Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3117 Shocked

Chapter 3117 Shocked

Powerhouses from dozens of sect alliances made their moves one after another at this moment.

A series of terrifying fairy arts suddenly bombarded Li Changkong. The power shook the world and the void.

The radiant light is even more radiant and dazzling.

The Xuanyuan Xianzong disciples all felt this terrifying power, and they couldn't help shrinking their heads.

They hide inside the sect, so they are naturally protected by the sect formation, so they can be fearless, but if they leave the protection of the sect formation, it is impossible to block such power.

I'm afraid, in an instant, he will be killed by the immortal technique.

Countless gazes all looked at Li Changkong.

They wanted to see how Li Changkong would react.

On Li Changkong's body, there was a terrifying light curtain propped up.

It is a basalt shield, on top of the shield, holy light surges, xuanwu phantom, majestic and majestic!
Boom boom boom...

Dao Dao Xianju, bombarded on the basalt shield, was unable to shake the shield!

However, Li Changkong sacrificed another terrifying immortal seal, on which the true soul of Xuanwu emerged!

The majestic aura is even more astonishing, terrifying power, shaking the void, and this space is vibrating violently.

As the Immortal Seal blasted down, the hearts of the crowd trembled and their expressions changed.

bang bang bang...

I saw that the few Da Luo Jinxians who rushed out first were also blown away, spitting blood out of their mouths, and their faces were pale.

Obviously, they all suffered serious injuries!
And those golden immortals were killed directly.

With the power of one blow, nearly ten Jinxians were killed, and six Daluo Jinxians were sent flying!

The faces of those members of the dozens of sect alliances all changed drastically, and they looked at Li Changkong in surprise.

"Hahaha, apprentice, great job!"

In the air, Xuanwu Xianzun, seeing this scene, felt very happy, and the sulking in his heart was completely vented.


Great Elder Long Yuan looked dissatisfied, and the resentment deepened in his heart.

He dealt with Xuanwu Immortal Venerable alone, but fell into a bitter fight and failed to win for a long time.

For him, this is humiliating!
Immediately, his offensive became more fierce.

Attacks like violent storms continued to explode towards Xuanwu Immortal Venerable.

The terrifying power shakes the heaven and the earth, and seems to overturn the sky.

For a while, Xuanwu Immortal Venerable could only support it with all his strength, and Wuxia cared too much.

But Li Changkong went straight into the crowd.

A sound of sword cry resounded through the sky.

It is the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword, this great treasure, bursting out with astonishing power at this moment.

One after another sword light continuously cut out, the sword light surged, and the power of the sword shocked people's hearts.

Even, in the sword light, there are many black rays of light, which are transformed by the sword intent of destruction!
chi chi chi...

Where the sword light passed, the bodies of the strong men were cut off, and blood continued to fall from the air.

All the Xuanyuan Xianzong disciples were dumbfounded when they witnessed this scene.

Li Changkong was alone, and he was invincible among many strong men!
This is too shocking and unimaginable.

After all, those are the elites of dozens of sects, among which there are dozens of Da Luo Jinxian alone.

"Let's do it all!"

Finally, those strong men from dozens of sects were also completely angry.

Many big Luo Jinxians all shot together.

I saw that in the sky, more than a dozen pieces of Daluo Zhibao were suppressed together, and they were suppressed towards the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword.

That terrifying power aroused the power of the laws of heaven and earth to suppress the Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword.


The Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword trembled unceasingly, obviously it was difficult to resist.

The sword light became dimmed.


The next moment, another formation suddenly unfolded.

It is the Void Array!

This burst of pictures unfolded, the void killing array erupted, and countless robbing lights emerged.

It was as if a celestial calamity had erupted between the heaven and the earth. The calamity was exterminated and confronted with many great treasures.

Immortal Master Tianwu couldn't help twitching violently when he saw the void formation and his facial muscles.

This void array map belongs to him. He made a bet with Xuanwu Xianzun before, and he lost. As a result, the void array map naturally fell into the hands of Xuanwu Immortal Venerable.

Unexpectedly, now Li Changkong is using the Void Formation to fight against dozens of sect alliances.

"Hmph, even if there is a void array map, it's useless."

He snorted coldly, his eyes became cold and severe.

Among the dozens of sect alliances, the real powerhouses, the great elders of the Tianshan sect and the suzerain of the Qixing sect, have yet to make a move.

The existence of the two great immortals, no matter how you look at it, Li Changkong is a dead end.

Even the Xuanwu Immortal Venerable could hardly escape. I am afraid that he would be captured alive and then imprisoned!

"The magic weapon is very good, but let alone the treasure of Daluo, even if you have the treasure of the immortal, it is useless."

Someone snorted coldly, and there was a bit of sneer in his expression.

After the voice fell, the person who made the sound also shot.

It is a big banner, unfurled in the sky!

The banner was unfurled, and countless black shadows rushed out of it.

A series of black shadows, containing a terrifying cold aura, rushed forward like an army of bones.

A puff of cold air suddenly spread.

Between the heavens and the earth, it seems to be covered with layers of frost.

And those bones army, each of them held a bone spear and threw it out fiercely.


The sound of piercing the sky was extremely sharp and powerful.

"Li Changkong, die!"

The man drank heavily.

He is a peak Da Luo Jinxian!
In terms of strength, it is extremely powerful, and the big banner in his hand is also a great treasure, with its power at its peak!

This shot, aiming for a one-hit kill!

Everyone stared at Li Changkong with burning eyes, wanting to see how Li Changkong would respond.

At this moment, Li Changkong's Tiangang Soul Suppressing Sword and Void Formation are all entangled by other Da Luo Jinxians and cannot be taken back!

Without the Supreme Treasure of the Great Luo in his hand, could it be that Li Changkong wanted to use his body to forcibly challenge the Supreme Treasure of the Great Luo?


The next moment, a loud noise resounded through the sky.

All the people present were stunned.

Impressively, it was Li Changkong who went straight to meet him, and punched out fearlessly.

This punch seemed to shatter the void and break the taboos of heaven and earth!
What erupted was the power of chaos, which was extremely powerful.

Those chaotic lights shone even more between the heaven and the earth.

bang bang bang...

This punch swept away everything, and the bone spears turned into bones in an instant, scattered all over the ground.

Li Changkong rushed out again and killed the man.

The physical body forcibly overwhelmed the power of the Da Luo Supreme Treasure, without any damage.

The extraordinaryness of the Dragon God's Immortal Body was fully revealed, and the indestructible light in his body flowed, making his body full of stalwart dragon power.


The man was so frightened that his face was pale and he was almost out of his wits.

He never expected that Li Changkong could ignore the power of Da Luo Zhibao!

This scene, which fell in the eyes of everyone, also made everyone's eyes widen in shock, and their faces were full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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