Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 318 It's Really Me

Chapter 318 It's Really Me (Fourth)

"Here it is!"

Following the sound of drinking, one after another figure appeared in front of Li Changkong. There were more than a dozen people, each of them was full of devilish energy, and each one was not weak.

There are only 13 disciples in this group of Demon Sect disciples, the weakest of them are all in the eighth level of Shenfu, and the leader is impressively in the third level of Linghai, and his strength is stronger than Tang Jiu. Be stronger.

These devil disciples also looked at Li Changkong at this moment, and when they saw Li Changkong's cultivation, they all showed contempt.

But the next moment, when they saw the corpse on the ground, they couldn't help being stunned.

Tang Jiu's corpse had been smacked to pieces by Li Changkong's paw, making it unrecognizable, but the corpses of the other demon disciples could be vaguely identified, which caused the expression of each of these demon disciples to change wildly.

"Is that Wan Changqing? He is the arrogance of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Among the tens of thousands of disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, he is enough to be ranked in the top ten. Now, he was killed by someone?"

"Feng Le? The genius born out of the Blood God Sect, the refined Corpse God, even the suzerain of the Corpse God Sect, is full of praise. He is known as one of the three great talents of the Corpse God Sect. Now, he has also been beheaded ?”

"Chu Tiancheng, he died too?"

"Tu Qianren, known as the butcher with thousands of hands, is also dead here now?"

Trembling voices kept ringing out, and every time a name was spoken, the faces of these demon disciples turned pale.

Especially Feng Le from the Corpse God Sect and Wan Changqing from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, they are the real arrogance and powerhouses, even the Blood God Thirteen Sons from the Blood God Sect, probably half of them are not as good as Wan Changqing and Feng Le.

These demon sect disciples are all disciples of the Blood God Palace, and the leader is Qiu Bafang, who ranks third among the thirteen sons of the Blood God.

Qiu Bafang looked at Li Changkong, looked up and down, his brows were slightly frowned, in his opinion, the young man in front of him was only in the eighth level of Shenfu, although he felt extremely powerful, but thinking about it, it was impossible to have With such strength, he can even kill Feng Le, Wan Changqing and other genius disciples of the demon sect.

"Boy, who killed them?"

Qiu Bafang couldn't help asking directly, his words were very blunt and threatening.

Hearing Qiu Bafang's words, many Blood God Palace disciples breathed a sigh of relief.

"This kid is only at the eighth level of the Shenfu. How could he kill Wan Changqing and Feng Le? I'm overthinking."

A disciple of the Blood God Palace who was only in his twenties couldn't help but patted his chest, and finally came to his senses.

"I killed it!"

Li Changkong's words shook the hearts of all the disciples of the Blood God Palace.

Is it really what this kid did?
The eyes of these Blood God Palace disciples flickered, all with suspicion in their eyes.

They didn't really believe it at all, they just thought that this kid was just bragging.

"Senior Brother Qiu, be careful. This kid is a disciple of the Danwu Palace. Obviously, he is just a bait. There must be his companions ambushing all around!"

The 20-year-old disciple of the Blood God Palace moved closer to Qiu Bafang and said in a low voice.

"Well, very likely!"

Qiu Bafang also nodded, feeling that this guess is the closest to the truth, after all, how could a boy from the eighth level of the Shenfu kill Feng Le and Wan Changqing?

That is the arrogance of the Corpse God Sect and the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. The Corpse God refined by Feng Le is so powerful that even he dare not underestimate it.

There is also Wan Changqing's mount Blood Wolf, the power of blood is also very tyrannical, once he encounters it, I am afraid it will take a lot of hands and feet to deal with it.

"I really did kill it."

"I told you a long time ago that I killed it, but you just don't believe it."

Li Changkong shook his head with a look of helplessness on his face.

He clearly said the truth, but none of these guys believed it.

However, he soon felt relieved. After all, his current state is still too low. It is not surprising that these people don't believe it.

"Since you don't believe me, let me prove it to you."

Li Changkong grinned, and his smile seemed a little unpredictable.

"it is good!"

These Blood God Palace disciples all showed vigilance, their eyes scanned the surroundings, and they were on guard, so as not to be caught off guard by the enemies rushing out from the surroundings.


But the next moment, Li Changkong made a direct move, and a bright sword light suddenly slashed out. This sword light, carrying the immortal sword intent, was extremely fierce and came across.


A disciple of the Blood God Palace immediately uttered a miserable howl. A deep sword mark appeared on his chest, wounding his lungs, and blood gushed out. In just a moment, he fell to the ground. Sorry, completely out of breath.

"Now, should you believe it?"

Li Changkong sneered.


"you wanna die!"

"How dare you make a move!"

These Blood God Palace disciples all shouted angrily.

Only Qiu Bafang, frowning slightly, was killed by this person's sword, but Shen Hu. Shen Hu's cultivation was at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Divine Palace, but he couldn't stop this person's sword?
"Is it really him?"

He couldn't help being shocked, if that's the case, how terrifying is this son's fighting power?

At the eighth level of Shenfu, was he able to cross the realm and kill Feng Le and Wan Changqing at the second level of Linghai?

"Everyone, join me and kill this son!"

Qiu Bafang showed a dignified look. Now, he did not dare to underestimate Li Changkong.

"Alright, Senior Brother Qiu, let's fight together!"

"it is good!"

One after another voices sounded, and then, the disciples of the Blood God Palace unleashed their most powerful attacks and attacked Li Changkong.


Li Changkong didn't have anything else to say, he used Lingyun Step, his footwork was mysterious, he dodged many attacks one after another, and appeared behind several Blood God Palace disciples very strangely.

The disciples of the Blood God Palace did not expect Li Changkong to be so fast. Before they had time to react, they saw a large piece of sword light falling down, with the intention of killing, and it was four. The head shot up into the sky, and blood gushed out like a spring.

One sword, kill four people!


Qiu Bafang felt trembling in his heart when he saw it, and he shot suddenly, only to see the majestic spiritual power gushing out of his body, turning into a big blood-colored hand, that big blood-colored hand seemed to pierce the sky, with a bloody killing aura, it suddenly moved towards Li Changkong slapped down.

It was also the Hand of the Blood God, but obviously, when it was used by Qiu Bafang, it was several times stronger than the Hand of the Blood God used by Fang Li and Ling Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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