Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3114 Expulsion from the Sect

Chapter 3114 Expulsion from the Sect
Outside the gate of Xuanyuan Xianzong, hundreds of strong men gathered.

These strong men came from dozens of forces, large and small, and all of these forces had disciples or elders who were beheaded by Li Changkong in Yanmo Mountain.

Joining together now is naturally to put pressure on Xuanyuan Xianzong and force Xuanyuan Xianzong to hand over the murderer!
Immortal Venerable Taixu appeared with a livid face, this was the first time this had happened in so many years.

Deep down in his heart, he became more and more dissatisfied with Li Changkong, and felt displeased.

It's too troublesome!
Such a big disaster happened, but he was asked to wipe his ass!
"Immortal Venerable Taixu, you Xuanyuan Xianzong is the leader of Qingyun Prefecture, but this does not mean that you Xuanyuan Xianzong can be lawless!"

"Now Li Changkong, your disciple, has killed countless people, and he is a murderer with blood on his hands. Could it be that your Xuanyuan Xianzong still wants to protect him?"

Among the crowd, the leader was the Great Elder of Tianshanmen. He stood up and looked at Immortal Taixu from a distance, with an aggressive tone.

"That's right, murder pays for life, tell Li Changkong to get out!"

Xiang Wanshan, the suzerain of the Seven Stars Gate, also rushed out from the crowd and stood with the Great Elder of the Tianshan Gate.

Obviously, there was already an agreement between them, and they were in line with each other.

Just relying on any of their sects, they would never dare to come to Xuanyuan Xianzong to play wild. Only by uniting together can they compete with Xuanyuan Xianzong.

And behind the great elder of the Tianshan Gate and the suzerain of the Seven Star Gate, many strong men from dozens of forces looked excited and their voices were raging.

It seemed that Li Changkong was a villain with no pardon for his crimes!
Immortal Venerable Taixu frowned, and immediately responded loudly: "Everyone, I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding in this matter."

"Also, we didn't mean to cover up Li Changkong, but Li Changkong didn't come back from the Flame Demon Mountain either."

As soon as the words fell, the leader of the Tianshan Gate Great Elder sneered.

"Who knows if what you say is true or not?"

"Maybe, Li Changkong came back a long time ago, and you put him away."

"Unless you let us go in and search, otherwise, how can we win people's trust?"

The suzerain of the Seven Stars Gate spoke bluntly to Wan Shan.


Immortal Venerable Taixu suddenly became angry.

He even said that he wanted to come in and search for people?

If it gets out, Xuanyuan Xianzong loses face!
This is absolutely impossible!

But Great Elder Long Yuan, Tianwu Xianzun, Elder Fang Yu and others just watched with cold eyes, without any intention of intervening.

It was like watching a play.

"Immortal Venerable Taixu, do you really want to start a war with our alliance of dozens of sects?"

The lord of Seven Stars Sect, Xiang Wanshan, sneered.

Since they dared to come, they were naturally prepared.

Dozens of sects formed an alliance to put pressure together.

At the same time, they also saw that the Xuanyuan Xianzong was not in harmony, and right now, it was impossible to compete with them.

Immortal Venerable Taixu couldn't help frowning, the current situation gave him the feeling that everything was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Is it easy to form an alliance of dozens of sects?
Behind, there must be a pusher!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the Great Elder Long Yuan.

However, Great Elder Long Yuan, as if he didn't see it, actually ignored the eyes of Immortal Venerable Taixu.

This made Immortal Venerable Taixu sink in his heart.

"The formation is not small!"

However, at this moment, another voice sounded.

Everyone, all follow the prestige.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned immediately, completely dumbfounded.

"Li Changkong?"

"This guy actually came back from Flame Demon Mountain alive?"

"Didn't there be a shocking change in Yanmo Mountain before? It is said that all the Balrogs disappeared, and after that, Tianshanmen and Qixingmen sent their strongmen, the existence of the Daluo Jinxian level, to go to Yanmo Mountain to search. No trace of Li Changkong was found."

"And now he came back unscathed?"

Everyone looked astonished. After all, in their opinion, Li Changkong probably died in the Flame Demon Mountain.

"not good!"

As for Xuanwu Immortal Venerable, he let out a secret cry, and his expression changed drastically.

If Li Changkong didn't come back, everything would be fine. Although he was targeted, he could still protect himself.

But now he is back, I am afraid, his life is in danger!
After all, there are dozens of sects forming an alliance outside, and the Great Elder and Tianwu Immortal Venerable inside, it is definitely a precarious situation.

"Li Changkong!"

The Great Elder, Long Yuan, let out a cold cry in his heart, his eyes were extremely gloomy, with astonishing killing intent.

Tianwu Xianzun sneered.

The Great Elder of Tianshan Gate and the Suzerain of Seven Star Gate were all taken aback for a moment.

Obviously, he did not expect that Li Changkong would show up in such a blatant manner.

But immediately, they pointed at Li Changkong and shouted coldly: "Li Changkong, are you convicted?"

Li Changkong walked with a calm expression, very calm, step by step.

Facing the astonishing aura of the Great Elder of Tianshan Gate and the Suzerain of Seven Star Gate, he was actually unmoved.

This boldness alone is quite amazing.


"Let's not say I'm innocent, even if I'm really guilty, it's still not your turn to judge."

Li Changkong responded calmly.

"Hmph, Li Changkong, you have violated the iron law of the sect by killing your fellow sect. According to the iron law of the sect, you have now been expelled from the sect and are no longer a disciple of the Xuanyuan Xianzong."

At this moment, the Great Elder Long Yuan stood up and said coldly.

There was even a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Is this Zongmen's decision?"

Li Changkong stubbornly raised his head and looked at the suzerain Master Taixu Xianzun.

Great Elder Long Yuan also looked at Immortal Venerable Taixu.

All of a sudden, Immortal Venerable Taixu felt a lot of pressure.

Of course, this pressure comes from the Great Elder Long Yuan.


Immortal Venerable Taixu finally made a decision.

The Great Elder, Long Yuan, sneered and looked at Li Changkong sternly.

In his opinion, the reason why Li Changkong was able to be so calm and fearless was only because he had the sect as his backer.

Now being expelled from the sect, this guy must be scared out of his wits, right?

He watched coldly, waiting for Li Changkong to be ashamed.

And Immortal Venerable Tianwu, Elder Fang Yu and others also sneered.


Immortal Venerable Taixu sighed.

In fact, Li Changkong's talent is extremely outstanding, and his future achievements will definitely not be too low.

Even, it is very possible to step into the realm of immortals and become the pillar of Xuanyuan Xianzong.

But right now, he can only give up.

In his opinion, as long as Prince Taiyi is around, the future of the sect can be expected!

As for Li Changkong, although he is also talented, he is inferior to Prince Taiyi after all.

The Great Elder, Long Yuan, strode out even outside the mountain gate, and shouted to many experts outside: "Now Li Changkong has been expelled from the sect, and has nothing to do with my Xuanyuan Xianzong."

"Aren't you going to kill the murderer? Now, he is at your disposal."

(End of this chapter)

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