Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 354 Nine Yang Yao Kong

Chapter 354 Nine Suns Yaokong (Fourth Change)

Danwu Hall, in a small courtyard.


All of a sudden, there was a strong wind, and all the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth gathered together. The terrifying spiritual power formed a strange scene like sea water hanging upside down. The weather is amazing!
Obviously, someone is breaking through, and this is a strong man in the spiritual sea realm!
"That guy, Gu Feiyang, is going to break through the second level of Linghai?"

Xiao Hui, who was in a daze of boredom, suddenly raised the wolf's head lazily, and in the wolf's eyes, there were streaks of golden lights flashing.

In the past few days, it has been feeling extremely bored, but now its eyes lit up, and with a whoosh, it rushed out directly.

Soon, Xiao Hui came to Gu Feiyang, looked with wolf eyes, and saw Gu Feiyang's body, with demon energy surging, and ghost shadows emerged behind him, like a palace of ten thousand demons, the atmosphere was astonishing.

"It's so powerful. He's really going to break through the realm. Doesn't this mean that this wolf can't even beat a servant of the master?"

Little Gray's eyes blinked, and there was a hint of anger in the eyes, which is too hateful.

You know, it has always considered itself the number one general under Li Changkong's command, but now, it has been surpassed by Gu Feiyang, his servant.

"It seems that this wolf has to work hard, otherwise, his status will be inferior to that of a slave!"

Little Gray thought to himself.

In front of him, behind Gu Feiyang, there were ghostly shadows emitting astonishing magical powers. The spiritual power surged, and the powerful aura set off gusts of wind, which was extremely astonishing.

After a moment.

Gu Feiyang suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes looked like an abyss, and there was an astonishing magic in his eyes.

"The second level of the spiritual sea has finally been successfully achieved, and the Ten Thousand Demons Heavenly Art has also been cultivated to the second level, and its strength has been increased by as much as ten times!"

Gu Feiyang's eyes flickered with brilliance, infinite magic, and a powerful aura that made people tremble.

"The me now, even Li Changkong, can fight against him, right?"

After his strength improved greatly, his confidence was boundless immediately, and his eyes turned to Li Changkong's direction.

At this moment, another astonishing incomparable aura came from the direction Li Changkong was in, a golden light soaring into the sky, piercing the sky!
"what happened?"

At this moment, Gu Feiyang's body trembled, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Master, did he break through?"

Gu Feiyang rolled his eyes and was quite shocked. He knew very well that now Li Changkong was only at the eighth level of the Shenfu, even if he was promoted, he was only promoted from the eighth level of the Shenfu to the ninth level of the Shenfu.

The eighth level of the Shenfu was promoted to the ninth level of the Shenfu, and there was such a big fluctuation?
Can't believe it!


With a trembling heart, Gu Feiyang walked step by step towards the place where Li Changkong was.

But at this moment, the entire Danwu Hall was startled by the astonishing scene produced by Li Changkong's breakthrough, and figures rushed out, looking towards the courtyard where Li Changkong was.

"what happened?"

"Is someone breaking through?"

"It's just a breakthrough, how could there be such a big movement?"

"This weather, is it because a certain deputy hall master has broken through his cultivation base?"


All the disciples of the Danwu Hall were trembling, and couldn't help but looked towards the courtyard where Li Changkong was, and moved their feet.

It was those deputy hall masters and many elders who worshiped, all looked up in surprise at this moment, and each looked in the direction where Li Changkong was.

Gu Feiyang soon arrived outside the room where Li Changkong was. He immediately felt an incomparably surging aura, and there were astonishing fluctuations continuously. It was him, feeling suffocated at the moment.

"What a powerful aura, how could there be such a powerful aura?"

Gu Feiyang trembled, as if lost in spirit.


At this moment, one after another of astonishing breaths turned into a hurricane, and the howling wind turned the entire courtyard into flat ground!

At this moment, Li Changkong was sitting on the ground, with auras of aura flickering on his body. The auras of aura were all incomparably bright, and the aura was so powerful that it gave people the feeling that he was not a warrior of the ninth level of the Shenfu, but a strong man of the fourth or fifth level of the spiritual sea .

"It's really him. He just broke through from the eighth level of the Shenfu to the ninth level of the Shenfu. The movement that happened is so big?"

A disciple of Danwu Hall couldn't help but feel a sinking heart at this moment, only feeling that the gap between himself and this holy son is infinite, and he can't get close at all.

"Is this his true strength? Could it be that he retained his strength in Danwu Pavilion before?"

Kong Wu also appeared. Looking at the astonishing vortex, thoughts flashed through his mind, and he also felt terrified.

This scene is really scary!
But at the next moment, above Li Changkong's body, a ray of light rose into the sky, like the morning sun, and the ray of light was so amazing!
"what is that?"

Gu Feiyang was completely absent-minded, with no light in his eyes, standing alone on the spot, motionless, like a stone sculpture.

"This is?"

Even Kong Wu couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.


Another ray of light soared into the sky, the brilliance of the ray was even stronger than the previous ray of light!

Rays of rays of light kept rising into the sky, rushing out from Li Changkong's body, nine rays of rays of light, like nine rays of rising sun, nine suns shining in the sky!
Those nine glows, give people the impression that they are like nine suns, shining brightly for a long time!

In the entire Danwu Hall, countless disciples of the Danwu Hall witnessed this scene, all of them were inexplicably shocked and stunned.

These scenes have surpassed their cognition. This is not like the eighth level of the Shenfu warrior breaking through to the ninth level of the Shenfu, it is like the seventh level of the spiritual sea, promoted to the eighth level of the spiritual sea.


After a long time, the nine rays of light in the sky finally swooped down and merged into Li Changkong's body. The auras of aura made Li Changkong exude a powerful pressure at this moment.

"The Nine Great Divine Palaces have finally been opened up!"

At this moment, Li Changkong opened his eyes, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

This time he retreated, he originally planned to break through to the Ninth Layer of the Divine Palace, but the result was unexpectedly smooth, and soon he was promoted to the Ninth Layer of the Divine Palace.

Simply, he went all out and continued to open up the Ninth Great Divine Palace, devouring the psychic liquid like crazy, and nearly millions of catties of psychic liquid were consumed by him!
What's more, the Heavenly Dragon Pill was directly devoured by him!

After consuming a huge amount of resources, he finally succeeded in opening up the Nine Great Divine Palaces. The Nine Great Divine Palaces towered toweringly and bloomed with endless rays of light. Only then did he create a spectacle like nine suns shining in the sky!

"Nine Suns Yaokong, such a spectacle, this is the real pride of heaven!"

Kong Wu couldn't help but let out a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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