Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 369 Ling Tian's Performance

Chapter 369 Ling Tian's Performance (Fourth Change)
"The sword marks are as deep as one finger, and a golden light is blooming. It can be seen that your swordsmanship is not weak, and your sword intent has been raised to the peak level of [-]%. It is not far from breaking through [-]% sword intent! "

Seeing this, King Pill couldn't help nodding. Ye Aolong's aptitude in martial arts is not weak, and his aptitude in swordsmanship is even more amazing.

Ye Aolong raised his head, and there was a glimmer of complacency in his eyes. It is definitely something to be proud of to be evaluated by Alchemy King.

"Peak of Sword Intent!"

"Sure enough, he is the head of the three heroes of the Danwu Hall. Once he makes a move, he is extraordinary!"


After hearing King Pill's evaluation, everyone couldn't help showing envy.

Sword intent, anyone who can comprehend the sword intent can be called a swordsman genius, and Ye Aolong, who is only in his 20s, has already cultivated the sword intent to a peak level.

This achievement is enough for countless geniuses to look up to.

Next, Su Zhan of Zhenwumen also stood up, a long sword appeared in his hand, and a sharp sword intent emerged from his body.


The sword in his hand slashed out, and the sword light flashed, leaving a half-knuckle-deep sword mark on the stele of sword intent, and a golden light appeared on the stele of sword intent, but obviously, that light, compared to Ye Aolong's light just now is much dimmer.

Su Zhan couldn't help showing a look of disappointment, his achievements in the way of swordsmanship were much worse than Ye Aolong's.

Afterwards, Yan Long from the True Spirit Sect and Su Leng from the Lieyang Sect fought one after another, and their achievements were almost the same as those of Su Zhan.

The Dongji Sword Sect's Luo Jiuyou strode out, attracting a lot of attention. After all, the Dongji Sword Sect is famous for its swordsmanship. Therefore, everyone is still looking forward to the Dongji Sword Sect's Luo Jiuyou of.

On Luo Jiuyou's body, a cold sword intent emanated, and that sword intent was so cold that one could not help but feel a chill.

Feeling cold all over!

The next moment, Luo Jiuyou directly came out with a sword, and immediately, the sword pierced nine cold lights, and the cold lights were dotted, and finally, it condensed into a sharp sword glow.

This sword technique won the applause of many people. The sword light pierced the sword intent, leaving a deep sword mark, and a golden light bloomed.

That sword mark was deeper than the one left by Su Zhan before, but still not as good as Ye Aolong's sword mark, and even the golden light revealed was not as bright as Ye Aolong's golden light just now.

His sword practice is worse than Su Zhan, Su Leng and others, but it is still inferior to Ye Aolong.

Ye Aolong's thoughts moved slightly, and a gleam of joy flashed between his brows.

Previously, in a competition of physical strength, he was held steady by the holy son Li Changgong and Ling Tian, ​​but now, in terms of swordsmanship, he finally regained his victory.

"With this little achievement, why are you proud of yourself here?"

Ling Tian walked out, with a sneer on his face, and glanced at Ye Aolong as if nothing had happened.

This made Ye Aolong's face livid with anger. As the leader of the Three Heroes, now, he was despised by Ling Tian again and again.

Originally, at the coming-of-age ceremony this time, he regarded the Holy Son Li Changgong as his biggest opponent. He was determined to suppress the Holy Son Li Changgong and compete for the position of the Holy Son, but now, another Ling Tian was killed!
"How angry you are, no matter how angry you are, it can't change the fact. Open your dog eyes wide and watch carefully!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, and then strode out. In his hand, a long sword appeared. On the long sword, the fluctuation of spiritual power was incomparably astonishing. The spiritual light bloomed, affecting the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Treasure of the Spirit Sea!


The next moment, Ling Tian directly slashed out with a sword, and the sword light pierced the sky like lightning, and slashed fiercely on the sword intent stone tablet.

I saw that the extremely heavy Sword Intent Stele was trembling by the huge power. On the Sword Intent Stele, there appeared a sword mark as deep as two fingers, and two bright golden rays of light, directly revealed.

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

Seeing the sword light that Ling Tian cut out, someone immediately exclaimed.

"The sword marks are as deep as two fingers, and there are two golden rays of light. The brilliance of that light is not inferior to Ye Aolong!"

"Even Ye Aolong has been suppressed!"

"This arrogant of the Zhanwang clan is truly terrifyingly powerful!"


Immediately afterwards, voices of exclamation continued to resound, and many people couldn't help but tremble even more when they remembered Ling Tian's performance of lifting the tripod with one hand.

"Worthy of being a disciple of the Zhanwang family, the sword intent has already been cultivated to the level of [-]%!"

Even the Alchemy King said in a very praiseworthy manner.

Although Ling Tian's various performances made many people present feel dissatisfied with Ling Tian, ​​but at this moment, they have to admit that Ling Tian's strength is very strong!

Although he is very arrogant, this person does have the capital of arrogance!

Although many disciples of the Danwu Hall were indignant, but at this moment, even the leader of the three heroes of the Danwu Hall was suppressed, making them speechless at all.

"Hmph, Master Shengzi, you can definitely control this person!"

"That's right, although Ye Aolong is quite inferior, we still have Lord Shengzi, and if Lord Shengzi takes action, he will definitely be able to suppress this person!"

"Right now, we can only hope that Master Shengzi can suppress this person."


Among the disciples of Danwu Hall, there were many whispering voices.

In fact, they didn't have much confidence and confidence, but now, they could only pin their hopes on Li Changkong.

"Just by him?"

Hearing this, Ling Tian raised the corners of his mouth, looked disdainful, sneered, and glanced at Li Changkong.

"Holy Son? Haha, I want you to know, what kind of Holy Son is not enough to look at in front of me!"

Ling Tian was completely unscrupulous.

These words reached the ears of the master of Danwu Hall and several deputy masters, and they all showed dissatisfaction.

"Oh? It seems that you have great confidence in yourself!"

Li Changkong raised his sword eyebrows, but he just spoke lightly, not bothering to argue with this person.

"Hmph, if you have strength, you will naturally have confidence. If you don't have strength, everything you say is superfluous!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, seeing Li Changkong's reaction made him very upset.

This person, in the face of his provocation, is still calm, the expression on his face is calm, that feeling seems to be ignoring him.

This annoyed him very much, and he wished he could take action now and teach this guy a lesson!
But in the end, he still didn't make a move, but gave Li Changkong a hard look, and said coldly, "Just wait, you will soon understand that your only reaction to me will be despair!"

(End of this chapter)

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