Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 327 Execution of Demon Sect Disciple

Chapter 327 Execution of Demon Sect Disciples (Second Change)

This battle lasted for a long time.

Finally, the Eight Desolation Demon Flood Dragon crashed to the ground, and countless scars, large and small, appeared on its huge body, and blood flowed all over the ground.

The breath of this Eight Desolation Demon Jiao Jiao was extremely weak, and he was dying, on the brink of death.

But at this moment, nearly [-] Demon Sect disciples were killed and injured, and only a few hundred people remained, and even these hundreds of people were all wounded, their breath was weak, and the situation was very bad.

The Tianjiao of the Four Demon Sects, Hong Pojun, Zhang Beixuan, Feng Han, and Lin Fan, now, only Hong Pojun and Zhang Beixuan are still alive.

Hong Pojun's consumption was too huge, his face was pale, and he could no longer take care of that much. He sat on the ground and began to continuously absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, constantly replenishing the previous huge consumption.

As for Zhang Beixuan's condition, although it was much better than that of Hong Pojun, he was also covered in blood, with more than a dozen large and small wounds on his body, and his injuries were not serious.

These Demon Sect disciples looked at each other one by one, and there were waves of fear on their faces, as if they were alive after a catastrophe.

"How is it? Do you still like this gift?"

At this moment, Li Changkong, Gu Feiyang, and Xiao Hui, the two of them, one wolf, strode forward and appeared in front of these demon disciples.

"Li Changbow!"

Zhang Beixuan gritted his teeth in hatred, his anger was soaring, the resentment in his eyes was extremely fierce.

Nearly [-] disciples of the four major demon sects were buried here. If this son hadn't attracted the Eight Desolation Demon Flood Dragons, how could they have ended up in such a mess!
"You are vicious!"

At this moment, Hong Pojun also opened his eyes, with a look of resentment on his face, he roared word by word: "Little bastard, I didn't expect that you are much more vicious than those of us in the Demon Sect!"

His eyes were bloodshot, staring at Li Changkong as if he wanted to swallow Li Changkong alive.

"I'm vicious? How ridiculous!"

Li Changkong raised his head, his eyes were full of disdain, and he said with a sneer: "You demon disciples gathered nearly ten thousand people and wanted to take my life. Could it be that I couldn't resist? The life of a disciple is life, so my life is not life?"

"All of you are going to kill me and regard me as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, but you don't know that even a lamb will try its best to survive at the moment of death, let alone me Not a lamb, but a powerful warrior!"

"In order to survive, in order to survive, let alone slaughtering nearly ten thousand of your demon disciples, it is killing tens of millions of lives, so what?"

Li Changkong's stern gaze swept over these demon disciples one by one, and his gaze became more and more icy: "If you didn't want to put me to death, how could I plan to deal with you? In the final analysis, everything is your own fault. Can't blame others!"

Zhang Beixuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, he gritted his teeth, and said solemnly: "Li Changgong, don't be complacent, do you think you are sure to win? Now, brother Hong and I are not dead, there are still hundreds of disciples here, standing shoulder to shoulder with us Fighting, you may not be able to secure victory!"

"is it?"

Li Changkong raised his brows, he didn't care about Zhang Beixuan's words in his eyes.

"These hundreds of Demon Sect disciples are all wounded, how much combat power can they display? You Zhang Beixuan and Hong Pojun have consumed a lot, how much combat power can you display now?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Beixuan and Hong Pojun's faces were pale. Yes, although they are large in number, they still occupy the numerical advantage, but they are all wounded, and they can't exert much combat power at all.

Even if there are more people, what's the point?

"Murderers, people will always kill them!"

"Little Hui, Gu Fei, kill me!"

Li Changkong's face showed a bit of sternness. If these people want to kill him, how can he let them go?

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Hui and Gu Feiyang all rushed out, and rushed towards the hundreds of demon disciples, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, they started a bloody slaughter.

"Li Changgong, I will fight with you!"

Zhang Beixuan also understands that until now, there is only one battle, if you win, you can save your life, if you lose, you will die!

He rushed out, punched out, and impressively used the Nine Evil Fist. In one punch, there were nine kinds of evil spirits, which changed in ninety-nine and eighty-one, and the fist was powerful.

But Li Changkong had no fear at all. The current Zhang Beixuan only had less than [-]% of his combat power left.

Now he has nothing to fear.


He also punched out with one punch, the power of dragon and tiger emerged in his body, and all the eight great divine palaces were opened. The surging divine power broke through the void, and there was a loud bang that shook people's hearts.

bang bang bang...

The two fists slammed into each other fiercely. The huge force collided with each other. Astonishing waves of air burst out, and countless corpses on the ground were blown away.

Ding Ding Deng

The astonishing force came, causing Zhang Beixuan to spit out a big mouthful of blood. He backed up several dozen steps before he stabilized his body and looked at Li Changkong in surprise.

The strength of this son was so majestic and astonishing that he felt a surge of breath, which made his arm ache.

"Let's do it together!"

At this time, Hong Pojun also charged out. Behind him, the blood of Manggu appeared, his whole body was red, and he held a long sword, and charged straight out.


A large area of ​​sword light fell, covering a large area in front of Li Changkong, leaving no room for Li Changkong to dodge at all.

"Sword come!"

Li Changkong sipped lightly, and the Dragon Killing Sword appeared in his hand. Immortal sword glows emerged from his body, all of which were extremely bright and dazzling.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Long Sha sword cut out, and collided with Hong Pojun's long sword, the brilliance was shining, and the flames splashed everywhere.

"Come again!"

Li Changkong sipped softly, and charged with his sword, cutting out an even brighter immortal sword rainbow. That immortal sword rainbow came across the space, carrying a mighty and trembling sword force, it was absolutely unstoppable!
A sound of sword ming came, and the long sword in Hong Pojun's hand was broken in response to the sound. A sword mark spread from the center of his eyebrows to his chest. Hong Pojun's eyes were full of unwillingness, but his body had already changed. It was so stiff that he fell straight down.

The Chief Disciple of the Blood God Palace, who was moving all over the world, was beheaded by Li Changkong with a single sword.

After all, today's Hong Pojun has less than [-]% of his strength left, and he can't stop Li Changkong at all.

But at this moment, those hundreds of Demon Sect disciples were killed by Xiao Hui and Gu Feiyang, and they were completely defeated. In just a short moment, more than half of them were killed by Xiao Hui and Gu Feiyang. Join forces to kill.

With their current state, it is impossible to resist Xiao Hui and Gu Feiyang, and it is almost impossible to even escape!

(End of this chapter)

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