Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3104 Killing Dragon War

Chapter 3104 Killing Dragon War
Li Changkong also possesses the Great Luo Zhibao?The girl in white couldn't help being shocked.

How can this be?

The Great Luo Zhibao is not a high-end product, and those who can own the Great Luo Zhibao are all strong ones.

Even some powerful Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to possess the Da Luo Zhibao.

Chen An didn't explain much, in fact, he was just guessing, without any evidence, just guessing based on a kind of intuition.

Long Zhan sneered again and again at this moment. In his opinion, Li Changkong's composure at the moment was just an act.

Or, Li Changkong didn't even know how terrifying the Great Luo Zhibao was.

That being the case, then he, in front of Li Changkong, will show the horror of the Great Luo Zhibao.

The next moment, the sword in his hand trembled.

Streams of immortal power suddenly diffused, and the mighty sword power was suppressed like a substance.

The sword light vibrated in Jiuyou, and the terrifying murderous aura seemed to split the sky.

The crowd was all trembling, and everyone showed a look of horror.

Afterwards, they retreated one after another, not daring to approach Long Zhan within a hundred miles.

That power was too terrifying, and it was simply not something they could bear.

"Li Changkong, why don't you come up and die?"

Long Zhan shouted loudly.

Extremely proud.


Regarding this, Li Changkong reprimanded him coldly.

There was a bit of sarcasm in his expression.

Do you think that you can suppress and kill him by relying on the treasure of Da Luo?
Have to say, it's ridiculous!

The next moment, a roll of formation maps also appeared in his hand.

Void array map!

This treasure was originally owned by Tianwu Immortal, but later lost to Xuanwu Immortal in a bet, and Xuanwu Immortal gave this treasure to Li Changkong.

It is also the Supreme Treasure of the Great Luo, and before it unfolds, there is a mighty might of heaven, spreading out.

"Great treasure!"

The moment Li Changkong sacrificed the Void Formation, someone exclaimed.

The majestic power of the sky cannot be faked, it is definitely the real treasure of Daluo.

The crowd suddenly fell into panic one by one.

Who would have thought that Li Changkong could also possess the Great Luo Zhibao!

No wonder, this son was so confident and calm before, without any panic.

Sure enough, it has a strong background!
And the girl in white couldn't help but change her face slightly.

There is really a big Luo Zhibao.

Although Uncle An had mentioned earlier that Li Changkong might also possess the Great Luo Zhibao, it was just a guess after all.

But now, this guess is confirmed!

"There really is."

Even Chen An couldn't help laughing bitterly.

At this moment, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to make a move, but had been waiting and watching, so he was able to wait until now to see the situation clearly.

Chu Yu's face completely collapsed.

Jinxian Wanjiang was also stunned, dumbfounded.

Elder Tianxin looked stunned at this moment, deep in his heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

Before the loss to him, he still thought that he was sure of Li Changkong, but he never thought that this kid actually has the treasure of Da Luo in his hands!

I'm afraid, in Li Changkong's eyes, he is no different from a clown.

Long Zhan also had a shocked look on his face at this moment.

Li Changkong sneered: "Do you think that you alone can own the Great Luo Zhibao?"

Long Zhan's face was ashen.

He could naturally guess that the Daluo Zhibao in Li Changkong's hands was bestowed by Xuanwu Xianzun.

He really didn't expect that Li Changkong worshiped Xuanwu Xianzun as his teacher, how long has it been, and he can get such a rich reward?

The Xuanwu Immortal Venerable must have attached too much importance to Li Changkong as an apprentice!

He cursed and hated Xuanwu Immortal Venerable to the bone.

"Hmph, even if you have the Great Luo Zhibao, so what?"

"The Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword in my hand is the best among the treasures of Da Luo, so it may not be able to kill you!"

Long Zhan yelled, and then, all the power in his body was poured into the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword.

Boom boom boom...

Streams of terrifying power burst out suddenly, and the terrifying rainbow light shattered the sky!
Afterwards, dozens of terrifying rainbow lights all slashed towards Li Changkong.

The power, earth-shattering, caused a shocking storm.

And Li Changkong also sacrificed the Void Formation.

I saw that the Void Formation was lifted into the air and slowly unfolded in the air.

The Void Killing Formation suddenly appeared, and terrifying robbing lights shot up into the sky.

It seems that a catastrophe broke out!
Jieguang destroys the sky and destroys the earth, possessing incomparably terrifying power.

It completely collided with those dozens of terrifying rainbow lights.

bang bang bang...

Between the heaven and the earth, bursts of terrifying noises erupted, countless fluctuations, and sudden vibrations spread.

The sky and the earth seemed to be spinning around, and at this moment, the law was disordered, forming a terrible law tide.

The space was distorted, and the terrifying flames in this place were completely annihilated.


The void killing array on the void array map is extremely terrifying, and continues to strangle away.

With Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword, they are constantly confronting each other.

You must know that the Void Formation and the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword are all treasures of the Great Luo. At this moment, in the confrontation, it is difficult to tell the winner.

But Li Changkong took advantage of this opportunity to kill Long Zhan.


Above his body, palpitating forces surged. The Dragon Emperor Tianwei and Chaos Void, the two major field forces, were released almost simultaneously.

He reached in front of Long Zhan and punched out fiercely.

The power is mighty, breaking the void!
As for Long Zhan, his reaction was a bit slower.

Above his body, a silver battle armor appeared, but it was too late to make any other reactions, and that huge fist came crashing down.

All I heard was a loud bang.

The silver battle armor on Long Zhan's body was sunken, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, flying towards the far end of the sky.


The dragon battle in the air was even more wow, spitting out big mouthfuls of blood.

He was already injured, but now that he had endured Li Changkong's punch, his injuries became more severe.

And the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword also lost control.

Unable to block the terrifying power of the void formation, it was blown away.

call out!
On the void array map, a series of robbery lights were aroused, blasting towards Long Zhan.

chi chi chi...

The power of the Void Formation is so terrifying, the robbing light and killing power it inspires is simply not something that Long Zhan, who is seriously injured at the moment, can bear.

I saw Long Zhan falling from the sky, and the silver armor on his body was completely broken.

On his body, blood holes were left, eroded by Jieguang.

The vitality in the body is completely lost.

Has become a cold corpse.

Witnessing this scene, the surrounding crowd felt palpitations!
Dragon War, dead!
That is the eldest disciple of Xuanyuan Xianzong!

(End of this chapter)

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