Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 342 Nine Colors of Glory

Chapter 342 Nine Colors of Glory (Second Change)

three days later.

On the square of the Dan Palace, there were crowds of people. This alchemy competition between the disciples of the Dan Palace and the Dan Wu Palace had already caused a sensation in the whole city. At this moment, countless disciples of the major families flocked to gather in the square above.

Even the elders and patriarchs of some major families have shown up. After all, it is heard that this time the fight against alchemy will be done by Lord Alchemy himself as the notary.

For decades, although Pill King has been in charge of Pill City, in fact, the number of public appearances is very small. Many people in Pill City grew up listening to the legend of Pill King, but they have never seen Pill King. true face.

Above the alchemy hall, there are several old men wearing fiery red alchemy robes, condescending, overlooking the square below. On their bodies, each one exudes an incomparably powerful aura.

If others saw these old men, they would all be terrified, because these old men are all Dan Jun!

"I heard that the one who competed with the disciple of Red Lotus Pill Lord this time was a disciple of the Pill Martial Palace named Li Changgong?"

An old man raised his head, his eyes full of brilliance.

This person is the well-known Wu Tieshan in the alchemy hall, who has become an alchemy king for more than a hundred years.

"This Li Changgong is not easy. Before he competed with Disciple Honglian, he had already entered the alchemy list, ranking 130th. Now, in the previous alchemy competition, And with the method of water refining, the peerless Qi and Blood Pill was refined, which amazed the audience!"

Another old man with red hair said, "This man exudes a scorching aura all over his body, and he is born with a body of flames."

Lord Red Flame!

"The method of water refining? It's no wonder that even that old guy, Pill King, was alarmed!"

Another old man spoke. This man looked haggard, but his eyes flickered, like a golden light in his eyes, shattering the void.

Withered Wood Pill Lord!

"The second round of the competition this time, the competition is the Digang Pill. Refining the Digang Pill is not easy. Even many third-rank alchemists have only a [-]% success rate!"

Wu Tieshan grinned and said with a smile: "Let's see what kind of performance Li Changgong will have."


Not long after, Red Lotus Danjun walked out with Zhong Lingxiu, Han Chuyun, and Fan Xue. As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

At this moment, Li Changkong also walked out accompanied by Xiaohui, Gu Feiyang, and many disciples of Danwu Hall.

One after another, glances came.

Great attention!

And Pill King had already walked out, and soon he ordered people to send up various elixir and alchemy tripods.

This time, Zhong Lingxiu was still the first to make the move. She stretched out her hands and grabbed the elixir plants one after another. She quickly formed seals with her hands and entered the spirit seals one after another. The speed was astonishingly fast. Can't see Zhong Lingxiu's movements clearly.

Afterwards, Zhong Lingxiu blasted out with both hands, and suddenly, nine kinds of pill fires appeared in the sky, and the nine kinds of pill fires were burning blazingly.


The cauldron was burning under the flames, and the whole body was red. The elixir that had been injected into the spirit seal fell into the cauldron, rolling and transpiring in it, and there were streaks of spiritual light, flickering and transpiring. rise.

And as the spiritual light transpired, in the pill furnace, a pill was gradually taking shape, and changed one after another, entering the pill furnace.

"Worthy of being a disciple of Lord Alchemy, this time, she actually entered nine kinds of spirit seals at once, and then tempered them alternately with nine kinds of pill fires, which happened to be ninety-nine and 81 kinds of changes!"

"If this pill is successful, it must be a top-notch Digang Pill!"

Immediately after Zhong Lingxiu made a move, the alchemy master spoke with an expression of amazement.

"It seems that the former Zhong Lingxiu underestimated the enemy, otherwise, with her strength, she can also refine the superb Qi and Blood Pill!"

"That's right, a disciple of Lord Dan, after all, he is a disciple of Lord Dan, a famous teacher produces a great disciple!"

"In contrast, Li Changgong probably had an adventure and obtained the alchemy inheritance of the water refining method, but after all, he has not received a comprehensive alchemy practice. He wants to use the water refining method to refine the earth again. Gang Dan, it's almost impossible!"

The voices of discussions kept ringing out, and these voices all came from the alchemy master of the alchemy hall, who can be called the master of alchemy!

Their opinions were naturally extraordinary, and their voices fell into the ears of the disciples of the Danwu Hall in the distance, making the faces of these disciples of the Danwu Hall very ugly.

This time the alchemy competition is not only a battle of spirits, but also a battle of life, life and death!
What's more, in this competition of alchemy, there is a faint momentum of the two main halls of the alchemy hall and the alchemy hall. If Li Changgong loses, the disciples of the alchemy hall will stand up even more in front of the disciples of the alchemy hall in the future. I can't get up.

Therefore, all the disciples of the Danwu Hall are full of expectations, hoping that Li Changgong can defeat Zhong Lingxiu like last time, so that they, the disciples of the Danwu Hall, can feel proud.

However, now it seems that hope is very slim.


After a while, all of a sudden, there were brilliant lights everywhere, above Zhong Lingxiu's alchemy furnace, nine rays of light shot up into the sky, nine colors of brilliance, incomparably dazzling and shocking!

Dancheng, the nine colors are shining together!
This is a sign of the top grade Digang Pill!

Sure enough, not long after, a nine-color elixir appeared in Zhong Lingxiu's palm, and all kinds of changes in the aura emerged from the elixir.

"Peerless Digang Pill, it turned out to be a peerless Digang Pill!"

The eyes of the several aged alchemists present were all twinkling at the moment, even if they were asked to make a move, it would be difficult to perform more perfect than Zhong Lingxiu.

"Excellent Digang Pill, not bad, very good!"

It was the alchemy king who nodded slightly when he saw the unrivaled Digang elixir. Zhong Lingxiu's performance was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Obviously, during the past three days, Red Lotus Pill has taught Zhong Lingxiu a lot of things about Digang Pill.

Pill King's eyes flickered, how could a giant like him not understand the clues?

But at this moment, Zhong Lingxiu raised her brows, and her eyes were full of pride.

This time, she refined the unrivaled Digang Pill to the extreme, and it was impossible for Li Changgong to surpass her.

At most, it is a tie, and this is only a theoretical possibility. In fact, it is too difficult to achieve this!
"Li Changgong, I'd like to see what you're using to fight me!"

Zhong Lingxiu looked at Li Changgong in the distance, his eyes were full of complacency.

But at this time, Li Changkong had just begun.

The first time he used the method of water refining, but now, when refining the Digang Pill, it is difficult to refine the meaning of various changes in it with the method of water refining.

After all, the Digang Pill contains the changes of the Gang Yuan, and the exquisite Di Gang Pill contains ninety-nine and 81 kinds of changes of the Gang Yuan, and the changes are endless.

Although the method of water refining is extremely miraculous, it also has flaws, such as Digang Pill, which is difficult to refine with water refining method.

"Dancheng is a masterpiece, very good, but unfortunately, you met me!"

Li Changkong smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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