Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 321 The Four Great Devils

Chapter 321

In the Eight Desolation Territory, the disciples of the major demon sects appeared and were searching for Li Changgong, but soon, a news spread that Li Changgong had already appeared in the Falling Demon Valley.

Immediately, all the demonic disciples from all sides rushed towards the Falling Demon Valley. These demonic disciples scrambled to be the first, lest they miss this great opportunity to watch the battle.

In the Falling Demon Valley, there are huge crowds of people, and there are probably tens of thousands of disciples from the major demon sects.

"The grand event is unprecedented, this is definitely unprecedented. He, Li Changgong, a mere disciple of the Danwu Hall, is able to attract such a big sensation, it is simply shocking!"

"Haha, this disciple of the Danwu Hall is completely famous. Even if he is buried here, he will have no regrets. After all, for him alone, nearly ten thousand people have been dispatched by our various demon sects!"

"That's called dying well, haha!"

Several disciples of the Blood God Palace had just walked into the Valley of Fallen Demons. Seeing such a grand occasion, they couldn't help smiling and sighed.

"What's a worthy death, this kid, but death deserves more, don't you know?"

At this time, a demon disciple who looked to be in his 30s next to him shouted coldly: "This Li Changgong has repeatedly killed the arrogance of our various demon sects, just like Wan Zhang of our myriad beast sect!" Qing, like Fang Li, Ling Hai, and Qiu Bafang from Blood God Palace, Tang Jiu from Nine Shamen Sect, Feng Le from Corpse God Sect, all of these people died at the hands of this man named Li Changgong! "


The disciples of the Blood God Palace had never heard of this news because they had been practicing in a remote place. Now that they suddenly heard the news, they couldn't help but tremble, showing inexplicable horror.

This disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, every name mentioned just now is like thunder, and he is very famous in the Demon Sect.

But now, he was killed by Li Changgong alone?

How terrifying is this person's strength!

Thinking of this, these disciples of the Blood God Palace couldn't help showing a look of fear.

"You don't need to be afraid, this Li Changgong's strength is terrifyingly strong, but at this moment, he will definitely die!"

The Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciple spoke again: "Our big demon sects have gathered nearly ten thousand people, and he, Li Changbow, can't even fly with wings!"

"What's more, this time, our major demon sects are not just a large number of people. Lin Fan from my Wanshou sect, Zhang Beixuan from the Jiusha sect, Feng Han from the Corpse God Sect, and Hong Pojun from your Blood God Palace , are here too!"

After the words fell, the disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect showed a look of pride on his face.

Lin Fan from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, Zhang Beixuan from the Nine Shatters Sect, Feng Han from the Corpse God Sect, and even the elder brother Hong Pojun?

The disciples of the Blood God Palace were all inexplicably shocked, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

These few people are undoubtedly not geniuses among geniuses, they all possess the fourth level of the spiritual sea, each of them is powerful, and they become famous as teenagers, and they are famous all over the world, and among them, the most famous is undoubtedly Hong Po from the Blood God Palace military!

That is the chief disciple of the Blood God Palace, the senior brother of all the disciples, No.1 among the disciples!
"Eldest brothers are here, this son will definitely die!"

Those disciples of the Blood God Palace seemed to have taken a reassurance, and their hearts were ecstatic.

Just as they were talking, there was a sudden burst of sensational sound in the distance ahead.

Everyone followed the reputation.

In the distance in front of him, a figure walked out. This person was striding forward, with a strong evil spirit emitting from his brows.

"It's Hong Pojun, the big brother of the Blood God Palace!"

There was a commotion among the crowd.

A series of gazes fell on Hong Pojun's body, and there was a look of awe in his gaze.

Then, several figures walked out, each of them had a strong aura, their spiritual energy was like a sea, and each of them had proud expressions on their faces.

"It's Lin Fan from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!"

"It's Zhang Beixuan from the Nine Demons!"

"It's Feng Han from the Corpse God Sect!"


There were voices of exclamation, and the figures in the distance in front of them were all objects of admiration and worship in the hearts of these demon disciples.

Now, they appeared together, which naturally caused waves of sensation.

"What about Li Changgong? He hasn't come out to lead him to death yet?"

"Didn't he threaten to kill him before, so he came to the Eight Desolation Realm? Now, our four great demon sects are gathered together, and he still hasn't shown up?"

"I must have seen this kind of formation, and I was afraid in my heart, and I went to be a coward!"

Many Demon Sect disciples were clamoring one by one.

But before their words fell, they saw a figure walking out, and saw that figure, with a fierce sword intent exuding from his body, facing nearly ten thousand disciples of the Demon Sect, standing still, standing with his hands behind his back, with an extraordinary bearing!
And behind that figure, followed by a servant, his body was full of magic, and his aura was actually extremely strong, giving people a rather weird feeling.

"He, Li Changgong, finally appeared!"

"Death is imminent, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, I can't save him!"

The disciples of the demon sect swept their eyes towards Li Changkong, looking at Li Changkong as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Li Changgong, are you finally willing to show up?"

Hong Pojun strode out, with a cold expression on his face, staring at Li Changkong, his air machine directly locked on to Li Changkong.

"Li Changgong, didn't you threaten to let us come to the Eight Desolation Territory to kill you? Now that we are here, why don't you come out and suffer your death?"

There was another loud shouting sound, and the person who spoke was obviously a disciple of the Wanshou Sect. This person's cultivation base was not weak at all, and he had the realm of the first level of Linghai.

Xia Jie of Wanshoumen, this person's reputation is not small, he is a young genius, and Lin Fan, the arrogance of Wanshoumen, is cousin relationship.

He and Lin Fan appeared together, and when they saw Li Changkong appearing, they were the first to jump out.

Lin Fan didn't try to stop him either. In his opinion, Li Changgong was already a dead person, and no amount of humiliation could be overstated.

"Who do you think you are?"

At this moment, Gu Feiyang, who was behind Li Changkong, stepped forward with big strides, his long hair fluttering in the wind, exuding monstrous magic.

"In front of the master, you have no right to speak out at all!"

Gu Feiyang sneered coldly, and then he shot directly, slapping out with a palm.

He has already fully mobilized the Ten Thousand Demons Heavenly Skill, and the power of this palm is overwhelming, which is very terrifying.

Seeing this, Xia Jie of the Wanshou Sect shrank his pupils, and even if he tried to block it, he also pushed out with both palms and tried his best.

But the next moment, his body flew out, spitting out big mouthfuls of blood, and fell to the ground, bleeding to death from seven orifices!

All of a sudden, many members of the demon sect were shocked, their mouths were opened wide, and they couldn't close them for a long time, they all felt incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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