Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2980 This is okay too!

Chapter 2980 This is okay too!

"Let's join forces to deal with the Qilin King?"

Emperor Xingyue couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This old man is really a character, and at this time, he can still talk and laugh happily.

They shouted and shouted to kill before, but now, they want to join hands with them to kill the Qilin King?
Very thick skinned!
And, I'm afraid, uneasy and kind!
"This old guy is definitely trying to play tricks!"

"Don't promise him."

The Xingyue God Emperor has lived for three lifetimes, so naturally he will not be easily fooled.

She secretly sent a voice transmission to Li Changkong, and at the same time, she was also secretly vigilant.

"It's okay."

"It depends on what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd."

But Li Changkong was very calm.

Sometimes, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just floating clouds.

Afterwards, Li Changkong looked at Yunyue, nodded, and said, "Yes."

When Yun Yue heard this, he immediately looked secretly happy.

The two Dzogchen True Immortals who had suffered heavy injuries had astonishment on their faces.

It never occurred to me that this guy would agree to join forces with them.

They knew that it was impossible for Yunyue to hand over the Qilin King, or even share it equally with the two guys in front of him.

That's what Luo Shao, the proud son of the Celestial Clan, asked for by name, who dares to play tricks in front of Luo Shao!
"Hahaha, that would be great!"

"It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy. This is the eternal saying."

Yun Yue laughed loudly.

Li Changkong looked indifferent and didn't reply.

As for the Xingyue God Emperor, his face was even more indifferent, and he was still quite vigilant.

Yun Yue smiled awkwardly, didn't take it seriously, and continued: "This Qilin King is very powerful and terrifying."

"With so many of us working together, we still can't really suppress the Qilin King."

"With the help of two fellow daoists, I believe they will be able to kill the Qilin King!"

Li Changkong raised his head, looked into the distance, and said calmly: "Let's start, your companion, it seems that you can't stop it anymore."

"it is good!"

Yun Yue nodded quickly.

Then, they rushed towards the Qilin King together.

roar roar...

The Qilin King let out a roar that shook the sky, and there was a terrifying penetrating power in the voice.


There is a blood wheel flying on the head, bursting out with bloody light.

A series of terrifying treasures shot continuously towards the surroundings.

One of the Dzogchen True Immortals was sent flying by the shock, spitting blood out of his mouth.

No one expected that besides being powerful in melee combat, the Qilin King was also proficient in various treasure techniques.

That blood wheel possesses unpredictable power.

Under the siege of so many of them, they still couldn't get a bargain.


Finally, Yunyue arrived with Li Changkong and Emperor Xingyue.

Yun Yue also made a move, his hands condensed into a magic seal, and he saw the magic light surging, and the magic seal contained the breath of the devil way, and when the seal blasted out, a terrifying demon power was revealed.

That magic seal bombarded the blood wheel.

But it was easily resolved by the blood wheel, and the streaks of blood light smashed the magic seal.

Yun Yue's expression changed drastically.

"This Qilin King is too powerful!"

"Fellow Daoist, is there a way to restrain this Qilin King?"

Yun Yue looked at Li Changkong.

Before Li Changkong could respond, there was an existence at the level of an invincible overlord, who hurriedly said, "King Qilin's blood wheel technique is too terrifying."

"The strategy formulated earlier may be useless to the Qilin King."

"The only way is to send out one person to fight the Qilin King in close quarters, restraining the Qilin King, and then we can use various fairy arts to kill the Qilin King!"

He has fought with the Qilin King for a long time, and he is very clear about the Qilin King's moves.

If the blood wheel is not broken, the Qilin King will be in an invincible position.

Of course, the reason for such a proposal is more due to other factors.

A sneer flashed across Yun Yue's face.

But that sneering smile flashed by, and soon disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

His eyes soon fell on Li Changkong.

"Fellow Daoist, you are powerful, why don't you restrain the Qilin King?"

This is his real intention!
Aren't you strong?

Then let you fight with the Qilin King!

Then, let alone reaping the benefits, they can borrow a knife to kill someone!
This move kills two birds with one stone and kills two birds with one stone.

Not only can he deal with the Qilin King, but he can also deal with these two guys in front of him!
"This move is very dangerous, fellow daoist, you should think about it clearly."

"Don't force it!"

The invincible overlord who spoke before spoke again at this moment.

Naturally, it is a way to cooperate with Yunyue and act aggressively!

Li Changkong agreed without hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, a bright smile appeared on Yunyue's face.

After all, it is still too tender!
Although he is unparalleled and powerful, he still lacks experience.

It's too simple to kill the other party.

"Fellow Daoist, you have to support me a little longer!"

"We can kill the Qilin King!"

The previous invincible overlord spoke again at this moment.


Li Changkong nodded.

Then, it rushed out directly.

"This dumbass!"

The invincible overlord couldn't help laughing secretly.

He agreed so easily, but the Qilin King could be restrained so easily?

If you are not careful, you may fall!
Lengtouqing, Tietouba!
Li Changkong rushed out, the Qilin King sensed it, and immediately glared at him.

In the scarlet eyes, there was a terrifying and fierce aura.

The monstrous killing intent came suddenly.

If it was an ordinary person, just this gaze would make them tremble with fright and dare not move forward.

Some would even be completely intimidated by this gaze.

But Li Changkong just smiled lightly.

Then, punch out.

Facing the bombardment of the Qilin King, he went away.

This punch erupted with terrifying power!

The Qilin King's blood turned rapidly.

The blood light is even more powerful and violent!
Obviously, he also felt the horror of Li Changkong's punch at the moment.

The blood wheel directly hit Li Changkong's fist, and bombarded it away!

That blood wheel was condensed from all his supernatural powers and treasures.

Contains the greatest power!

Anyone who dares to approach, I'm afraid it will be a dead end!
However, the next moment, the fist struck.

Collided with the blood wheel.

bang bang bang...

Between the sky and the earth, a loud noise erupted.

The bloody light filled the sky, and suddenly scattered towards the surroundings.

The blood wheel exploded directly.

As for the Qilin King, he flew straight towards the rear.

It fell to the ground fiercely, smashing the ground into a terrifying deep pit.

Drops of unicorn blood spilled from the air.

Witnessing this scene, Yun Yue and the others were all stunned.

Completely stupefied!

He can do it!
(End of this chapter)

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