Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3141 Shocking

Chapter 3141 Shocking
Yao Wang shot out in anger, his bloody hands covered the sky and the sun, and the bloody aura was extremely terrifying, as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged.

This blow was extremely powerful and shocking.

There are also pieces of treasures of the Immortal Venerable, which suddenly fell towards Li Changkong.

The powerful power set off a shocking storm, and plunged the surrounding area into a storm.

But Li Changkong soared into the sky.

I saw that on his body, a series of chaotic divine lights emerged, like a supreme giant who came out of the chaos, and his power was unrivaled!
A basalt shield emerged, and a phantom of basalt behind him was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

There is also Xuanwu Xianyin, which suddenly condenses.


The Xuanwu Immortal Seal was thrown forward suddenly, facing the bloody hand.

Boom boom boom...

I saw the Xuanwu Immortal Seal colliding with that bloody hand, bursting out with earth-shattering power.

An astonishing fluctuation suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

The Xuanwu Immortal Seal was shattered, and the bloody hand suddenly suppressed on the Xuanwu shield.

Let the Xuanwu shield vibrate violently.

All around, many Yaowanggu disciples looked concerned, this was an extremely crucial battle.

Its victory or defeat is a matter of life and death!

Everyone held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

Immediately, the treasure town of Immortal Venerable fell down.

The basalt shield finally couldn't hold it anymore, and broke in response.

Many Yaowanggu disciples couldn't help feeling excited inside at this moment!
If the shield is broken, Li Changkong is afraid that he will die under the power of the Immortal Treasure.

After all, Yao Wang sacrificed a total of eighteen treasures of the Immortal Venerable!
No matter how powerful Li Changkong's physical body is, it is absolutely impossible to resist the mighty power of the eighteen treasures of the Immortal Venerable.

Boom boom boom...

The treasures of the Immortal Venerable continued to be suppressed and killed. At this moment, a storm swept between the heaven and the earth, and the terrifying immortal power shook the void, causing ripples in the void.

Under the shock of space, countless palaces collapsed and turned into dust.

This time, an unknown number of Yaowang Valley disciples were affected, resulting in countless deaths and injuries, and rivers of blood.

But Yao Wang couldn't care so much at the moment. He wanted to strangle Li Changkong with all his heart. As for sacrificing his disciples, it was not in his consideration at all.

Boom boom boom...

The terrifying fluctuation lasted nearly a hundred breaths of time.

Finally, the terrifying fluctuations gradually died down.

And the shocking storm gradually disappeared.

All the elders of Yaowang Valley are all concerned at this moment, and when the storm dissipates, they all stare intently.

However, seeing this, everyone lost their minds.

In the depths of each and every one of them, turbulent waves were set off.

I saw a figure standing proudly at the center of the previous storm.

It was Li Changkong!
Facing such astonishing power, he never retreated a single step, as stable as Mount Tai.

The body has become more and more stalwart.

And his body is covered with golden armor, that golden armor is so extraordinary, engraved with various dragon patterns, such as the descending of the primal dragon of chaos, the dragon's power permeates, it is shocking!

There was still a confident smile on Li Changkong's face, his eyes glanced over, and there was a hint of playfulness in his expression.

The golden armor on his body is the indestructible armor!

It is formed by the fusion of dragon scales and immortal light, and has an extremely powerful defense ability.

The terrifying power that forcibly overwhelmed the eighteen treasures of the Immortal Venerable, but they were not damaged at all.

This kind of defensive ability was impossible even in Master Xuanwu's peak period.

At this moment, even Xuanwu Xianzun was dumbfounded.

Immediately, he let out a loud laugh.

"Hahaha, apprentice, great job!"

He smiled brightly, sweeping away the previous haze.

After all, he was still very worried before, because the medicine king was extremely powerful.

Although he had a certain understanding of Li Changkong's strength, he was still a little apprehensive after all.

But now, he was completely relaxed.

As for Yao Wang, he was dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The look of horror couldn't be concealed at all.

With such a powerful attack, the opponent was unscathed?

How can this battle continue?

He felt like his scalp was going to explode.

Many Yaowanggu elders were also dumbfounded at this moment.

What's the matter with this guy?Is it the existence of immortality?

This is too terrifying, to be able to forcibly overcome the powerful attacks of the eighteen treasures of the Immortal Venerable without dying.

"This is impossible!"

The girl in white even exclaimed.

The expression of shock on his face was unmistakable, and he was extremely terrified.

She had ridiculed Li Changkong before, if Yaowanggu was defeated, would there be any consequences?

She knew that Li Changkong was not a kind person, he had always acted cruelly and would never soften his heart.

wow wow wow...

Li Changkong's body was surging with astonishing power, and his aura became even more frightening.

The trend of terror was suddenly suppressed.

At this moment, the space became extremely solid!

This is an imprisoning force that covers the entire Medicine King Valley.

Yaowanggu, since he wants to attack him, then he will not let Yaowanggu go!

Flattening the Valley of the Medicine Kings is by no means a joke, but a promise to be done!

"Fight him!"

Elder Qin Mingyuan shouted loudly at this moment.

He understands very well that right now is the time of life and death for the entire Medicine King Valley.

This battle cannot be lost!
No matter how high the price is, he must defeat this son.

And Yang Tongtian and Chen Tiandao directly burned their blood.

wow wow wow...

All of them erupted with astonishing power, burning their essence and blood, and raising their own cultivation to a higher level.

In the entire Medicine King Valley, the formation changed again.

I saw that every elixir plant had mutated.

Countless vines, flashing with sharp awns, all rushed towards Li Changkong.

And that towering precious tree also swayed its branches and leaves, and those branches and leaves, like sword lights, suddenly stabbed towards Li Changkong.

Even the elixir exploded and turned into abundant immortal spiritual power, feeding back the formation!

This made the sect guard formation in Yaowang Valley become extremely fierce, and its power soared.

Dao Dao fierce power, suppressing the world, suppressing the law of immortality!

Such an astonishing change caused a vision of the heavens and the earth, and the sky seemed to be split open, with terrifying cracks appearing!





All the elders of Yaowang Valley shouted loudly.

Obviously, they also understand that this is a battle of life and death!
If Li Changkong is not dead, then they will be the ones who die!
No one will hold back!

Yao Wang also burned his blood essence, bursting out with an incomparably majestic momentum.

Even swallowed one after another elixir!
Xianwei boiled, and his breath became even more terrifying.


Following Yao Wang's shout, all of a sudden, countless celestial techniques and formation attacks all attacked and killed Li Changkong.

The sky and the earth shake, the wind and cloud change color, and the sun and the moon have no light.


Li Changkong snorted coldly.

The indestructible armor on his body glows with golden light.

There is also Zhenlongding, flying out directly!

(End of this chapter)

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