Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 32 Bingyao Flower

Chapter 32 Bingyao Flower (Second update)
The disciples of the four clans were killed by the corpse soldiers and fled in all directions, leaving behind a lot of corpses, which was very embarrassing.

"Hmph, how dare a few corpse soldiers stop me?"

Li Changkong let out a cold snort, and he strode out like a shooting star.

A corpse soldier rushed over and grabbed Li Changkong's head with both hands. These corpse soldiers were transformed from hostility and death energy. They were extremely tyrannical and extremely powerful. Divine power.

It's just that, with thousands of catties of divine power, in front of Li Changkong, it's like a baby meeting a grown man, and he doesn't have much power to fight back.

Li Changkong punched out, bursting out with majestic power, smashing a corpse soldier with one punch, blood and flesh spattered.

Boom boom boom...

He punched one after another, and more than a dozen corpse soldiers were killed by him in just a moment, and they could not pose a threat at all.

However, more than a dozen corpse soldiers finally blocked him for a moment, allowing Hong Yun, Lin Qing'er and others to escape.

He didn't take it seriously either. In his eyes now, Hong Yun, Lin Qing'er and the others were nothing but clowns who couldn't pose much threat to him.

"Continue to go deep into the secret realm. After all, this is the secret realm left by the strong in the Shenfu, and a lot of elixir should be bred!"

Li Changkong thought slightly, and immediately quickened his pace, walking towards the depths of the secret realm.

Along the way, he saw quite a few corpses, all disciples of the four major clans, probably killed by corpse soldiers, and there were traces of fierce battles on the ground.


All of a sudden, a corpse soldier rushed out in front of him. This corpse soldier was more than three meters high. Its body was covered with dense blood-colored lines. The bloody aura was extremely strong, beyond There are ten times as many corpse soldiers as before.

"I'm afraid this corpse soldier is already comparable to a ninth-level body-refining warrior, right? There is such a powerful corpse soldier here. It seems that there must be some elixir growing up near here."

Li Changkong ignored the corpse soldiers that suddenly jumped out, and searched the surroundings. Sure enough, under a stone, he found a flower with a rather bright color, emitting a cold force .

Bingyao flower not only has the effect of tempering the body, but also can increase the cultivation base. It has miraculous effects on warriors above the seventh level of body refining. Although it is also a first-level elixir, its medicinal power is much better than that of purple sun grass.

Li Changkong smiled. He had just entered the secret realm, and he was able to gain something, which is not bad luck.

hoo hoo hoo!
Seeing that the human beings in front of him ignored him, the three-meter-tall corpse soldier couldn't help roaring angrily. With his huge body, he rushed directly towards Li Changkong.

"Go away!"

With one kick, Li Changkong kicked the corpse soldier out with tremendous force, and landed heavily on the ground, almost creating a deep hole in the ground.




The corpse soldier was not dead, his body was quite tough, he stood up again, let out a roar, the bloody lines on the surface of the body were bloody, and there was a crackling sound in the body.

Under Li Changkong's gaze, he saw that the corpse soldier's body suddenly swelled, from a height of more than three meters to a height of more than five meters. Like a giant, when he stepped out, the ground trembled slightly.

"It's still evolving?"

Li Changkong showed a look of astonishment, and at this moment, the five-meter-tall corpse soldier rushed forward again, raised his blood-red palm, and there were quite complicated lines on the palm, and then waved it off.


A blood-red blade slashed out, tearing through the air, and slashed straight at Li Changkong.

Although Li Changkong could forcefully shake him, he didn't want to bear the knife for life. He rolled on the spot. Although he was a little embarrassed, he escaped the knife.

The blood-red knife slashed fiercely on the ground, leaving a knife mark more than two meters long.

Even Li Changkong couldn't help being stunned. After the corpse soldier's physical body skyrocketed, his strength had also improved a lot, and he was probably not much weaker than Hong Yun.


The huge corpse soldier had already fallen into rage, and his mind, which was not much at first, was completely lost, filled with anger, and rushed towards Li Changkong with big strides, like a wild bull out of control. In front of the sky, there was already a violent gust of wind.

"Beast, court death!"

Li Changkong stopped drinking, and the true energy in his body surged out, and then he punched out, which was the True Martial God Fist.

His punch was extremely fierce, and with abundant strength, he slammed on the body of the huge corpse soldier.

The next moment, the body of the huge corpse soldier suddenly exploded, fell to the ground in pieces, and died completely.

After killing the corpse soldier, Li Changkong clapped his hands with a relaxed look on his face.

He turned around directly, bent down, and wanted to reach out to pick the Bingyao flowers.

"and many more……"

At this moment, an extremely loud voice came from behind Li Changkong.


Li Changkong frowned slightly, and when he turned around, he saw a burly young man striding towards him, holding a golden sword in his hand. Nothing.

"Are you that good-for-nothing Li Changkong from the Li family?"

The burly young man couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Li Changkong's face, as if quite surprised.

"Yes, it's me."

Li Changkong said lightly, completely ignoring the word "trash" in the opponent's mouth, and continued to reach out to pick Bingyao flowers.

"Stop! This Bingyao flower belongs to Lao Tzu, now get out of here quickly!"

Seeing Li Changkong's movements, the burly young man couldn't help but change his face slightly, and started to drink loudly.

He shouted loudly, his voice was loud and full of true energy, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, it exploded suddenly, the timid people would definitely be frightened to death.

However, Li Changkong was completely indifferent, and directly picked off the Bingyao flower and put it in the Qiankun cloth bag.

"Li Changkong, do you dare?"

"Hand over the Bingyao flower, otherwise, I will kill you!"

The burly young man suddenly became furious. He is a disciple of the Zhou family. Although he is not the top genius, after more than ten years of hard training, he has now stepped into the realm of the ninth level of body training, and his cultivation is no small matter. .

A mere Li Changkong, who is said to have not even awakened his blood, is at most at the sixth level of body training, how dare he snatch Bingyaohua in front of him?
At this moment, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He was the last group of disciples to enter the secret realm. When he entered the secret realm, the disciples of the four clans who had gathered together had already been dispersed by the corpse soldiers, so he did not witness the battle between Li Changkong and Li Shaochong, and did not know Li Changkong's true strength at all. What a horror.

"You're going to kill me?"

Li Changkong got up and raised his head, with murderous intent in his eyes.

PS: Thank you Chiyan Bingjue for your reward, there will be four updates today, and we will continue to update in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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