Chapter 35
Li Changkong made a bold move, every move carried majestic power, like Buddha's Wrath King Kong, extremely fierce.


A martial artist of the ninth level of body training collided with Li Changkong's fist. Suddenly, there was a cracking sound of bones breaking, his arm dropped completely powerlessly, and his whole body was blown away.

In just a short moment, these menacing warriors were stumbling around. Only the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was still standing. He held a long sword with a shocked expression on his face. No, it's not right if you don't chop it off, just stand there like this.

Li Tie rubbed his eyes fiercely, with a look of disbelief on his face, how long has passed, and before he even had time to make a move, more than half of these powerful warriors fell down, leaving only one person , but was also completely shocked.

Is this really the so-called trash Li Changkong, the guy who hasn't even awakened his blood?
Why does he feel that although he has awakened his blood, he is not even half as good as Li Changkong.

Li Changkong stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face, as if defeating these guys was nothing more than a trivial matter.

"How could this be? Haven't your cultivation base been abolished?"

At this moment, the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks had trembling legs, and there was a trill in his voice.

The next moment, Li Changkong directly slapped this guy out, his face was swollen high, and the bright red five-finger palm prints were extremely conspicuous.

"Forgive your life, spare your life..."

The young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was so frightened that he knew that he could not be Li Changkong's opponent, so he knelt down on the ground, covered one side of his face, and kept begging for mercy.

"Li Changkong, we offended you due to our blindness to Mount Tai. Please don't argue with us!"

The other warriors who were knocked down by Li Changkong couldn't care less about the burning pain from their bodies at this moment, they got up one by one, kowtowing for mercy.

"Aren't you very arrogant before?"

Li Tie looked proud. He was chased and killed by these people all the way before, and almost lost his life. Now he has no revenge?
While speaking, Li Tie stepped forward and kicked that sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy flying out.


The guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but soon, he covered it up, kowtowed repeatedly, and said, "Forgive me, forgive me..."

"Li Tie, kill them!"

On the side, Li Changkong said calmly.


Li Tie was stunned for a moment. Although he was a genius disciple and awakened his blood, he had never experienced any training. He had never killed anyone in his life.

Although he hated these guys in front of him, it still felt very abrupt for him to kill someone with his own hands.

"These guys, all of them surrender on the surface, but they hate you deeply in their hearts. If you let them go, they will definitely come to you for revenge in the future!"

"To kill or not to kill, you decide for yourself."

Li Changkong's eyes were cold, and a chill flashed across his eyes. Looking at these guys in front of him, he couldn't help but think of that villain Chu Jianghe!
At the beginning, he mistrusted Chu Jianghe, so he was expelled from the sect and ended up in such a poor situation.

"However, Chu Jianghe, you must not have thought of it, right? You wanted to harm me, but instead gave me a great opportunity. With the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art, the day when I return to the True Martial Sect will not be too far away! "

Li Changkong looked into the distance, revealing an incomparably firm look.

Li Tie glanced at Li Changkong, and couldn't help but tremble, as if he saw endless hatred in Li Changkong's eyes, as if he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

What kind of eyes is this? Li Tie couldn't help but shudder. This feeling is like falling into the nine secluded world, and his whole body is icy cold.

"What has he been through?"

Li Tie was in palpitations.

However, after all, he was a person who had awakened his blood, so he quickly made up his mind, turned around, picked up a long sword on the ground, and walked straight towards the warriors.




Those martial artists, seeing this, are bursting out with their final potential at this moment.

It's a pity that their injuries were too serious, and they were no match for Li Tie at all. After just a few rounds, they all fell down.

After Li Tie made a move, Li Changkong went up directly, groping around these disciples, with extremely skillful techniques, and directly found out the elixir plants one by one.

Without being polite, he directly put all these elixir into the Qiankun cloth bag.

These few people were not weak in cultivation and had good harvests. Each of them had at least a few elixir plants on them, but now they all belonged to Li Changkong.

Added up, there are already more than 30 elixir plants on Li Changkong's body, and the harvest is not insignificant.

"Li Tie, you should leave here. Although you have awakened your blood, your strength is still too weak. This place is too dangerous."

Li Changkong said to Li Tie beside him.


Li Tie nodded and looked at Li Changkong with complicated eyes.

Before, he looked down on Li Changkong, thinking that Li Changkong would drag him down, but now, this view is so ridiculous.

"Remember, the enemy is the enemy. When dealing with the enemy, you must not be soft-hearted. To be soft-hearted to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself."

Li Changkong looked at Li Tie, seemed to be touched, and gave serious instructions.

"I understand, but, Li Changkong, there is one thing I must remind you."

Li Tie nodded solemnly, showing gratitude, as if he had made some decision, and said directly:
"I have met Lin Qing'er and Hong Yun before. They spread the news along the way, saying that you have a treasure hidden in you, and even used that treasure to kill Li Shaochong. Now the top geniuses of the four major clans are all right You are watching like a tiger!"

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Li Changkong frowned slightly, and there was a stern look between his brows.

But soon, his brows were stretched, he was just a few clowns, and he couldn't make any trouble at all.

"Li Changkong, I know you are powerful, but two fists are no match for four hands. Lin Qing'er and Hong Yun are good at dancing with long sleeves. They can win over many strong men. And the strong men of the four clans heard that you have a treasure, They are all moved by it, because they know that you were once the number one genius of Zhenwu Sect!"

"Li Changkong, why don't you go out with me, in the depths of the secret realm, you will definitely meet them!"

Seeing that Li Changkong was unmoved, Li Tie couldn't help but speak anxiously.

"Hehe, even so, so what?"

Li Changkong sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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