Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 331 Killing Su Hao

Chapter 331 Killing Su Hao (Part [-])
"As a weak person, you must have the consciousness of a weak person? Yes, you said it very well!"

Li Changkong's eyes flickered with brilliance, his eyes swept over Su Hao's body, his eyes were indifferent, revealing a fierce killing intent.

The weak will be killed?

Being stared at by Li Changkong, Su Hao couldn't help feeling a chill. Under Li Changkong's gaze, he felt a strong killing intent, which almost made the blood in his body freeze.

"In your opinion, I am weak, but in my opinion, you are the real weak!"

Li Changkong laughed loudly, and immediately, his body changed suddenly, turning into a black dragon with a ferocious expression, and a dragon's power radiated out, spreading all over the surrounding space.

"Dragon shape? You can transform into a dragon?"

At this moment, Su Hao, the elder of the Su family, completely changed his eyes, and his face also changed wildly. He stared at Li Changkong in front of him, his eyes were full of horror.

Looking at the ferocious Canglong in front of him, he seemed to have thought of something, and without thinking about it, he blurted out in surprise, "You are not Li Changgong, you are Li Changkong!"

Back then, when Li Changkong fought in the ancient mountain range, he performed the dragon transformation technique and buried thousands of disciples from hundreds of sects in the first battle.

As the elder of the Su family, although he is far away in Dancheng, he has heard of this matter. Now that he saw Li Changkong performing the dragon transformation technique, he immediately thought of it.

"Yes, I am Li Changkong!"

Li Changkong stared wide-eyed at the world.

In his eyes, the elder Su family in front of him is already a dead person!

So, telling him the truth is nothing.

"Li Changkong, even if you use the technique of transforming a dragon, in my eyes, you are still like an ant. Do you think you can slaughter thousands of disciples from hundreds of sects, and you can be arrogant in front of me?"

"That's ridiculous!"

Su Hao sneered, and then he rushed out.


Su Hao slapped out with a slap of his palm, revealing his cultivation at the fifth level of Linghai. With this palm, the majestic spiritual power was like an ocean, rolling down, it directly suppressed Li Changkong with his profound and powerful cultivation!

His aura locked onto Li Changkong tightly, and he was confident that if this palm fell, even a flood dragon would be crushed by this palm!
As a fifth-layer spiritual master, he has absolute confidence in himself.

But at this moment, Li Changkong raised his dragon claw, and suddenly stretched out his claw.

A wave of dragon energy, mighty and mighty, the dragon's power was released, shaking the space.


The majestic spiritual power that was like a sea tide was broken by the dragon's claw almost in an instant, and half of Su Hao's body was almost torn apart by the claw. In the sky, a large piece of blood rain.

Su Hao's body fell from the sky, and there were bursts of heart-piercing pain on his body, but at this moment, the shock in his heart was stronger than the pain in his body.

He is at the fifth level of Linghai, but at this moment, in front of a kid at the eighth level of Shenfu, he can't even take a single move.

He had an unbelievable look on his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


Li Changkong returned to his human form, showing his original appearance, his eyes swept towards Su Hao, his eyes were full of indifference.

And at this moment, even Gu Feiyang couldn't help but tremble violently in his heart.

This elder of the Su family is powerful, and he is in the fifth level of the Linghai realm. Now he is definitely not an opponent.

But now, in Li Changkong's hands, he couldn't even catch a move?

He could feel that this time, when Li Changkong performed the Dragon Transformation Technique, he revealed a dragon shape, which was very different from before. The dragon's might was even stronger, and the real dragon breath in his body became stronger and stronger.

"This kind of combat body, can it be said that with the improvement of strength, it can really turn into a real dragon?"

"If this is the case, the master will definitely surpass the entire southern region in the future. No one in the huge southern region can resist the master!"

Gu Feiyang was extremely shocked. The real dragon only exists in legends. If there is a real dragon in this world, the Southern Regions will bow their heads in front of the real dragon!

"I called him master, not only did I not lose my status, but it was my honor?"

Gu Feiyang raised his head and looked at Li Changkong, the look in his eyes was extremely complicated.

"Boss, you are a cow!"

At this moment, Xiao Hui also widened his wolf eyes, looking quite shocked.

"Old dog, as a weak person, you must have the consciousness of a weak person, but you, dare to provoke me, you say it yourself, what should you do?"

Li Changkong looked at Su Hao, and immediately scolded him, without showing the slightest bit of sympathy to this Su family elder.

"Li Changkong, how dare you treat me like this?"

Su Hao was furious, and Li Changkong called him an old dog, which made his heart ablaze with anger. This is a great shame!

Li Changkong slapped out again, and directly slapped the Su family elder away, and said with a sneer: "Now, I am the strong and you are the weak. In this world, the strong are respected. I will kill you and follow me What difference does it make to trample an ant to death?"

"Li Changkong, do you dare to kill me?"

Su Hao roared again and again, his eyes were full of reluctance, showing a mad state, he shouted: "I am the elder of the Su family, if you kill me, the Su family will not let you go!"

"So, your reliance is the Su family?"

Li Changkong suddenly grinned, his smile was incomparably bright, but this smile fell into Su Hao's eyes, but it was like a devil's smile, which made his heart tremble violently.

"Don't say it's the Su family, it's Danbao Pavilion. If I want to keep you, I dare to kill you. What's more, do you think the Su family will completely offend me in order to keep you?"

Li Changkong's face was full of disdain.

After the words fell, Su Hao's body trembled suddenly, revealing a frightened expression, yes, this boy in front of him has such terrifying strength at such a young age, if this boy is given another ten years, I'm afraid that in the entire southern region, No one can hold this child down.

How could the Su family offend such a proud son of heaven for him?
Thinking of this, his face turned pale, he no longer had the arrogance he had before, his breath was sluggish, and his aura plummeted.

His injury was already extremely serious, and he could barely support it with just one breath before, but at this moment, he couldn't support it anymore, and his whole body collapsed on the ground.


A sword light flew over, directly beheading the head of the Su family elder.

The elder of the Su family was beheaded by Li Changkong just like that.

"Su Han, Su Chuchu, if you want to take my life, don't blame me, I won't be polite to you!"

Li Changkong raised his head, with murderous intent in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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