Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2990 Terrible

Chapter 2990 Terrible

On Luo Yunao's body, the berserk momentum rushed straight to the sky.

All the people around were blown out one by one.

That violent momentum turned into a shocking storm, overturning every strong man!
Even Yun Yue and the others were extremely shocked at this moment.

Showing a look of astonishment.

It turns out that Luo Shao is so powerful!

When Luo Shao dealt with them before, he didn't try his best at all, and easily suppressed all of them.

Only then did they realize how insignificant they were compared to Luo Shao, a celestial arrogance like Luo Shao.

It really deserves to be a terrifying force of the three major immortal ranks. In that bloodline, I am afraid that there is a terrifying power left by the immortal master.

This is truly born strong!
Moreover, sitting on a huge amount of resources, even a pig can evolve into a fairy under the training of the Celestial Race.

Such a powerful family is well-known in the Immortal Domain!
"Now, can you feel my strength a little bit?"

Luo Yunao showed a sneering smile, and looked at Li Changkong confidently.

As soon as the voice fell, the horse arrived in an instant.

The terrifying murderous intent burst out suddenly.

The void split open, a terrifying black crack appeared.

As if to devour Li Changkong alive!
But Li Changkong suddenly raised his head.

There was the same confidence in those eyes.

Then he raised his hand.

Point out lightly.

Going towards that horse, immediately, Chaos Immortal Power erupted directly.

bang bang bang...

A series of astonishing loud noises spread all around immediately.

The whole wilderness trembled because of it.

The crowd around them all staggered and couldn't stand steadily.

The ground trembled, coupled with the impact of momentum, making them seem to be in a stormy sea.

They were all shocked and trembling inexplicably.

Afterwards, each of them looked intently.

From their point of view, such a terrifying blow by the favored son of the Celestial God Clan would have already killed that kid to pieces.

But the next moment, they were all stunned.

All of them looked stunned.

I was extremely surprised.

Because Li Changkong not only didn't die, but stood in place perfectly, motionless and unscathed.

Not even a suit of clothes was messy.

With a smile on his face, he looked calm and relaxed.

"This guy!"

"It's actually blocked!"

"It seems that this kid has some real skills for daring to speak such nonsense before!"

The crowd was amazed.

This result was completely unexpected.

Everyone thought that guy would be killed by the proud son of the Celestial Race.

I never thought that people would easily block it.

Not a single hair was damaged.

Even Luo Yunao himself looked surprised.

The expression was rather awkward.

After all, the tone was too loud before, but now, it seems a bit slap in the face.

"It seems that I still underestimated you!"

"Dare to challenge the majesty of our clan, it is indeed not to be underestimated."

Luo Yunao said with a straight face.

Obviously, the previous him underestimated the enemy.

But now, he has put away his underestimation of the enemy.

Start to face up to the enemy in front of you!
"It's nothing."

"Before, it was just careless and underestimating the enemy. If you really make a move, the destructive power of the Celestial Race will exceed your imagination."

The guy who had fought against the Celestial Race had a pessimistic look on his face.

Only those who have really fought against the people of the Celestial Clan will know how terrifying the Celestial Body is.

It claims to be stronger than some fairy bodies!

Luo Yunao, strike again.

When he raised his hand, he struck out with a palm.

That palm cut across the Yangtze River, with momentum like a huge wave.

Shock the world.

The situation changed color for it.

The crowd is all thrilling.

This blow is so powerful, twice as powerful as before!
Dao Dao's eyes were all looking at Li Changkong.

All of them showed curiosity in their eyes.

This time, can this person resist it?
As for Li Changkong, his expression remained unchanged.

Step back slightly.

Then the body suddenly burst out like an ancient barbarian elephant.


In this piece of sky, there was a terrible bang.

The sky-shattering sound made people feel terrified.

The terrifying body collided with the terrifying palm.

I saw the power of Taoism colliding together, bursting out countless brilliance.

Ding Ding Deng

The next moment, they saw that Luo Yunao, the pride of the Celestial God Clan, was shocked by a terrible force and made his steps back.


The crowd were all dumbfounded like wooden chickens.

Previously, everyone was wondering whether this child could block such a terrifying blow.

But no one dared to think that this son could repel Luo Yunao, the pride of the Celestial Race!

This is something they didn't even dare to think about, but it turned out to be a reality.

And the person who previously preached how powerful and terrifying the Celestial Race is, now has an extremely wonderful expression on his face.

It was as if he had been slapped in public.

Yun Yue and the others were shocked even more.

This guy is so fierce?

They couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Luo Shao couldn't beat this guy, could he?

If this is the case, their actions before, I am afraid that ten deaths would not be enough!
But this thought just passed by in a flash.

how can that be possible!
After all, Luo Shao is the pride of the Celestial Clan, with the Celestial Body, how could he not be able to beat him?
Although Luo Shao was serious before, in fact, he didn't use the power of the god body at all!
As long as Luo Shao is serious, he will definitely be able to beat this guy.

They are confident.

"Damn you!"

Luo Yunao was furious.

This is a rare shame and humiliation!
The terrifying momentum surged again.

On the body, there is an extraordinary luster.

Then, he formed a mudra with both hands!
I saw the mysterious seal method emerge, as if a Jinpeng came crashing from above the sky.

The secret technique of the Celestial Clan, Jin Peng Yin!

Following the example of the supreme holy seal of the Jinpeng clan, it possesses incomparably terrifying power and bursts out into brilliance.

And the face of the person who had fought against the Celestial Race once changed dramatically.

"He is not an ordinary disciple of the Celestial Clan, but the true core disciple of the Celestial Clan!"

"Because what he cast is the Jinpeng Seal!"

"Only the core direct disciples of the Celestial Clan can practice!"

"This kind of person must not be offended, not to mention that he cannot be beaten, even if he can be beaten, he must not be offended."

"It's fine if you lose, but if you win, you're really doomed. Not only will you bring death to yourself, but it will even bring endless disasters to the entire realm!"

The way the Celestials behave is extremely domineering.

Ordinary disciples who are bullied must find their way back!

Not to mention such a core disciple with a very high status!
This kind of arrogance cannot be provoked.

The crowd around them were also startled.

It turned out to be a direct core disciple!

"Suffer to death!"

Luo Yunao's expression was cold and fierce, full of murderous intent.

Terrible killing intent, condensed like substance.

Then, the Great Seal of the Golden Roc suddenly fell from the sky!
Its power is extremely terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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