Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3155 The Finale

Chapter 3155 The Finale
"Fight again!"

Li Changkong roared like a bell, shaking the world.

Chaos is shaking!

At this moment, both the Immortal Realm and the Real Demon Realm were shocked.

On the Immortal Realm, a fairy king walked out with a horrified expression. At this time, Li Changkong had already taken advantage of it, so he wanted to fight again?
Is this going to directly trigger the Armageddon?
But in the battle with the Real Demon Realm, the Immortal Realm side is not sure that it can solve the problem in one battle. You must know that the True Demon Emperor in the True Demon Realm is a supreme existence at the level of an immortal emperor.

Such an existence is extremely powerful, ancient and stalwart!

On the Immortal Realm, there is no Immortal Emperor-level existence, and no one can compete with the True Demon Emperor!

Now the decisive battle is very unfavorable for Xianyu!
This is what the real devil world wants to see.

Those Immortal Sovereign-level existences are looking at each other at this moment, and they all look dignified.

What the hell is Li Changkong doing? Is this an outbreak of inner demons, killing him to the point of losing his mind?

Together, these Immortal Sovereign-level existences don't know how many of them will perish!

And in the Real Demon Realm, there were also True Demon Emperors who walked out. These True Demon Emperors looked cold and stern, and they were full of anger.

damn it!
Li Changkong has slaughtered all directions, and now he dares to shout, is he deceiving me that there is no one in the real devil world?

You must know that in the Real Demon Realm, there are quite a few True Demon Emperors, there are thousands of True Demon Emperors!

There is even a true devil emperor sitting in charge!

In terms of top existence, it is even better than Immortal Domain!

It's just that the Immortal Field Immortal Formation is powerful, and there are a lot of Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors, plus a few quasi-Emperor-level existences, so it can withstand it.

But also on the defensive!
The next moment, there is another great emperor floating in the air, with a crown on his head and a nine-dragon emperor robe, noble and majestic, with the majesty of an emperor, suppressing the heavens and the world!

It is the Lord of the True Demon Realm, the True Demon Emperor!

"Since Li Changkong wants to fight, let's fight!"

"I'm really in the devil world, so why not be afraid!"

"Emperor Maha, you will personally lead five hundred True Demon Emperors, plus tens of millions of troops, to go there in person, and you must capture Li Changkong alive. I want this son to kneel before me and beg for mercy!"

"I want him to live but not die!"

The True Demon Emperor gave the order, with a dignified expression, no doubts allowed!

"As for me, I will personally sit in the town to prevent those quasi-emperors from the Immortal Realm from invading!"

He must sit in command, otherwise, if he is attacked by those quasi-emperors of the Immortal Realm, the loss of the True Demon Realm will be huge, and even the middle and high-level people will be slaughtered.

This kind of loss is unbearable for the Real Demon Realm!

Even if you win the Immortal Domain, it will be a loss!

Such a loss is unacceptable!
Emperor Maha is a quasi-immortal emperor-level existence, plus five hundred real demon emperors, and an army of tens of millions of real demons, it is definitely enough to deal with Li Changkong!
Even if Li Changkong breaks through to become the quasi-immortal emperor, it is useless, he will still be killed by Emperor Maha!


"Follow the emperor's order!"

Emperor Maha even nodded respectfully!

Afterwards, Emperor Maha, with five hundred True Demon Emperors and an army of tens of thousands of True Demons, rushed out together!
Wherever he passed, the murderous aura rushed straight to the sky, and the heavens shook!


But at this moment, Li Changkong charged out again, towards the fortress of the Real Demon Realm in the distance.

There are nine hundred and ninety-nine fortresses in the True Demon Realm, and each of them is stationed with a large number of True Demon Realm troops and real Demon Realm experts.

At this moment, Li Changkong's Heaven Swallowing Bloodline was already extremely powerful, and could almost swallow everything.

For him, the more powerful people in the real devil world, the better!

He wants to slaughter the real demons, refine a real demon powerhouse, transform them into his own cultivation base, and improve his strength.

Grow in the killing, become stronger in the killing!
Li Changkong slashed out with a sword, and at this moment, the heavens, earth and sky shattered, and the huge and majestic Fortress of the True Demon Realm burst open!
Countless true devil monks died, blood staining the sky!
And behind Li Changkong, the shadow of the blood dragon was bloody, and the huge dragon's mouth opened like a black hole, devouring everything!
Streams of blood came together like a river of blood, pouring into the huge dragon's mouth!
Li Changkong's cultivation has improved rapidly!
There are more and more immortal lights, all the immortal lights around his body are revealed, he seems to have turned into an immortal body, and the light shines on the nine heavens and ten earths, like an eternal and immortal existence, stretching across the sky and the earth between!
"Li Changkong, you are courting death!"

