Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3144 Peak Immortal Venerable

Chapter 3144 Peak Immortal Venerable
In the Valley of the Medicine King, Li Changkong sat down cross-legged and began to refine the elixir.

In the entire Yaowang Valley, there are extremely many elixir, among which there are many high-grade elixir, and there are even many top-grade elixir, there are more than 20 pieces.

If all these elixir can be refined, it will definitely benefit Li Changkong a lot, and it will be no problem at all to break through the realm of immortal lords.

You know, he is already a half-step Immortal Venerable at this moment, and he can break through at any time.

If so many elixir are refined again, it is not impossible to step into the realm of middle-level immortals or even high-level immortals.

But Li Changkong didn't choose to use the elixir to break through his cultivation. He still wanted to hone his own cultivation to make the foundation more deeply rooted.

"Now, use these elixir to temper the immortal body, and attract more dragon souls into the body!"

Li Changkong's eyes were bright, and he deeply understood that his own combat power came more from the Chaos Immortal Physique and the Indestructible Dragon God Physique.

The more dragon souls condensed in the body, the more immortal light, and the closer to the immortal body.

The 360 ​​immortal lights condensed in his body already made it very difficult for him to be killed. Even if it was a rudimentary fairy king, it would be impossible to really kill him.

Of course, at this moment, he doesn't have the strength to compete with the Immortal King, he can only save his life in front of the Elementary Immortal King.

wow wow wow...

Behind him, the blood dragon shadow appeared.

I saw that the blood dragon shadow, the blood light was surging, the majesty of the dragon, it was extremely terrifying.

That billowing dragon's prestige seemed to be solid, and even the space was imprisoned.

All the fluctuations here will not be transmitted to the outside world, because the space he is in is no longer the same space as the outside world.

"Tun Tun Tun..."

He drank lightly, and immediately, the blood dragon shadow swallowed a large amount of elixir one after another.

What he got in return was terrifying energy, filling his body.

Xianli is steaming, Xianwei is rolling...

At this moment, the Medicine King also began to refine the holy medicine.

The dark energy in Xuanwu Xianzun's body can only be suppressed with the help of the Sansheng Hunyuan Pill.

The Sansheng Hunyuan Pill is a top-notch elixir, and among the top-notch elixir, it is extremely difficult to refine.

If not, there is no need to ask Medicine King to take action.

Yao Wang looked at Xuanwu Xianzun, and shouted in a deep voice: "It will take three days to refine the Sansheng Hunyuan Pill. In these three days, please, Brother Xuanwu, be sure to persevere!"

Xuanwu Immortal Venerable, his face turned pale, but he gritted his teeth at this moment, nodded and said: "Don't worry, it's only been three days, old man, you can still hold on!"

"That's good."

"As long as you persevere, after three days, refining the Sansheng Hunyuan Pill will not only suppress the dark energy in your body, but also improve your cultivation!"

"You are now a high-level immortal, and after three days, you can step into the realm of the peak immortal!"

Yao Wang, with a hint of arrogance in his expression.

Although he has now been reduced to a slave, his arrogance is still there.

After all, he is probably the only king of medicine who can refine the top-grade elixir, looking at the entire Qingyun Prefecture.

This is the foundation of his foothold!
Compared with his attainments in alchemy, his strength is actually not that strong.

And Xuanwu Xianzun couldn't help showing surprise when he heard the words.

This is the horror of the Medicine King. Although his own cultivation is not very tyrannical and terrifying, he can let a high-level immortal venerable step into the realm of the peak immortal venerable at will.


A figure fled forward in a panic.

It was Yang Tongtian who escaped from Yaowang Valley.

He was seriously injured, and at the last moment, he was able to escape only by burning blood essence and the Medicine King stopping Li Changkong at a critical moment.

"Although he escaped, the Valley of the Medicine King may have already fallen."

"However, Medicine King should be able to save his life!"

Yang Tongtian kept thinking in his mind.

He knew very well that Li Changkong came to Medicine King Valley this time to ask for medicine.

Naturally, he would not kill Yao Wang easily!
"As long as the Medicine King does not die, the Medicine King Valley will definitely be revived again!"

"As for Li Changkong, he will die sooner or later."

Yang Tongtian quickly made a decision in his heart.

He was going to ask for reinforcements, and the one who could deal with Li Changkong must be the Dzogchen Immortal Venerable to be sure!

"The closest Dzogchen Immortal Venerable is Miyamoto Zangichi of Baiyun Prefecture. This person has superb swordsmanship, and his cultivation is extremely powerful!"

"If you can invite this person to come out of the mountain, it will be as easy as pie to kill this son of Li Changkong!"

"And this person has received the favor of the Medicine King, received the Medicine King's unrivaled elixir, and once made a promise that if the Medicine King asks for something, he will definitely answer it!"

"If I hold the Medicine King Order and go to see this person, I will definitely be able to ask this person to come out of the mountain!"

Yang Tongtian, thinking so in his heart, then took out the elixir, forcibly suppressed the injury, and immediately speeded up, rushing to Baiyun Prefecture.


Seven days passed.

In the alchemy hall of Medicine King Valley.

A shocking momentum suddenly soared into the sky.

Then, the shadow of Xuanwu appeared, with overwhelming momentum!

On the side, Yao Wang couldn't help being startled.

Immediately, Yao Wang showed a hint of complacency.

"Congratulations, brother Xuanwu has finally stepped into the realm of the peak immortal!"

He cupped his hands and congratulated Xuanwu Xianzun.

In the past, in his opinion, Xuanwu Xianzun really didn't need to be so respectful.

Even the Peak Immortal Venerable, in his opinion, is nothing more than that.

Even the Great Perfection Immortal Venerable would not dare to put on airs in front of him.

However, right now, he is reduced to Li Changkong's servant, while Xuanwu Xianzun is Li Changkong's master.

If he really wanted to talk about his status, he would have to kneel down.

But Xuanwu Xianzun didn't care about it, so he dared to call Xuanwu Xianzun Big Brother Xuanwu.

Xuanwu Xianzun looked overjoyed at this moment.

He never expected that this injury, although he had experienced a lot of pain, was finally rewarded after all the hardships, and it actually allowed him to break through the realm and step into the realm of the peak immortal!

You know, he has been trapped in the realm of high-level immortals for a long time. For a long time, he has been trying to find a way to break through, but he has never been able to take that step.

Looking at Yao Wang's eyes, he couldn't help showing a trace of respect.

It's terrifying, with the help of Yao Wang, he broke through the realm so easily.

And he was not the only one who broke through with the help of Yao Wang?
Yao Wang's connections are absolutely terrifying.

Looking at the territory of several states, it may not be impossible to ask a dozen or twenty Dzogchen immortals to make a move.

If the King of Medicine didn't carelessly underestimate the enemy, it would be easier said than done to level the Valley of the King of Medicine!
The reason why the day went so smoothly was probably due to luck.


At this moment, outside the Valley of the Medicine King, two figures rushed over!

Those two figures did not hide their cultivation at all, and the terrifying aura turned into invisible pressure, which was suddenly suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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