Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3108 Execution

Chapter 3108 Execution
On Li Changkong's body, there was also a billowing flame, which was obviously a strange flame he refined.

I saw that the strange flame turned into an angry dragon and rushed out, burning all the flame demons wherever it passed.

The power is horrifying.

There is also the Tiangang Soul-Suppressing Sword, which comes out after beheading.

That mighty sword power vibrated the void, formed a sword gang, and roared towards it.

Behind him, the blood dragon shadow is constantly devouring the fragments of the law of fire. During the battle, it recovers quickly and can improve its cultivation.

At this moment, he became more and more courageous as he fought more and more. He entered the flame demon alone, but he was extremely ferocious.

The killing aura is amazing.

"court death!"

The Balrog leader was instantly enraged.

As soon as he raised his hand, he made a terrifying seal, which was a law that condensed another time and space, and a seal of the blue dragon suddenly fell down!

The powerful power shakes the void, forming a terrifying power that shakes the world.

"Break it for me!"

Li Changkong drank coldly again and again.

Afterwards, the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword in his hand turned into a rainbow of swords that suddenly soared into the sky.

Go to meet the seal of the blue dragon!

On the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword, a mighty power erupted, condensing the power of heaven and earth.

I saw that the powerful Canglong Seal was directly broken by Jian Gang.

The might of the sword was still shaking, and he slashed towards the leader of the Balrog.

With the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword in his hand, Li Changkong's combat power has increased significantly!
You know, the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword is the Supreme Treasure of the Great Luo, and its power itself is extremely powerful. Even if Li Changkong cannot display the true power of the Supreme Treasure itself, it is still terrifying, and can even kill a peak gold sword. fairy.


The leader of the Balrog, with an angry expression on his face, bombarded out with both hands.

There was only a loud bang, and the flames all over the sky were all condensed at one point, and then burst out with infinite power.

The sky and the earth trembled accordingly, the power of this blow was too powerful.

It actually sent the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword flying away.

But even after the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword was blown away, the face of the Balrog leader still showed shock.

This magic weapon is too powerful.

This made him secretly startled!
Originally, he was completely capable of dealing with the opponent's strength, and could even suppress and kill him.

But now with this magic weapon, everything has changed.

Although there are still a huge number of Balrogs around him, I'm afraid they can't stop the power of this magic weapon!
"Kill me!"

The leader of the Balrog yelled loudly.

All the Balrogs around him rushed up.

All kinds of attacks came roaring.

The flames soared into the sky, the flaming power billowed, burning the sky and destroying the earth.

However, the next moment, another powerful magic weapon emerged.

It is the Void Array!

I saw the void formation map unfolding, and the void killing formation burst out suddenly.

All kinds of killing and robbery emerged one by one immediately.

bang bang bang...

Immediately, all the Balrogs were killed by Jie Guang.

The body burst open, turned into flames and dissipated.

In just a moment, more than hundreds of Balrogs died in battle.

The Void Formation and the Tiangang Soul-Suppressing Sword are both great treasures, but obviously, the Void Formation is even better and more powerful.

Moreover, Li Changkong obtained the void formation diagram earlier, and he is more proficient in manipulating the void formation diagram, which can exert extremely powerful power in his hands.

As for the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword, after all, he had just obtained it not long ago, and Li Changkong was not yet able to master it proficiently.


The leader of the Balrog almost froze when he saw this scene.

My heart was about to collapse. This guy actually sacrificed such a powerful magic weapon?

Even, this magic weapon is even stronger than the previous magic weapon!
How is this played?
He finally started to panic.

However, Li Changkong took advantage of the momentum to kill him.

I saw that the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword was back in his hands again.

On that day, the Soul-Suppressing Sword of Gang burst out with bright sword lights, and the sword rainbow was like a white rainbow piercing the sun, and a sword seemed to penetrate the sky!
The sword light overflowed, beheading all the Balrogs.

And the Void Formation, unfolded again.

Involve the Balrog leader in it.

chi chi chi...

Countless calamity lights surged, attacking and killing the leader of the Balrog.

The leader of the Flame Demon was terrified in his heart, and countless flames rose from the flame armor on his body.

Even, on the flame armor, there are extraordinary runes, which are extremely mysterious.

Continually confronting one after another of robbery lights.

This flame battle armor is obviously also extremely extraordinary, and it can withstand the power of robbing light and killing the void array.

However, after all, it couldn't last long, and the light of the runes revealed by the flame armor gradually dimmed.

The power of the Void Formation is too terrifying. Even if Li Changkong cannot unleash all the power, it is enough at this moment.

chi chi chi...

In the void array, the robbery lights finally broke through the flame armor!
I saw that one after another of robbery light penetrated the body of the leader of the Balrog.

The seemingly inexhaustible flame finally gradually extinguished.

And the huge body of the leader of the Balrog also fell to the ground with a crash.

All the Balrogs in the surrounding area couldn't help being stunned when they witnessed this scene.

In their eyes, the almost invincible leader was killed just like that?
At this moment, the killing intent of these Balrogs dissipated immediately, and their hearts were filled with uneasiness.

But Li Changkong sneered.

Killed again.

He activated the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword and the Void Formation, evolved the power of the two great treasures, and entered the flame demon.

It was simply invincible, wherever it passed, all the flame demons fell to the ground.

Finally, these Balrogs couldn't stand it anymore.

Started to flee in all directions.

Li Changkong, on the other hand, tried his best to activate the void formation, only to see that the void formation became extremely large, as if it had turned into a world.

All the Balrogs are shrouded in it.

chi chi chi...

Countless Jieguang rushed out, beheading each of the Balrogs.

In just a moment, all the Balrogs were killed!

No life.

woohoo hoo...

Li Changkong, on the other hand, was out of breath.

This battle seemed easy and crushing, but in fact, only he knew in his heart that it was actually extremely dangerous.

The strength of the leader of the Balrog is absolutely powerful and terrifying, beyond his ability to match.

However, he has two Great Luo Zhibao in his hands, which is enough to improve his combat power by several levels.

That's why it was possible to kill the leader of the Balrog and kill many Balrogs.

Moreover, in this battle, he almost exhausted all his strength.

Because the Void Formation and the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword need to consume astonishing amounts of energy even if they are activated a little bit.

In fact, with his current strength, it is impossible to use the two Great Luo Zhibao to fight for a long time.

Now his consumption is astonishing!

If it was the leader of the Balrog, he might not be the one who could hold on for a while longer and have the last laugh.

Of course, in this battle, his harvest is also extremely rich!

Kill the leader of the Balrog, and nearly ten thousand heads of the Balrog!
This number is astonishing, and there are fragments of the law of fire everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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