A real demon emperor roared, making a sky-shattering sound, and then, his body slammed into him.

This true demon emperor knew in his heart that he was definitely not Li Changkong's opponent.

Therefore, he didn't make any moves at all, but rushed forward, and then his body exploded!
Blow up!
A loud noise spread across tens of thousands of miles, and the fluctuations spread far and wide!
But countless immortal lights emerged from Li Changkong's body, and all the immortal lights turned into a huge cage!
Suppress all the power of self-explosion!
Then, devour all these powers!

Swallow the sky and destroy the earth, nothing can't be swallowed!

At this moment, Li Changkong seemed to have really been possessed by a demon, and his desire to kill was extremely serious!
Another indestructible sword rainbow slashed out, piercing through several fortresses in the real demon world, and the sky was stained red with blood.

On the other side of the fairyland, there are immortal emperor-level existences, and they couldn't help being shocked when they witnessed this scene.


At this moment, Li Changkong was like a Chaos Demon God, defeating the Real Demon Realm, killing the True Demon Realm with blood flowing into rivers, causing countless casualties.

"Should we also go to war?"

"Now is a good time!"

An Immortal Sovereign suggested.

But as soon as these words came out, the other immortal emperors around all frowned.


In the Real Demon Realm, there is a True Demon Emperor, the True Demon Emperor is immortal, and the True Demon Realm will never be destroyed.

If they go out to fight now, I'm afraid they, the Immortal Sovereigns, will all die!
Even the quasi-immortal emperor will die!
"It's not the time yet, just wait!"

"If the True Demon Emperor makes a move, we will all die!"

Some Immortal Emperors bluntly said that this was also the aspiration of many Immortal Emperors present.

And hundreds of millions of miles away.

With Li Changkong's long sword in his hand, the indestructible sword rainbow continued to explode!
The fortresses exploded one after another, and the armies of the real demon world were all wiped out!
There are as many as 900 million immortal lights around him!
And the cultivation base has reached the realm of the Great Perfection Immortal Emperor!
The speed of improvement is simply shocking!
Countless strong people are sighing, devouring, it really is the most powerful bloodline in the world of heavens!

Who would have thought that Devouring Bloodlines could be so powerful!


When Emperor Maha saw this, he was furious, and rushed out first, forcibly descending!

The body turned into a demon god, with an incomparably stalwart body, standing between the heaven and the earth, as if he was a world!
Those huge hands even slapped down in the air!

This is a quasi-immortal emperor with unrivaled strength!

bang bang bang...

With one blow, the sky and the earth trembled, and there were loud bangs, exploding one after another.

As for Li Changkong, his brows were slightly frowned at this moment, but there was no panic in his heart!
At this moment, it is obvious that Emperor Maha is stronger!

But who said I want to confront you!
Li Changkong turned into an immortal sword rainbow, and countless immortal sword rainbows fled towards the surroundings!


Emperor Maha slammed down with one blow, and a terrifying power erupted. In the chaos, countless fluctuations suddenly spread to the surroundings.

But Li Changkong turned into the Immortal Sword Rainbow at this moment, and he was not affected!
He rushed into the army of the real demon world and slaughtered everywhere!
The army of tens of thousands of real demons are all elites, and every real demon soldier is a strong man.

But at this moment, he is being slaughtered by Li Changkong!

The indestructible sword rainbow is like turning into a world of swordsmanship. When the sword light cuts down, a large number of soldiers from the real demon world will die!
Even the five hundred immortal emperors of the real demon world couldn't resist it!
The bodies of the immortal emperors from the real demon world exploded, and their blood was swallowed by Li Changkong!

wow wow wow...

On Li Changkong's body, his aura changed and his strength continued to improve!
There was another loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and countless immortal lights gathered to form Li Changkong's body!
Quasi Immortal Emperor!
In just a moment, Li Changkong has achieved the realm of quasi-immortal emperor!
The army of tens of millions of real demons, five hundred real demon emperors, almost lost their lives!
There are only thousands of remnants left, just a few true demon emperors...

The rest were swallowed up by Li Changkong!
Emperor Maha was immediately dumbfounded.

Can you do this?

This guy treats us real demon world powerhouses as nourishment!

Countless nutrients have made Li Changkong, a peerless evildoer, an eternal freak!

