Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 312 Battle pet show power

Chapter 312 Battle pets show their power (third change)

Ling Hai laughed loudly, and the other demon disciples also laughed, looking at Li Changkong with mocking expressions.

From their point of view, this disciple of the Danwu Hall now has no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, and his death is imminent.

After all, Ling Hai, Tang Jiu, Wan Changqing, and Feng Le are all well-known geniuses, and their strength is comparable to some elders.

Among them, Ling Hai from the Blood God Palace is the weakest of the four geniuses. Tang Jiu is in the third level of Linghai, and Wan Changqing is in the second level of Linghai. The mount is also a second-tier spiritual monster, and it also has the strength comparable to a second-tier warrior in the Linghai.

And Feng Le is a disciple of the Corpse God Sect. The Corpse God Sect is most famous for refining corpse gods. The refined corpse gods are extremely powerful and tyrannical.

"They are not my companions, but my mortal enemies, and you are also my mortal enemies, and you all want me to die!"

"Unfortunately, I'm not so easy to kill. If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price!"

"If I don't die, I will slaughter you all, and those who framed me, I want you all to die!"

Li Changkong stepped forward, a vast killing intent shot up from his body, his eyes were blood red, as if there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood emerging from his eyes.

This fierce killing intent rushed towards his face, making Ling Hai feel that the murderous aura was solid. In the blood-red eyes of the other party, he seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Back, there was a sound of pedaling, and his face was extremely ugly.

Many disciples of the Blood God Palace also had fixed eyes and were as powerful as Ling Hai, but they were forced to retreat by Li Changgong's killing intent?
And some disciples of the Blood God Palace who had fought with Li Changkong before were even more distressed at this moment. Their faces were pale, their feet went limp, and they fell to the ground, as if recalling the scene of being slaughtered by Li Changgong before.

Even under heavy protection, they still couldn't hide their fear and horror.

"What a disciple of the Danwu Hall, he really deserves to be a genius. Just a murderous aura drove Ling Hai back!"

Tang Jiu from the Nine Shamen Sect strode forward, his spiritual power was surging, and his aura was obviously much stronger than that of Ling Hai.

"However, you are dead today!"

Tang Jiu said word by word, while speaking, accompanied by a powerful momentum, he wanted to suppress this person, make this person kneel at his feet, and make this person lose all face.

He wants to humiliate this man!

"You are Tang Jiu?"

Li Changkong smiled. He accepted the hunting mission. He had seen Tang Jiu's portrait. He said, "Do you know that your head is worth [-] points?"

"Fifty thousand points? What the hell?"

Tang Jiu was taken aback for a moment, but soon after, he realized that he was furious. At this moment, this disciple of the Danwu Palace still wants to exchange his head for a bounty?

You know, Tang Jiu, Ling Hai, Feng Le, Wan Changqing, each of them is extremely strong, enough to dominate one side, and his strength is comparable to the suzerains of some middle-level sects!

In addition, there are nearly a thousand demon disciples. Each of these demon disciples is a strong man, and some of them are in the realm of Linghai and the ninth level of Shenfu.

Under such circumstances, this son even threatened to take Tang Jiu's head?
Crazy, the tone is too arrogant, so crazy that it is almost lawless!

Many disciples of the demon sect gasped, where did this confidence come from?

On a hill in the distance.

Mo Haoran's eyes widened, full of disbelief, and he blurted out involuntarily: "Is he crazy?"

Facing the siege and mortal situation, this guy actually uttered wild words that he wanted to kill Tang Jiu?
It's not crazy what else it is!
Originally, he was able to leave safely, but after knowing the true identity of the name Li Changgong, he immediately changed his mind, because he felt that this person's strength might be able to get out of trouble.

Therefore, he secretly spread the news of Li Changgong's identity in order to attract some geniuses from the Demon Sect to deal with Li Changgong.

He, Han Chuyun and others secretly framed Li Changgong. He was afraid that Li Changgong would not die, and after he returned, he would file a complaint with Danwu Hall, which would cause many unnecessary troubles.

And after that, he has been hanging from a distance, following these demon disciples, he wants to watch Li Changgong die with his own eyes!

"What an arrogant guy, stop talking nonsense and kill this guy directly!"

Ling Hai couldn't bear it anymore. Originally, they wanted to watch this disciple of Danwu Hall show all his ugliness in front of them, but in the end, this boy was too arrogant, too arrogant, and he had no fear, and planned to challenge all of them alone. people!

As soon as the words fell, he made a move directly. Once he made a move, it was an earth-shattering ultimate move. I saw the spiritual power in his body rushing out like a sea tide, turning into a big hand!
That big hand was bloody, as if filled with fresh blood, covering the sky and covering the ground, with overwhelming power, it slapped down suddenly, and the air waves were astonishing.

"Boss, let me come!"

Li Changkong was about to make a move just now, but behind him, Xiao Hui made a sound, and then, it turned into a stream of light, and rushed out directly.


Xiao Hui's speed was extremely fast, like a stream of light, and then he slapped out with one paw, a golden bloodline power suddenly emerged, and a golden light rushed out suddenly with a tearing force.


The blood god's big hand was torn apart by the golden light in just a moment, and the golden light continued to rush towards Ling Hai, as it was still in its infancy.

Ling Hai's face changed slightly, he never expected that a golden wolf, just the kid's pet in battle, possessed such a powerful combat power, one blow broke his strongest blow!
Doesn't this mean that the real strength of this golden wolf is still above him?

The Blood God Palace disciple who had witnessed Li Changgong's servant killing Fang Li earlier trembled violently again at this moment, and all the perverts gathered around this Danwu Palace disciple.

That servant could kill Fang Li, but he was also injured, while this golden wolf could easily defeat Ling Hai's strongest attack!
You know, Ling Hai's ranking is still higher than Fang Li's, and his strength is even stronger than Fang Li's.

Doesn't this mean that this golden wolf is more powerful than that servant?

A servant and a war pet are all so powerful, how strong will they be as their master?
The hearts of these Blood God Palace disciples trembled violently.

Even Li Changkong himself felt a little surprised. He knew that Xiao Hui was powerful, but he never thought that Xiao Hui could be so powerful!

And the next moment, Xiao Hui pounced again, with both claws sticking out together, a terrifying aura tearing the earth emanated from its body.

(End of this chapter)

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