles.

Is that Destruction Sword Might?
What this guy actually realized was to destroy the sword intent!
Moreover, it is much stronger than the ordinary sword intent of destruction.

What a formidable opponent!
"You still want to kill us?"

"It's so loud."

The Xingyue God Emperor couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

She admired the guy in front of her, his tone was unmatched.

At this moment, Zhao Tianyuan wanted to cry.

What kind of bad luck is this? First, he met Luo Yunao, who was unparalleled in evil, and was severely humiliated.

Now, I met another guy who is even more evil than Luo Yunao!
Those who have not yet become true immortals possess such terrifying combat power.

This luck, don't be too miserable!
He wanted to cry without tears.

In the distance, Yunyue landed quickly and appeared beside Zhao Tianyuan.

Those who came with Yunyue were two Dzogchen True Immortals!

At this moment, the two Dzogchen True Immortals both looked awe-inspiring and looked very vigilant.

Obviously, seeing Zhao Tianyuan's defeat, they didn't dare to underestimate the enemy any more.

"This fellow daoist, I don't know which realm he came from?"

"We are here to hunt down the Qilin King, and please don't intervene."

Yun Yue lowered his posture, after all, he had experienced it before, so he never dared to act recklessly again.

The other party has not become a true immortal, but possesses such heaven-defying combat power.

It is very likely that he is also from a terrible family!

The more monstrous and arrogant he is, the more he cannot underestimate the enemy!

"We come from the universe sea boundary."

Before Li Changkong could speak, God Emperor Xingyue hurriedly replied.

"As for the Qilin King, hehehe, this is a beast that claims to be a treasure, how can it be handed over?"

Emperor Xingyue said coldly.

Do you think you can conquer the Qilin King with a few polite words?

It's so beautiful!
"It's not good."

Yun Yue frowned, and said: "After all, we were the first to discover this Qilin King, and we are hunting the Qilin King now."

"Well, let us take the first shot, and if we can't solve it, then you will take the shot."

"But if we can successfully kill the Qilin King, please don't interfere with the two fellow Taoists."

Emperor Xingyue smiled, and immediately cursed: "Fart!"

"You said don't meddle, so don't meddle?"

"The one you found out first is yours?"

"This secret realm is originally a place of trials. Whoever has the ability can get the treasure."

As soon as these words came out, the two Dzogchen True Immortals beside Yunyue were instantly enraged.

On the body, exudes a cold murderous intent.

There are really not many who dare to be presumptuous in front of them.

That is to say, Luo Yunao, the proud son of heaven, is powerful in himself, and his background is extremely terrifying.

They are willing to bow their heads and surrender.

But these two people in front of me?

Not enough!

After all, they were born in the Cosmic Sea Boundary, and they had never even heard of the Cosmic Sea Boundary.

It must be a very remote and backward realm among the [-] realms.

There is no way to compare with the gods of the gods in the gods, the difference is too far.

"So, the two fellow daoists are not willing to give in?"

Yun Yue also showed some anger.

In particular, when he heard that the other party was from the universe sea boundary, he no longer had the previous worries.

Since it doesn't come from the horror clan, there is nothing scary about it.

"Without further ado."

"If you want to fight, hit it!"

Li Changkong spoke very directly.

If he wants to fight, he will fight. Has he ever been afraid?

How can he give up in just a few words to compete for the Qilin King.

"Boy, you are so crazy!"

"Although you are very evil, but after all, the realm is too low!"

"Could it be that you still think that you can fight against the Dzogchen True Immortal without becoming a True Immortal?"

Yun Yue frowned, with a cold look on his face.

"Why not!"

Li Changkong jumped out.

On the body, there are dozens of amazing sword lights blooming.

There are also nine emperors' extreme purple qi emerging, and the purple qi is hundreds of miles away.

roar roar...

Then, the nine emperor's extreme purple qi turned into nine emperor's extreme purple dragon, roaring with mighty momentum.

The royal way and heavenly power suddenly spread.

"court death!"

A Dzogchen True Immortal shouted angrily.

Then, the Dzogchen True Immortal struck like lightning.

As soon as he made a move, there was a fierce sword light, piercing through the sky and the earth.

That sword light seemed to smash the Milky Way!

The cold light is overwhelming!

Going to meet the purple dragon of the nine emperors.

bang bang bang...

The sword light was so shocking that it crushed seven emperor purple dragons one after another before it was annihilated.

At this moment, another Dzogchen True Immortal also made a move.

A palm slapped in the air.

This palm is mighty and mighty, like a heavenly abyss suppressing it.

bang bang...

The remaining two extreme emperor purple dragons were also completely smashed.

After all, he is a Dzogchen True Immortal. When he makes a move, his power is astounding. Compared with Zhao Tianyuan, he is much stronger!

"Boy, you should know how small you are by now, right?"

The Dzogchen True Immortal who took the lead in the attack spoke very proudly and authentically at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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