"Quasi Immortal Emperor?"

"Who isn't!"

"Come, come, come, I'll play with you!"

Li Changkong laughed loudly, and then rushed out crazily!
His eyes were full of madness, as if he had completely become a demon!
He devoured unscrupulously, and indeed he improved extremely fast, just like a mortal who reached the sky in one step and became a fairy!

But in this way, there is a price, and the price is to lose one's heart and nature in the endless slaughter!
Constantly devouring, what devours is not only blood, cultivation, but also the unwilling resentment of the enemy!

At this moment, in Li Changkong's mind, there seemed to be countless voices resounding.

"Li Changkong, I curse you, you will fall into hell forever and never be reborn!"

"You, you must die!"

"You are the devil, the devil among the devils, the supreme devil!"

"Slaughter is your nature, you will become the biggest devil in the heavens, and you only have killing thoughts in your heart!"


Countless voices of cursing and cursing sounded in his mind, lingering!
"Eternal hell?"


"If there is hell, I will wipe it out and kill it all!"

"The heavens dare to be my enemy, then I will destroy the heavens!"

"Wait, you're just a loser. You're dead, so what can I do!"

Li Changkong raised his head to the sky and screamed, his eyes gleaming with countless lights.

Become a demon?so what!
I am not afraid!
"Hahaha, what about demons, what about immortals!"

"I am me!"


Li Changkong let out a loud laugh, looking like he was insane, and continued to fight, fighting with Emperor Maha!
Boom boom boom...

Emperor Maha, showing his mighty power, is like an existence of infinite stalwarts, and he slapped him down with one palm!
But in the next moment, countless immortal sword rainbows emerged, and that immortal sword rainbow slaughtered the heavens and destroyed everything!
bang bang bang...

I saw that there were countless blood holes and holes in the majestic body of Emperor Maha!

The gushing blood kept heading towards the huge dragon's mouth behind Li Changkong!

Emperor Maha, die!

This scene shocked countless powerful people from the real demon world, and they felt their minds were shaken by it!
Even the True Demon Emperor staggered!
Look horrified!

The number one general under his command fell just like that!
He died so silently that he didn't even have time to let out a loud roar.

This son of Li Changkong has become a serious problem!

Even if he was defeated by Xianyu, he didn't care anymore, but Li Changkong must die!

Thinking of this, the True Demon Emperor didn't hold back any more, and moved straight away, appearing on the battlefield.

Without even thinking about it, I just slapped him hard!

A powerful force that can suppress the heavens and the earth, and the universe!
This is an existence at the level of an immortal emperor, and with a full-strength attack under the incomparable rage, the chaos exploded, and the sky split open!

There was a loud noise, and the fortresses of the real demon world exploded!
All the fortresses in the real demon world are reduced to dust at this moment!

And Li Changkong's body also turned into dust at this moment!
As if, never existed!

At this moment, Qing Emperor and Immortal Immortal Venerable roared together!

They are still late after all!

But even if they catch up, it's useless. They are too weak. Facing a real immortal emperor who is at the peak and under the rage, they are as insignificant as ants!

In the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Sovereign also looked astonished.

Several quasi-immortal emperors floated in the air, looking annoyed.

They regretted that they didn't make a move in time to block the blow from the True Demon Emperor!
If they join forces and form a large formation, they can resist the True Demon Emperor!

But all of this happened too fast!

Li Changkong, a peerless evildoer who grew up step by step from the fairyland, just died like this!
"Go to war!"

"The supreme arrogance of my fairyland has just fallen, and I have to ask for an explanation!"

"The True Demon Realm has lost a lot. Without Emperor Maha, without the five hundred True Demon Emperors, the True Demon Emperor is nothing to be afraid of!"

"If we all join forces, we can also slaughter the Immortal Emperor!"

Several quasi-immortal emperors, all shot together!

There is even an immortal emperor, all rushing out to follow the quasi-immortal emperor!
Surround the True Demon Emperor!

All of a sudden, amidst the chaos, an unprecedented battle broke out!
Turn the land of hundreds of millions of miles around into a dead land!

"Is it really dead?"

Immortal Venerable Immortal murmured, shocked in his heart.

And Emperor Qing also frowned.

That was an unreserved blow from an Immortal Emperor with all his strength!
Moreover, it was still a sneak attack, and he shot in an instant, without giving Li Changkong any time to react!
Otherwise, even if Li Changkong lost, he would still be able to play around.

After all, Li Changkong at that time had already become a quasi-immortal emperor, and even beheaded Emperor Maha!
However, the next moment.


