Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 301 Entering the Burial Ridge

Chapter 301 Entering the Burial Ridge ([-]rd update)
Burying Demon Ridge.

Rumor has it that the Burial Demon Ridge is an ancient battlefield. There was a great battle here, a great battle between Zhengdao and Demonic Dao. , are completely incomparable with Wanmozong.

Later, the two parties, the righteous and the devil, fought fiercely at the foot of the Zongmo Ridge. This battle lasted for several months. Millions of corpses were laid down, blood flowed into rivers, and the land around the Zanmo Ridge was turned into red .

Since this battle, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect has gradually declined. Although it is still one of the top ten forces, it is far from what it used to be.

And the Burial Demon Ridge got its name from this.

This place, because of the pervasive demonic energy, has gradually become a training place for many demon disciples, such as Blood God Palace, Nine Shamen Gate, etc. Many demon disciples often haunt this place.

But at this moment, Li Changkong brought Gu Feiyang and Xiao Hui to appear on the outskirts of Buried Demon Ridge.

"Hunting and killing the Eight Desolation Demon Jiao, and getting the dragon horn on the head of the Eight Desolation Demon Jiao, you can get [-] points!"

"Fang Li, who hunted down the thirteen sons of the Blood God of the Blood God Palace, took his head and brought it back to the sect to get [-] points!"

"You can get [-] points by hunting Tang Jiu, the true disciple of the Nine Demons!"

These three tasks were all taken over by Li Changkong from the mission hall in one go.

He himself already has 18 points, and once he completes these three tasks, he can get 490 points, which is not far from collecting [-] swords, swords, weapons and magic weapons.

Of course, these three tasks are not easy, and each task is extremely difficult.

In particular, hunting the Eight Desolation Demon Jiao is a fourth-order fifth-level monster, and its strength is equivalent to that of a fifth-level warrior in the spiritual sea!
With Li Changkong's current strength, it would be impossible to kill a martial artist of the fifth level of Linghai, let alone a fierce and ferocious dragon.

The other two tasks are not easy either!
The Blood God Palace is also one of the top ten sects. Each of the thirteen sons of the blood god is famous, and Fang Li, among the thirteen sons of the blood god, is ranked seventh, possessing the strength of the second level of the spiritual sea.

And Tang Jiu, the true disciple of Jiushamen, possesses the triple realm of Linghai, and his strength is stronger and stronger.

"Now, let's practice in the Devil's Burial Ridge first to improve our strength, and then look for opportunities to complete these three tasks."

While going deep into the Burial Mountain, Li Changkong was secretly planning.

Along the way, they encountered many Heavenly Demons, but they were all easily beheaded by Xiao Hui. Today's Xiao Hui is so powerful that ordinary Heavenly Demon generals cannot resist even a single move under its sharp claws.

As for Li Changkong and Gu Feiyang, they had almost no chance to make a move.

blah blah blah...

At this moment, the sound of fighting suddenly came from the front, and the sound of various swords colliding together came one after another.

"Boss, there seems to be a good show ahead!"

Xiao Hui pricked up his ears and his eyes lit up.

"Don't worry about it."

Li Changkong shouted in a deep voice, after all, this is the Burial Demon Ridge, different from other places, once you encounter a large number of Demon Sect disciples, even they may find it difficult to escape safely.

Soon, a large group of people appeared in front of their eyes, many demon disciples, surrounded by several young men and women, fighting fiercely again and again.

Those young men and women, one man and three women, one of them was wearing a long white dress, she looked quite elegant, she was young, but her combat power was extremely tyrannical, the sword in her hand slashed out again and again, and the sword light enveloped her body In the large area in front of her, it was difficult for the demon disciples around her to get within three meters of her body.

The only young man was in control of the flame, and he slapped out with one palm, and the sky was full of flames, turning into a fierce tiger and rushing out, the flames were billowing, and it was easy to kill more than a dozen demons disciple.

One man and three women, all with extraordinary means, quickly killed the demon disciples who surrounded them one by one.

Afterwards, the man and the three women all swept towards Li Changkong and Gu Feiyang.

"Are you disciples of Danwu Hall?"

The woman in white who was holding a long sword earlier glanced at Li Changkong, and recognized Li Changkong's identity from the clothes he was wearing.

"Pill disciple?"

While the man and three women were looking at Li Changkong, Li Changkong also looked at the man and three women. He could recognize that the other party was a disciple of Dandian.

The Danbao Pavilion is divided into two halls, namely the Dan Hall and the Danwu Hall. The Dan Hall focuses on alchemy, and the Danwu Hall focuses on martial arts.

The alchemy disciples are almost all alchemists. As alchemists, their status is incomparably noble in the God of War Continent.

Therefore, all along, the disciples of Danwudian have their own pride, and even seem a little arrogant. They look down on the disciples of Danwudian more or less.

After hearing Li Changkong's words, the young man in the lead, Mo Haoran, nodded with a look of arrogance on his face, and said proudly, "Yes, we are disciples of the Alchemy Hall. Do you know where this is?"

"Isn't this the Burying Demon Ridge?"

Li Changkong couldn't help but wondered.

Mo Haoran raised his brows. He looked at Li Changkong, and had a general understanding of Li Changkong's cultivation. A look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he sneered, "Since you know that it is the Burial Demon Ridge, then you guys Do you still dare to enter this place? Do you think that with your level of cultivation, you can enter the Burial Demon Ridge and get out alive?"

Beside Mo Haoran, a woman in purple also had a disdainful look on her face, and laughed uncontrollably: "It's probably a stunned young man, who thinks that he can run rampant with a little cultivation, but he doesn't know that this is the Burying Demon Ridge. Even if it is us, we have to be careful every step of the way, and if we are a little careless, we may fall into a situation of eternal doom, let alone them?"

Li Changkong frowned. There was a sense of arrogance in these people's bones, and they looked down on them at all, which made him feel quite unhappy.

"Tsk tsk, you seem to be at the ninth level of the Shenfu, right? With this level of cultivation, you dare to teach my boss a lesson?"

However, Xiao Hui couldn't see it anymore, it raised its paw, and said lazily, in the words, there was no mercy, and it directly mocked back.


The woman in purple immediately became furious. As a disciple of the Alchemy Palace, she is not only a powerful warrior, but also a noble alchemist!

Now, he was ridiculed by a battle pet?
"Forget it, Junior Sister Han, originally we wanted to persuade and save someone's life, but unfortunately, these people don't know how to appreciate it. If that's the case, why bother?"

The young man, Mo Haoran, smiled coldly, looking at Li Changkong and Gu Feiyang, as if he was looking at a dead person.

In his opinion, whether it is Li Changkong or Gu Feiyang, they are not strong enough to fight in the Devil Burying Ridge at all, and they will definitely die at the hands of the disciples of the Demon Sect!

(End of this chapter)

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