Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 314 Demon Flame Burns the Sky

Chapter 314 Demon Flame Burns the Sky (Fifth Change)

Seeing the blood wolf and corpse god rushing forward together, as well as Tang Jiu, a strong man in the third level of the spiritual sea, Li Changkong's eyes froze slightly.

Even he, under the impact of these three powerful auras, still felt a little terrified.

However, he quickly stabilized his mind, and the seven great divine palaces in his body all opened up, and the seven great divine palaces towered toweringly, and a strong breath emerged.

On his body, beams of precious light were continuously transpiring, and the Huanglong battle body was also urged to the extreme by him.

There are also four major sword intents, Immortal Sword Intent, Slaughter Sword Intent, Wind Sword Intent, and Thunder Sword Intent, which turned into four bright rays of light, soaring into the sky.

Behind him, the master of real martial arts held the Dragon Killing Sword and slashed down, a blazing light slashed out fiercely.

Around his body, 360 sword weapons and magic weapons emerged, and each of the sword weapons and magic weapons floated upside down, exuding an amazing sword energy.


The next moment, 360 swords and magic weapons were arranged in an array, roaring out, rushing towards the huge corpse god.

But his true self rushed straight towards Tang Jiu.


His figure is like the wind, and his speed is astonishingly fast. He punched out fiercely. The light of the fist trembled in the void, and he punched out suddenly with a majestic force.

With one punch, it exploded beyond the power of a hundred dragons. The power is surging, let you change it, and I will shake it with one punch!
The blood wolf rushed forward at the fastest speed, but at the next moment, a blazing sword glow directly sent the blood wolf flying.

The Corpse God took heavy steps, and the speed was not slow, but the next moment, one after another sword light rushed towards the Corpse God like a torrent, hitting the body of the Corpse God fiercely.

clang clang clang...

The sound of gold and iron clashing kept coming, the flames splashed everywhere, sword beams cut on the corpse god's body, and bloodstains stood out, forcing the corpse god to stop.


Then, Li Changkong's fist and Tang Jiu's Nine Demon Fist shook hard in the air. The enormous power suddenly vibrated, and shocking fluctuations continued to emanate out.

The demon disciples around were blown by the strong wind one by one, making them unable to stand still, and even being swept away by the strong wind, they rushed five or six meters away, fell from the air, fell to the ground, and were inexplicably miserable.

Li Changkong, with the strength of one person, took Tang Jiu, the blood wolf, and the corpse god hard, without losing the wind in the slightest.

This scene fell into the eyes of many demon disciples, all of them trembled in shock. Looking at Li Changkong's extraordinary body, it was like seeing a god and demon!

Is he really only at the eighth level of the Divine Palace?
Many people look bitter, how is this possible?

The eight layers of Shenfu are so powerful, is this really possible?
Many people can't believe it, but the facts are in front of them, and they can only believe it.

"It's actually blocked?"

In the distance, Mo Haoran's body trembled violently, and the horror in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

"What kind of monster did we offend?"

Mo Haoran's eyes at this moment were extremely complicated, and he knew very clearly in his heart that if Li Changgong really resisted and survived this battle, then they would be in great trouble!

"No, kill him, kill him!"

Mo Haoran was shouting in his heart, his eyes were full of horror.

He couldn't believe what kind of uproar would be caused if Li Changgong was allowed to go back alive.

"My son, it's too scary!"

At this moment, Wan Changqing and Feng Le looked at each other with inexplicable horror in their hearts.


Almost at the same time, the two of them shot again.

At the same time, the blood wolf rushed forward, and its huge body pounced directly, and its sharp wolf claws ruthlessly grabbed it.

There is even a corpse god, with a huge body that seems to be made of steel, rushing directly, that astonishing hostility, it seems that it can turn the world into blood red.

Attack after attack, amazing.

Facing these attacks, Li Changkong's eyes flashed awe-inspiring look. He used Lingyun Step, barely dodging one after another attack, and the look in his eyes was still firm.

This battle is very dangerous, much more dangerous than the one in the barren ancient mountains.

However, he is still fearless, because he has too many hole cards on him.

If he used all his hole cards, the Burial Demon Ridge would definitely be overthrown because of him!
Although this battle was more dangerous than before, his strength was also stronger.

There is strength, there is confidence!

"You should have gone together a long time ago, but unfortunately, even so, you will die, and I will kill them one by one!"

Li Changkong's eyes swept over Tang Jiu, Wan Changqing, and Feng Le, his eyes were full of killing intent, and the killing intent was extremely fierce.

Seeing this killing gaze, it was Tang Jiu, Wan Changqing, and Feng Le who were born in a demon family and had been slaughtered for a long time, but at this moment, they couldn't help feeling inexplicable panic.

"Don't watch the battle anymore, go and capture that slave and golden wolf, as long as that slave and golden wolf are in your hands, if this person doesn't give in, you immediately kill that slave and golden wolf!"

Tang Jiu's eyes flickered, and suddenly, he turned around and said to the disciples of the Demon Sect behind him.

"you dare!"

Blood flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and he was so fierce!

But at this moment, those Demon Sect disciples are all showing surprise. Look at this disciple of Danwu Palace, he cares about his servants and war pets very much!
As long as the pet and servant are captured, this guy will be able to catch him in one fell swoop!


All of a sudden, figures rushed out, towards Xiao Hui and Gu Feiyang.

At this moment, Gu Feiyang showed a look of defeat. Although his injury has improved a lot, it is obvious that he still does not have much combat power.

As for Xiao Hui, just now he used his real name supernatural power to kill Ling Hai, which consumed too much energy, and he couldn't recover in a short time.

Li Changkong, on the other hand, lacked distraction.

He realized that he was doomed!

"court death!"

But at this moment, Li Changkong shouted loudly, and golden flames were jumping in his eyes.

Since these people are going to seek their own death, then no wonder he!
The next moment, golden flames suddenly rushed out of his eyes, and the torrential flames, like the surging sea tide, kept coming.

In an instant, the peak of the Devil's Burial Ridge turned into an endless sea of ​​flames!

Red Dragon Devil Flame!

The sea of ​​flames filled the sky, and in an instant, one attack after another was submerged, and the swords and knives were all annihilated, and the crowd was submerged in the sea of ​​flames.

There is also a soul-burning aura emanating from it. Those strong men who have been struggling to support themselves in the sea of ​​flames with their spiritual power shields constantly stretched out, under this aura, their souls are suddenly in agony, and the whole body collapses , the shield of spiritual power shattered and was swallowed by the sea of ​​flames.

Of the nearly thousand disciples of the demon sect, only those who were strong in the sea of ​​spirits could survive in the sea of ​​flames, but even so, they seemed extremely embarrassed.

The magic flame burned the sky, killing nearly a thousand demon disciples in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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