I saw that in the chaos, in the dead land, suddenly, countless dead energy gathered!

Then, one after another immortal lights emerged, and countless immortal lights enveloped the universe!

It seems that there is a brand new world conceived out of chaos and death!

The endless and immortal light gradually gathered and turned into a body!
It was Li Changkong!

At this moment, countless people were stunned and deeply shocked!

Even the True Demon Emperor was stunned for a moment.

How can it be!

He had felt it just now, the aura belonging to Li Changkong was completely annihilated, and it definitely did not exist in this world.

Can this be resurrected?

He can't believe it!
As for Li Changkong, his expression was calm at this moment, and his previous madness had completely disappeared.

It seems like a different person!
"True Demon Emperor, I should thank you!"

"It was you who saved me!"

Li Changkong said slowly.

"What did you say?"

The True Demon Emperor was astonished, he couldn't understand what this guy was talking about.

"Just now, I devoured too much energy, the energy was too complicated, and countless thoughts filled my mind!"

"I've become a demon, I'm about to go crazy!"

"Even if you don't shoot, I will explode because of the crazy devouring, and I will definitely die!"

"But you shot, but gave me a glimmer of life!"

"The blow just now, not only killed me, but also affected countless powerful people in the real demon world. The death aura is too strong, so strong to the extreme!"

"Live to death, the ultimate of death is life!"

"When the power of death reaches the extreme, it will evolve into the power of life!"

"This is the mystery of how chaos breeds the universe!"

"Now, I understand the meaning of life and death, and from now on, I will be truly immortal!"

"Today, I will be the Immortal Emperor!"

The voice fell.

In the chaos, ten thousand ways converge, countless rays of light shine, and the avenues sing together!
It seemed to be celebrating the birth of a new Immortal Emperor!
The chaos here has evolved into a universe, and various worlds are born!

Countless years later, maybe this place will evolve into another Heavens and Worlds!
"Masters, don't you want to congratulate me, the new Immortal Emperor?"

Li Changkong smiled slightly and looked at the strong men.

The True Devil Emperor's heart sank, and his face became even more gloomy.


By doing it himself, he actually helped Li Changkong and pulled Li Changkong back from death!

He was very angry, congratulations?Congratulations ass!
He gritted his teeth in hatred!

And the strong men in the fairyland also had complicated expressions at the moment.

Unexpectedly, in the end it was Li Changkong who became the Immortal Emperor!

Moreover, it is no longer possible to kill Li Changkong after comprehending the meaning of life and death.

Even the Immortal Emperor, the True Demon Emperor, is absolutely impossible!

Li Changkong's crazy appearance of slaughtering countless powerful true demons just now was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Li Changkong isn't in a state of madness now, is he?
I hope not!

if not……

They were all panicked, all terrified, they feared Li Changkong more than they respected him!
But I can't help but congratulate!
He could only force a smile and congratulate Li Changkong.

Li Changkong smiled slightly, as for whether he was sincere or not, who cares.

Afterwards, he looked at the Emperor True Demon, raised his brows, and said with a smile: "Today, I am the Immortal Emperor, and I shall slaughter an Immortal Emperor. Let the heavens rejoice!"

After the words fell, endless sword lights bloomed on his body, and a giant sword appeared between the heaven and the earth!
That is the sword of the Dao, his sword of proving the Dao!
Condensed by the avenue!

The power of the Great Dao is magnificent and vast, seemingly endless!

If you don't kill the target, it won't dissipate!
The true devil emperor changed his face in shock.

At this moment, he exploded completely, displaying countless great supernatural powers!
All kinds of stalwart forces exploded out!

All the strength is fully revealed!
However, no matter what kind of supernatural power or power, they can't resist that sword!
All his power was either destroyed or swallowed, no matter how huge his power was, he couldn't resist that sword!
When the sword light penetrated the body of the True Demon Emperor, this ancient and incomparably stalwart existence suddenly burst into pieces, turning into avenues and appearing in the world!

Those avenues are colorful and colorful!

It's like a gorgeous firework!

Celebrate the appearance of the new Immortal Emperor!
True Devil Emperor, fall!

"Gentlemen, let's go!"

"Destroy the Real Demon Realm!"

"Let the Real Demon Realm blend into my world!"

When the voice sounded, Li Changkong's body disappeared completely!

"Complete Book"

Sorry, it's a mess!

I also want to write a complete ending for this book, but the pavement is too big, and I need several million words if I want to have a normal ending.

It could only end so hastily.

I'm so sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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